School and Why I Can't Practice My Game...


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score

First off, sorry for so many threads-it is just that this forum is really helpful and has helped build my confidence. Hopefully when I become a DJ, I can give back to this forum in some way.

Anyways, my topic is practicing my game at school. School is where I spend the majority of my social time. The problem is I really want to be social and stuff there, but in classes and hallways, I just can't seem to get out of my shell. I look for opportunities, but can't really find them. In the classrooms, not every girl is horny as heck so I feel like if I say something, it will be seen as stupid. Additionally, a lot of these people have "known" of my existence I feel for a long time and I feel if I were to start acting social, they may not respond that great. Sure, like in one of my other threads, I am not supposed to succumb to that, but the whole thing is I have to go to class with these people and sit near them every day for the rest of the school year. Right now it isn't so much fear of rejection (although that probably is part of it), it is fear of dealing/talking with them for the rest of the school year. I mean, there are girls that sit around me that I haven't really talked to and if I were to turn around and talk to them, they might just be "what the heck." Additionally, I should note, two of my classes consist mainly of guys (1 girl in each though), so I really have only around 5 classes to practice in.
Also, in the halls, like during passings or before/after school, when I see strangers or hot girls I want to talk to, they may be at their lockers or walking past me-I have no idea what to do or say.
I just don't know how to act or do stuff socially at school. People/girls know I am changing. I wore a new shirt to school today that got a lot of compliments, including from a girl (of course I sort of started freaking out, but tried to keep my cool).

Does anyone have any suggestions for my school social life/practice?

*Also, one other unrelated mini-question-Sometimes in social situations, I feel like people are watching me and stuff and I begin to get red and sweat sometimes. Yeah, I know "I am not on a stage." But, I hear people snicker behind me a lot or off to the side, and it just sort of worries me. Any ways to get over this?



Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
this sounds like me before. I just slowly started talking to people and kept in my mind how I dont really care what people think or anything, there will allways be those that still talk to you and stuff not like everyone will start ignoreing you. People prefer more social people. Ive been sitting in class for years with girls that ive tried with and they think im creepy or whatever and it dosent really bother me that much now. Just dont show people that it bugs you, act like its somthing normal you do and just go about your day as normal.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Take it slow. Don't hit on them just talk to them.

I suggest going out to parties on weekends. You can practise your game easily and you can get away with almost anything. You will probably end up scoring.

If you start feeling self-concious focus on something other than yourself.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
SinJester said:
Take it slow. Don't hit on them just talk to them.

I suggest going out to parties on weekends. You can practise your game easily and you can get away with almost anything. You will probably end up scoring.

If you start feeling self-concious focus on something other than yourself.
Thanks for the replies so far, but, don't I have to talk/be cool to get invited to parties?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
From my experiance most people jus want their parties to be big and wont mind anyone rocking up, unless its specifically invite only. If you go a bit later most people will probably be drunk anyway. I did assume some kind of rep here, but I never got 'invited' and I go out like every weekend. That's how it works over here anyway.

Maybe you should practise being social in general, not just towards girls, to increase your rep?

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
one of my problems is that everyone in my school already has this image of the old afc me. And i can't act differently around them.

I tried to join new groups and meet new people, that helped a lot. People were a lot more responsive.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah I hear snickering and stuff too when I walk around EVERYWHERE ... I tihnk it was some bs high school conditioning.

I just think about how much I hate people and I think about how fvcking stupid these people probably are and I smirk to myself and everything is pretty much alright. It's not the best way to show "confidence" because you put others down, but it works for me.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
N. Andover
Crazy Asian said:
one of my problems is that everyone in my school already has this image of the old afc me. And i can't act differently around them.
This is also my problem.

I know of two guys at my school who obviously decided one day that they were done being AFC and started being really social. It was very awkward for them at first, but people eventually started to accept it.

This is the struggle of becoming a DJ: its going to be very hard for a while, but if you commit, you're not going to mess it up. You WILL NOT mess it up.

just so suave

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Anyways, my topic is practicing my game at school. School is where I spend the majority of my social time. The problem is I really want to be social and stuff there, but in classes and hallways, I just can't seem to get out of my shell. I look for opportunities, but can't really find them. In the classrooms, not every girl is horny as heck so I feel like if I say something, it will be seen as stupid. Additionally, a lot of these people have "known" of my existence I feel for a long time and I feel if I were to start acting social, they may not respond that great. Sure, like in one of my other threads, I am not supposed to succumb to that, but the whole thing is I have to go to class with these people and sit near them every day for the rest of the school year. Right now it isn't so much fear of rejection (although that probably is part of it), it is fear of dealing/talking with them for the rest of the school year. I mean, there are girls that sit around me that I haven't really talked to and if I were to turn around and talk to them, they might just be "what the heck." Additionally, I should note, two of my classes consist mainly of guys (1 girl in each though), so I really have only around 5 classes to practice in.
Also, in the halls, like during passings or before/after school, when I see strangers or hot girls I want to talk to, they may be at their lockers or walking past me-I have no idea what to do or say.
I just don't know how to act or do stuff socially at school. People/girls know I am changing. I wore a new shirt to school today that got a lot of compliments, including from a girl (of course I sort of started freaking out, but tried to keep my cool).
Don't worry about saying something stupid, if its not funny people will just ignore it in class, it happens to me sometimes, but the majority of the time people find the stuff I say funny. Heck, one of my teachers told me she loves me after i playfully shared my views on how the womens place is in the home :) so just say what you feel like saying.