Salesmanship and dj-ism


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score
I've just started a new job in sales, and it has helped me with my development. I've found that salesmanship relates a lot to being a "dj". After all, you are selling yourself. A job in sales can help in a lot of ways. Here's how it helped me:

Money: I've heard that the easiest way to become rich is to sell something. Money is still a powerful aphrodisiac for women. If anyone says otherwise they are lying, ignorant, or delusional.

Challenge: When negotiating, I've been trained not to give a customer all the discounts and extra stuff I am authorized to at the start. If you do, you have no way to work out a deal, because you used up all your power. Same with women: you don't start with a $500 necklace when negotiating for nookie. I think of challenge as simply not using up all your bargaining chips too soon.

Personality and social skills: In sales, you have to cultivate a certain personality. You have to be energetic, decisive, optimistic and confident. You have to learn how to read people and determine how your product solves their needs. I've also become more social because networking is important in this job.

Closing: Always be closing. With a girl, ABC :)

Somethings don't relate. For instance, you have to be more accomodating with customers than you would with a girl. You also have to be more flattering with customers.

Anyone else in sales with some insight?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
I disagree on the challenge issue.

"bargaining" chips do not exist (unless she's a gold digging h0) for the male, they only exist for the female because she is the one giving you sexual access not the male.

But go ahead, tell that nerd boy to be pseudo-macho and hold his personality back to get that "HB8"

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
You definately use the same techniques in sales as you do with women...

I'll quote Boiler Room (which I rate as a MUST WATCH! on the subject) : "Get them to say yes, ask them a question, ask them a rhetorical question... 'If you were drowning and I threw you a life preserver, would you grab it?'... YES!"

You have to learn how to read body language as well... you start noticing all the defensive gestures, and nuances, and you can start applying that into other situations.

You also learn to assume the sale more, ie asking : "I know this great place for coffee, what time should I pick you up?" rather than "How about we go for coffee sometime?"


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score
Good point. Always assume the sale. Then, I'm new, and still learning this game.

Another thing is that I've built is social courage. You knock on a door, get rejected, go to another one. Our sales manager actually wrote this on the board:

"Some will, some won't, so what?! Next!" Sould be our community's motto.

Think cold calling girls is hard? Try cold selling! Most girls will reject you politely because the attention is at least flattering. Not so if you're a salesman trying to sell them something. But you have to keep going.

I've met a lot of people and learned everyone is desirable and likeable in some way. Just learn to market yourself. Now I gotta go. Lots of money to make tommorrow.