Saw my old oneitis and...


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

So tonight I saw my old oneitis (she was the one that actually got me in the game) with another guy and I just collapsed. In the beggining of decemeber i told her that i was secretly in love with her and of course... inevitable.. she gave me the LJBF speech.

Hard months passed and i eventually got over her.. or so i thought.

Tonight i went to this fireworks festivals in my city and i saw her with another guy and all the old feelings and emotion suddenly came rushing back.

Feeling so down, I walked 10 km all the way home just thinking about her, what she's done, pretty much being a sadass.

Realizing this... I told myself (once again) to **** her and just move on.

So currently I'm in that process but I could still feel bits of old feelings inside me. Any suggestions on how to get this out of my system?

BTW... i'm planning to sarge so anything besides that thanks lol


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
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Just threw up in my sink this morning after seeing a comment my one-itis made on some guy's MySpace page. From what she said, I think she's dating him now.

It was a total AFC move by me...but I just called her a little while ago to see how things are with her. I nexted her and haven't talked to her all summer.

We talked about getting together sometime soon.
I know it's stupid on my part. But I gotta lick this thing head on.

She's my kryptonite :-/

I think your one-itis kinda always stays with you in some way.
You just learn to deal with it by getting your own life together...but it's a doozy till you get all of the pieces pulled together...which is what I'm in the process of doing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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what the **** man. you're not ****in superman. you got no fukin kryptosh1t. look man. man the FOK up and forget that hoe. don't become foking emotionally attached to chicks the moment u fukin meet them ok. seriously what the **** have they done to earn that **** from you?!? FOK man. i been there before. i been hurt before. but sh1t man. don't let b1tches do this to you. ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. YOU LET YOURSELF GET THIS WAY. feel the pain. then learn from it and move on

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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Potbelly said:
i knew someone would do this. haha. i agree with potbelly.

we've all been there. get over it. it's over.

im glad he put things in perspective before all the newcomers here came to this thread to spill their hearts out.

but hey, i've prolly had the worst one here... if you search my first post... it was the max amount of characters allowed in one post... about a girl.

its better to just get over it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2006
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Washington State
Its tough... we all know that. Add the fact that the first "love" sticks with you for a while and it is worse. The fact that you let her do this to you in the first place is bad, but the damage has been done. You need hobbies, friends, anything to keep you moving and not moping around about some hoe.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
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What do you see in these women? I'm asking, seriously. Why does she deserve anybody's oneitis, what makes her better? How is she the best? Is she the hottest woman on the planet, or can she bend a spoon using only her mind? Ha! I bet this b!tch doesn't even volunteer at a soup kitchen, or give money to charity. If you think about it, you'll realize that she isn't that great of a person, not that much hotter, not such a genius. She probably just chats it up on her cellphone and goes to outdoor concerts with douchebags. What's that you say, it's like I'm PSYCHIC?

But anyway I shouldnt be saying all that, because in truth it doesn't matter how hot she is or how smart, or how kind. You cut all ties and delete all numbers for your OWN good. So you can be free and proud, and not have to think about this woman who is playing tricks with your brain tissue. Read the dark theory of love (see sig.).

You should do better because you CAN do better. And you can always do better. No woman can hold you, no ring can shackle you if you know you can always do better.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
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cmon guys...Weve all had the oneitis thing but those are some horrible stories. Go get a job, workout, stop spending your time thinking about them. You only live once. When the doc tells you you have cancer you are gonna think back to the days when you were sittin on your a%% cryin about a girl you barely remember, wasting your time away. No girl deserves that much attention unless shes dying or something


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
I believe since these two have not posted back we have cured them. Good job gentlemen. Another 2 souls freed and well on the way to becoming men.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
iCandy said:
Hey guys,

So tonight I saw my old oneitis (she was the one that actually got me in the game) with another guy and I just collapsed. In the beggining of decemeber i told her that i was secretly in love with her and of course... inevitable.. she gave me the LJBF speech.

Hard months passed and i eventually got over her.. or so i thought.

Tonight i went to this fireworks festivals in my city and i saw her with another guy and all the old feelings and emotion suddenly came rushing back.

Feeling so down, I walked 10 km all the way home just thinking about her, what she's done, pretty much being a sadass.

