Seize The Day, Before It Seizes you.


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May 9, 2018
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This morning was like Act II from the movie "The Hangover" -- waking up to realize their friend is missing, the group wanders around the hotel room and Las Vegas using clues from the day before, only to horrify themselves with what they find.

I to woke up this morning lost and without direction. I was running on autopilot.

Aren't you tired of running on auto pilot? And tired of doing the work of another man -- a man equal to you in every way.

This is you!

You're the man on autopilot. You're the man doing slave labor.

It's time for you to grab the plane by wheel and pilot your life in the direction you want it to go, not the direction of the co-pilot or the passengers, but your personal direction. You can fly it into the sea for all I care, as long as you make that conscious decision and no one else.

Choose Your Destination

You just woke up and opened your eyes, what do you do?

  • You lay in bed for several minutes and then do whatever random task first comes to mind?
  • You create a plan the night before to kick-start your morning, you know exactly what needs to be done today, so you jump out of bed and accomplish those tasks that bring you closer to fulfilling your goals?
Waking up without a plan is like flying blind over the Pacific Ocean. When you wake up without a plan you just wander around slowly while random tasks pop into your head. You're on autopilot. You're without focus, destination, and motivation to do anything or go anywhere.

You're not putting yourself first, you're allowing others to control your life.

Either plan your day first thing in the morning or plan you day the night before. This is what leaders do, they plan what their going to do and accomplish it, they don't follow the plans and schedule of another person, whether that be their wife, boss, school,or friends. Leaders give themselves a schedule and follow it, because they know that's the only way they will get what they want from life.

Plan Selfishly
When it comes to planning your day, its okay to be selfish. Set aside time to work on your goals, to write, to read, to practice soft skills.

Your not only the pilot, but also the owner of the plane.

Your schedule is for you and no one else. If your goal is to be a better father, then the goal is still for you. "You" want to be a better father, you're doing it for yourself. If you're goal is to make your wife happy, you're doing it for "your" relationship.

It's okay to do nice things, but do them for yourself and only if that's what you really want. Once you begin making plans for other people, your working from their schedule, and not "your" schedule.

You might be a person that says:"I like doing tasks for other people."

I'm sure you do. The world needs people like you (A.K.A nice guys) to do the work of those who make big plans. So ask yourself, "is this who you are." A nice guy that cares more about others than himself.

Or a leader that puts himself and his goals first.

Think about it.

Cherish The Journey

Statements like the above quote are littered all over the internet.

Yet that statement is wrong. Life is what you make of it. It can be anything, a journey with destinations, maybe it can be a journey through your destinations. To say, that life is "this", and "not this" is one sided and not accepting of the many possibilities life can offer you.

So to correct Emerson's quote, lets say "Cherish the journey as you work toward your destination."

Just because you make plans and set goals doesn't mean you can't enjoy the time working toward them -- this is the journey.

The end state is the destination, once you reach that set another destination.

It's okay to look out a window from time to time.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
This is a solid post!

Would add one thing, plan time where there are no plans. Planning too many activities in a too rigid plan will still make life feel like you're stuck on rails. Or is that what you meant by your last sentence about it being "okay to look out the window from time to time"?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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Canada in the house!!!!
This morning was like Act II from the movie "The Hangover" -- waking up to realize their friend is missing, the group wanders around the hotel room and Las Vegas using clues from the day before, only to horrify themselves with what they find.

I to woke up this morning lost and without direction. I was running on autopilot.

Aren't you tired of running on auto pilot? And tired of doing the work of another man -- a man equal to you in every way.

This is you!

You're the man on autopilot. You're the man doing slave labor.

It's time for you to grab the plane by wheel and pilot your life in the direction you want it to go, not the direction of the co-pilot or the passengers, but your personal direction. You can fly it into the sea for all I care, as long as you make that conscious decision and no one else.

Choose Your Destination

You just woke up and opened your eyes, what do you do?

  • You lay in bed for several minutes and then do whatever random task first comes to mind?
  • You create a plan the night before to kick-start your morning, you know exactly what needs to be done today, so you jump out of bed and accomplish those tasks that bring you closer to fulfilling your goals?
Waking up without a plan is like flying blind over the Pacific Ocean. When you wake up without a plan you just wander around slowly while random tasks pop into your head. You're on autopilot. You're without focus, destination, and motivation to do anything or go anywhere.

You're not putting yourself first, you're allowing others to control your life.

Either plan your day first thing in the morning or plan you day the night before. This is what leaders do, they plan what their going to do and accomplish it, they don't follow the plans and schedule of another person, whether that be their wife, boss, school,or friends. Leaders give themselves a schedule and follow it, because they know that's the only way they will get what they want from life.

Plan Selfishly
When it comes to planning your day, its okay to be selfish. Set aside time to work on your goals, to write, to read, to practice soft skills.

Your not only the pilot, but also the owner of the plane.

Your schedule is for you and no one else. If your goal is to be a better father, then the goal is still for you. "You" want to be a better father, you're doing it for yourself. If you're goal is to make your wife happy, you're doing it for "your" relationship.

It's okay to do nice things, but do them for yourself and only if that's what you really want. Once you begin making plans for other people, your working from their schedule, and not "your" schedule.

You might be a person that says:"I like doing tasks for other people."

I'm sure you do. The world needs people like you (A.K.A nice guys) to do the work of those who make big plans. So ask yourself, "is this who you are." A nice guy that cares more about others than himself.

Or a leader that puts himself and his goals first.

Think about it.

Cherish The Journey

Statements like the above quote are littered all over the internet.

Yet that statement is wrong. Life is what you make of it. It can be anything, a journey with destinations, maybe it can be a journey through your destinations. To say, that life is "this", and "not this" is one sided and not accepting of the many possibilities life can offer you.

So to correct Emerson's quote, lets say "Cherish the journey as you work toward your destination."

Just because you make plans and set goals doesn't mean you can't enjoy the time working toward them -- this is the journey.

The end state is the destination, once you reach that set another destination.

It's okay to look out a window from time to time.
You forgot to put "women are the least important part of life" (but the most distracting and energy consuming)