

Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
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Exactly where I want to be.
I think the Health forum is the proper place for this...

Anywho - Do any of you guys ever get Night Terrors/Sleeping Paralysis? Its only happend to me a couple of times, last night being the most recent.

For those that arent totally sure what this is, it's basically when you wake up before your brain stops the dreaming process. It results in a feeling of immobility and often panic resulting from being awake while dreaming (like hallucinations).

Sometimes called the "Hag Phenomena" due to the feeling of someone else being there with you, it can be pretty freaky sh!t. Most people experience this at least once in their life, and I'm just wondering if any of you have had the misfortune of spending a night with demons.

<EDIT> I forgot to mention: This is also the same thing a lot of science-people are starting to attribute stories about alien abductions and whatnot when people report that they were unable to move while taken hostage.

I also wanted to ask those that have experienced it - what do you do to stop it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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I did suffer sleep paralysis once and I thought maybe I'd broke my neck in my sleep or something. It scared the crap out of me, but eventually I snapped out of it and could move again. Never had it happen since.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by CableLight
I think the Health forum is the proper place for this...

Anywho - Do any of you guys ever get Night Terrors/Sleeping Paralysis? Its only happend to me a couple of times, last night being the most recent.

For those that arent totally sure what this is, it's basically when you wake up before your brain stops the dreaming process. It results in a feeling of immobility and often panic resulting from being awake while dreaming (like hallucinations).

Sometimes called the "Hag Phenomena" due to the feeling of someone else being there with you, it can be pretty freaky sh!t. Most people experience this at least once in their life, and I'm just wondering if any of you have had the misfortune of spending a night with demons.

<EDIT> I forgot to mention: This is also the same thing a lot of science-people are starting to attribute stories about alien abductions and whatnot when people report that they were unable to move while taken hostage.

I also wanted to ask those that have experienced it - what do you do to stop it?

I have this happen from time to time.

I realize I'm in a dream and i realize i'm awake. I feel like something is there coming after me. I feel a bit like i'm lieing in my bed in the dream and in real life at the same time and i need to run but can't move or open my eyes. I try to yell "help" to my roommate because i'm not completely in a conscious intelligent wakefulness and it feels like i'm actually moving my mouth in real life but i'm not sure and i know that nothing comes out but a gasp. In the context of the dream, i shut my eyes and think "wake up wake up wake up" and within like 10-20 seconds the paralysis stops, my eyes open, and the real world is 100% back. Then i just go back to sleep like nothing happened.

No idea why it happens and i don't really think about it other than to be like "that was cool."


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
you cant stop it, if it's going to happen it's going to happen,the more u panik,the worse it's gona get,,the KEY to this is to realise that its happening!!! and as u do,,focus on ur body,, i used to try and move my toe,and as soon as i moved it id snap out of it,it takes time tho,,but as soon as u realise its happening,, the easyer it is to bare,,after a few months of having it happen,and finding my way to get out of it,, it no longer become a negative experance

except whats happening around u,as soon as u do ull rember its not real, then focus ur energy on moving,takes ur energy away from fear which is feeding it, just takes time:)


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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i can't get if you're talking about the stuff mr-ruckus described or when you wake up and are in a panicked state and your heart is beating really fast for no apparent reason.

i have experienced this second situation just a couple of times and it was scary, but freakin cool

the first one was more common, i think it has occurred to me a dozen times more or less

i'd like to experience them again, is there any method?


Jul 30, 2003
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its because a demon is on your chest trying to steal your soul.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
I used to get it a few years back, I think extacy use can bring it on, sometimes still get it when my sleep has been sparadic.

first time i got it, i was dreaming i was in a church, reading a bible, and the next thing it burst into flames and i woke up and couldn't move!!!!

I was SO SO scarred!!!! i thought the DEVIL was in my room or something, said about 10 'our fathers and hail marys'!! and eventually my body woke up again. but i was still ****ting myself!

I really can't describe how bad the experience was....

But anyhow, i found out what it was, and next time it wasn't bad at all, in fact it was good, when it happened i jsut went with it, and tried to dream good thoughts, and it worked. You can actually control your dream in this state, HONESTLY! i started dreaming of all sorts, was an amazing experience, literally felt like i was floating out of my body orand I could look down on myself.

I also figured out, if you want to snap out of it, as someone else said, try and move a toe or a finger, and slowly the rest of your body will come round.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Use of MDMA does bringe it on like nothing else,is funny how much of our lives we spend sleeping,and how little attention or interest we realy have towards what where doing in those hours, most just close there eyes, sleep wake up then live another robotic culturely programed/perfict example of conditiond at its best(SHEEP) day,if that makes no sense to u , u may laugh at me, but im laughing a lot louder
anyway one way to take more control over ur dreams is as follows.

when u form a habbit it becomes almost robotic!u do it with out having to think about it all day long, so u realy think when u go to sleep ur mind stops running thru these thoughts? nope
habbits ur perform thru out the day,are very much active in ur mind wen ur asleep,my point is u can use some habbits to ur advantage.,, i was told this one by a friend a few months ago,which at the time i thought was a load of crap,but gave it a go anyway,, every now and again,, he told me to stop every thing in my mind, suddenly, and ask my self, am i in a dream,and to just think about it, my surroundings,what id done that day,put all the facts together, to prove to my self was fully awake(for instance i got out of bed,ect)

after a while when this becomes a habbit ,you think it,, with out having to think about thinking it!! the thought starts running thru ur mind when ur asleep, and the theory is,,it crosses ur mind and u catch on to it,think about it and realise ur are infact dreaming,and wake up within the dream=lucid dream,

after months of doing this, its worked in that way for me two times,the first of which i woke up directly after realising, and on the second i stayed in the dream for at least a minite,not the wicked results i was after,, but a good result either way!