Realizing this... I told myself (once again) to **** her and just move on.

So currently I'm in that process but I could still feel bits of old feelings inside me. Any suggestions on how to get this out of my system?

BTW... i'm planning to sarge so anything besides that thanks lol
I know the feeling a little bit. I was really into a chick a while back and seeing her recently with dudes kind of gave me the same feeling. I instantly slapped the **** out of the AFC trying to come out though.

I think that when we have oneitis, so mch emotion and love goes into the chick that we're attached and kind of get the feeling that shes cheating on us even though she isnt.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know i know what you mean. But its easy to overcome pretty quick


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
I used to have a oneitus for this chick who wasn't even that great. At the time I was having a relationship with her, she was like the hottest chick ever. But now that many weeks have passed, it's like, that ***** is ugly as fvck. She looks like a cross between Rene Zelwigger and horse ****! Not to mention she was really unstable. I can't believe I was thinking about her that much.

Fvck those *****es!! Why obsess over these chicks when the only thing they've done to you is disrespect you (if you had a relationship with her and she broke up with you)! You can do so much better than that slut that it's not even funny. There are so many other hotter, smarter, funner, and more stable chicks out there that are waiting for you to approach them! Go get em, tiger!!

CAN I GET AN AMEN?!! :rockon:


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I appreciate the replies and different perspectives. Although, my goal here is not to hate her so much that I don't want to see her ever.

That may not be your intentions but when I hear guys calling girls hoes, btiches and sluts I can't help but feel that you guys have taken a path to hatred. This is definitely NOT what i want to do.

This girl is NOT a btich. She is NOT a ho. And she is NOT a slut. I genuinely liked her because of the many similarities that we had. That is all. It's just unfortunate that she became my oneitis.

I AM NOT TRYING TO DEFEND HER. I'm merely trying to say that my goal is TO GET OVER HER. Not hate her.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
iCandy said:
Hey guys,

I appreciate the replies and different perspectives. Although, my goal here is not to hate her so much that I don't want to see her ever.

That may not be your intentions but when I hear guys calling girls hoes, btiches and sluts I can't help but feel that you guys have taken a path to hatred. This is definitely NOT what i want to do.

This girl is NOT a btich. She is NOT a ho. And she is NOT a slut. I genuinely liked her because of the many similarities that we had. That is all. It's just unfortunate that she became my oneitis.

I AM NOT TRYING TO DEFEND HER. I'm merely trying to say that my goal is TO GET OVER HER. Not hate her.

I think my way of getting over oneitis/avoiding oneitis is the fact that the skills im developing are to allow me to attract whoever I want. Theres no reason for me to obsess over one HB when I can attract any of them.

HB's aren't rare, so they're is no reason to obsess over any particular one.

I'm not saying my skills are that developed, but thats genrally my goal.

I dont know, oneitis hasnt crossed my path since I've started my journey to become a DJ :rock:


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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Embrace said:
I think my way of getting over oneitis/avoiding oneitis is the fact that the skills im developing are to allow me to attract whoever I want. Theres no reason for me to obsess over one HB when I can attract any of them.

HB's aren't rare, so they're is no reason to obsess over any particular one.

I'm not saying my skills are that developed, but thats genrally my goal.

I dont know, oneitis hasnt crossed my path since I've started my journey to become a DJ :rock:
I definitely agree. I find that whenever I go out and sarge HB's my confidence is instantly to the roof. Then I slowly find myself forgetting about my oneitis until old feelings are gone.

I think MOST cases of oneitis is not based on looks but more on personality similarities. I find that in most oneitis cases... the HB isn't even above an 8 and yet she is praised over like crazy.

There is a saying that goes: "To get a person to fall in love with you. Keep their thought patterns thinking of you".

I think that when a person constantly thinks about ONE particular girl... Whether it be positive or negative... the person eventually gets oneitis.

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
iCandy said:
Hey guys,

I appreciate the replies and different perspectives. Although, my goal here is not to hate her so much that I don't want to see her ever.

That may not be your intentions but when I hear guys calling girls hoes, btiches and sluts I can't help but feel that you guys have taken a path to hatred. This is definitely NOT what i want to do.

