Say Something Stupid-- Just Say Something


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
Reaction score
Last night I was talking to this chick who looked good, and she knew it. During the conversation, I told her she was hot. As soon as I said that, the other guy there remarked on my lack of subtlety, which in my opinion indicates his insecurity at not having the balls to say that to her. Don't be that guy.

Obviously, telling a girl she's hot is not all that smooth. I realized that as the words were spewing out of my mouth all over her face. But here it is a half-day later, and I don't care. No, not because I woke up next to her. Like I said, I wasn't being smooth.

But here's the important thing. I said it spontaneously, with no second-guessing, no self-consciousness, and not caring about the reaction. This is a huge thing for some men, depending on their level of game. It was big for me because I formerly had game, and I recognize I'm on the road to recovery.

This is not game. However, for guys that have trouble with approaching and conversing, if you can develop yourself to the point where you can walk up to a broad and say dumb-ass things to her without thinking about it, and without really caring, you've taken a big step.

You can refine your verbal skills as you continue to do it, but for now, just say something that indicates some interest. If you take pride in the fact that you did that, you'll look back and realize that what she thought of you doesn't matter.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Good point! If someone gives you sh!t, you can just brush it off. Like, "I just felt like saying it, no big deal". Or, if you want, "whoops, just said what I thought".
I've actually said "Sorry, if I like something I reach for it, I'm just like that" after being denied a kiss. Cheesy as hell, I know! :( And not entirely true. But it made an impression, and she went out with me again, this time with a happy ending!

Speaking out, or making moves is always important! And even if you get shot down, you never take it back. You just brush it off, and everyone agrees that it's actually no problem. You can never have fun if you need to watch what you're saying!

That means, there is no humiliation, and thus no reason to fear. Super Smooth does not exist. I've missed too many opportunities, trying to be super smooth.