Aug 19, 2005
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For those that arent totally sure what this is, it's basically when you wake up before your brain stops the dreaming process. It results in a feeling of immobility and often panic resulting from being awake while dreaming (like hallucinations).
Lucky bastard! I pay for drugs to get this effect.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
basically, what sleep paralysis is, is the opposite of sleep walking.

When you sleep, your body naturally 'freezes' for want of a better word, as a self defence thing i guess.

A sleepwalker's body wakes up, but they are still dreaming, so can act out their dream.

sleep paralysis is when you wake up from your dream, but your body is still frozen.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
i dont really have your kind of "dreams", but for the past week, everyday, ive been having nightmares, nightmares about everything. I dont really sleep much due to that, i cant fall asleep as fast, and i mostly just get like 4 hours of sleep. I got used to that, but i dont feel like telling my parents because they going to think im on drugs,WHICH IM NOT! Ive just been drinking alcohol, YES im a stupid teenager. lol just though of sharing that with you


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by john_x
Use of MDMA does bringe it on like nothing else,is funny how much of our lives we spend sleeping,and how little attention or interest we realy have towards what where doing in those hours, most just close there eyes, sleep wake up then live another robotic culturely programed/perfict example of conditiond at its best(SHEEP) day,if that makes no sense to u , u may laugh at me, but im laughing a lot louder
anyway one way to take more control over ur dreams is as follows.

when u form a habbit it becomes almost robotic!u do it with out having to think about it all day long, so u realy think when u go to sleep ur mind stops running thru these thoughts? nope
habbits ur perform thru out the day,are very much active in ur mind wen ur asleep,my point is u can use some habbits to ur advantage.,, i was told this one by a friend a few months ago,which at the time i thought was a load of crap,but gave it a go anyway,, every now and again,, he told me to stop every thing in my mind, suddenly, and ask my self, am i in a dream,and to just think about it, my surroundings,what id done that day,put all the facts together, to prove to my self was fully awake(for instance i got out of bed,ect)

after a while when this becomes a habbit ,you think it,, with out having to think about thinking it!! the thought starts running thru ur mind when ur asleep, and the theory is,,it crosses ur mind and u catch on to it,think about it and realise ur are infact dreaming,and wake up within the dream=lucid dream,

after months of doing this, its worked in that way for me two times,the first of which i woke up directly after realising, and on the second i stayed in the dream for at least a minite,not the wicked results i was after,, but a good result either way!

i tried to read it twice, but i haven't managed... man, what about structuring your sentences and maybe using some more puntuaction and correct spelling?!

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by john_x
Use of MDMA does bringe it on like nothing else,
yeah, i think thats how i originally got it.

When i get it now, and start to imagine stuff, I try and imagine I am on disco biscuits, sometimes you get the same buzz!:woo:


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Thanks for the replies, everyone.

It was really odd this last time it happend because, as some of you suggested, I kept telling myself it wasn't real, but it didn't seem to help - I tried going to sleep and got this really haunting image of a person resembling the little girl from the "Ring" movies sitting across from me at a table. That made me wake up in a hurry, so I basically just stared at my cealing for a while until I got some movement again.

The truly bizarre aspect about this, though, is that right before I went to bed last night I had a random thought about the whole Sleep Paralysis thing happening. Maybe it's in my head :p


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
It happens to me occasionally, but only when I sleep on the couch. I get the feeling that someone is right next to me ready to harm me, but I can't move. I normally just struggle in my mind until I wake all the way up.

That sh1t is scary as hell though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
After reading a bit more on this subject, I must say - this is truly an amazing example of the power of the human mind and how little we truthfully have to say in what it does.

I'm not talking about having these experiences due to drug use and the whatnot - I'm talking about having things like this existing solely because our minds dictate it.

I'm not totally placing this up on the level of things like schizophrenia and whatnot, but I am saying that the very nature of reality and that which we percieve it is, essentially, under the influence of our brain.

To put it more simply: We do what our brain tells us to do. Since we rely on our brain to dictate what we do in given situations and what happens with information supplied to it, it's almost scary and amazing at the same time to think what happens when we reach areas we cannot control.

Man...Reality is how we percieve it, but how we percieve it isn't really under our control.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
It happened to me once. It was brought on by a dire lack of sleep, because I was working 3 AM shifts at Target, and I am physically incapable of going to bed early. I just laid there and listened to/watched the show for about 20 seconds, trying to move. Then all of a sudden things went back to normal. Oddly enough, it happened not right after waking up, but while I was laying there awake, TRYING to go to sleep.

The very next night, about 10 minutes after slipping into bed, I caught it happening again. I immediately got up and walked around, and it stopped in its tracks. It's never happened since then.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by CableLight

I tried going to sleep and got this really haunting image of a person resembling the little girl from the "Ring" movies sitting across from me at a table.

I didn't notice you also said night terrors. I don't think sleep paralysis and night terrors are really that related. When i have sleep paralysis it is a bit like yours. I always get the image of like a shadow or a come to life doll or something after me. I don't think i ever really see it directly. I just 'know' it's after me but at the same time i sorta realize "hey it's never gonna actually catch me and it'll be okay but damn i still want this to stop."

I think that stems from the little clown doll i was afraid of that my mom had back when i was like 4 to 7 :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I really hate when i can't remember whether i dreamed an event or it actually happened.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Is this when you're dreaming of having sex with a roomfull of supermodels, and then you wake up, but still think you're having sex?