This girl is NOT a btich. She is NOT a ho. And she is NOT a slut. I genuinely liked her because of the many similarities that we had. That is all. It's just unfortunate that she became my oneitis.

I AM NOT TRYING TO DEFEND HER. I'm merely trying to say that my goal is TO GET OVER HER. Not hate her.
hey man i respect u for sayin that but most of these guys callin girls names dont mean it in a disrespectful way. i mean, it kinda is, but its jus a way of puttin yourself above the girls. its all in the mindset....unless ur a supreme pimp wit alotta dough then u cant get anywhere by callin girls names like that to their face...

anyway tho, u should feel better that ur not the only one whos had this problem. everyone went thru that ONE girl before....i kinda look at it now and think its kinda funny. i used to act all goofy n not cool around my girl and i ended up nowhere...but cus of that experience, i changed my way of thinkin and became a better person......but its not about me, its about u man. im jus tryna say, dont try to forget about it cus u prolly cant. jus try to take it for wut its worth (one girl that didnt work out) and move on wit the added experience under ur belt. startin relationships hav alot to do wit luck (where u saw her, wut mood u were in, wut SHE wants in a man), so dont beat yourself up over one girl. aite? good luck wit that man

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
iCandy said:
Hey guys,

I appreciate the replies and different perspectives. Although, my goal here is not to hate her so much that I don't want to see her ever.

That may not be your intentions but when I hear guys calling girls hoes, btiches and sluts I can't help but feel that you guys have taken a path to hatred. This is definitely NOT what i want to do.

This girl is NOT a btich. She is NOT a ho. And she is NOT a slut. I genuinely liked her because of the many similarities that we had. That is all. It's just unfortunate that she became my oneitis.

I AM NOT TRYING TO DEFEND HER. I'm merely trying to say that my goal is TO GET OVER HER. Not hate her.
i agree too. i'm the same way.

a chick is a person too. same as you, no higher, no lower.

the golden rule... everyone knows it. treat people how you want to be treated.

if you respect them, they respect you.

if you go around calling chicks "*****s" for no reason (which would be hilarious) they're going to slap you.

if they call you something bad (which i dont know anything bad that a girl calls a guy) for no reason you'd want to slap them cuz they deserve it (but don't... or i'll hunt you down).

i dont hate girls. i love them... i jsut dont know what's going on in their head... so thats why i'm here, right?

i do hate *****es tho... and they deserve to know when they are being a *****.


the girl i had one-itis for wasn't a slut, a *****. i liked her for her personality... it was simply the same as mine... and her hotness was a bonus, and the fact she liked be back too.


youre my new favorite poster. cuz you seem like i was when i came here: you made a mistake with a girl, use her (even if its 100% over) to motivate you to learn from your mistakes... eventually get back at her in a non-harmful way.

good day.


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score

Thanks again for all the support. I'm starting to feel a lot better and my confidence is starting to rise again.

Although, I still feel those itsy bitsy pieces of old emotions within me. I had to bail on a party today cause I was afraid those emotions might spring back up and hit me again =( She was going to attend the party.

Anyway I just wanted to add something to this. I can remember back when I started reading about C+F and jerks get the girls and badboy attitudes. This was right after my oneitis LJBF'ed me. I didn't understand the meaning behind them. So I took on the personality of a bad ass kid and a jerk. I ended up calling everyone btiches, hoes, and sluts. At first, it was kind of funny and I was getting attraction because it was incongruent with my previous personality. I used to be such a nice guy. But then, they realized that I was being truthful behind my words (not joking around) because I was pissed at women because I didn't understand them.

That was next biggest mistake I made besides telling my oneitis my feelings for her.

What ended up happening was a lot of girls would start to hate me and think I was an *******. I do admit that the hot girls respond to jerk attitudes A LOT more than ugly girls. But what I was doing was pushing the ugly girls away hence pushing their HOT friends away as well.

I realized what I was doing and since then I've really toned down the ******* attitude and replaced it with a fun vibe. Which I've been getting GREAT response to. Although, I still keep the ******* attitude but I make sure they know I'm just being a flirt.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I too was in the pate of hate and revenge. Me against the girls. This is defeinitely a wrong attitude to take.

Thanks again guys =)