Right time for approaching?


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
So this is a scenario I just encountered.

I went out for lunch on my work break and see this cute HB 7.5 girl who I've seen work there before. Last time I was there I had a small conversation with her on valentines day and asked her if she had any plans to which she replied no and blushed really hard and laughed as we talked for a few mins. ( I guess no one really tries to make any moves on her there)

The restaurant is always really busy and I was going to ask her today if she has any plans later. The right time to ask her never really came up since she was constantly running around doing something or helping customers. But I can't help to feel like a lil b1tch for not approaching her regardless of the high paced environment of the restaurant.

So my question to you guys is .... Is there actually a right time you should approach ? Or should you approach most of the time regardless of the situation.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
When I see someone I like, I approach regardless of the situation. That might be the only situation I get with her. And it usually is. Girls can sense if the approach is planned or forced. Always better to be a random stranger who just happened to appear quickly from nowhere and vanished even faster.
It was destiny for her.

If one starts to beat around the bush, any approach will be anticipated and failed. The right time is immediately unless it´s a social circle game. Otherwise too much expectations and pressure starts to build up and it becomes mentally challenging. Her value raises too high and she can read it from the guy´s face.


Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2013
Reaction score
i have a rule i follow in this situation:

the time for approaching is NOW! :)

it has it's ups and down, but i regret nothing.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
There is no right time for approaching. Each encounter and situation is different depending what's happening. You take what ever opportunity you have and just go with it. I got a number from a waitress when my date went to the bathroom. I told her that was my cousin. Do what you can in the moment, that's my motto.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
I don't understand what the issue is...you did approach her, talked to her before, built somewhat of a rapport, the rest is cake, man. You got this whole cool, hi/bye thing going on, so your next move is to get the cell digits.

Wait 2 days, or so and ask her if she wants to grab a coffee after work. If she says no, try once more, and abandon ship if fails a second time. That's pretty much the formula. When you see her after all this, act like nothing ever happened, smile, and carry on.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks Guys,

Ya that all makes sense, I guess I just got some approach anxiety because I haven't been doing day game too much. Most of my plates come from clubs or bars, I need to defiantly start working on my day game. I'm going to go eat lunch there tomorrow again, I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Espi said:
^^^^Do me a favor and try this: DO NOT eat there tomorrow. Just walk in and approach. Your eating there doesn't improve your "chances" of closing her. If anything, it'll impeded your chances because you're gonna likely hesitate for a few minutes.

Just walk in and establish the time constraint and ask out for a drink Saturday night.

As VladPatton already pointed out: you've already talked to her. No need to invest significant time approaching her. Make her commit some time to YOU...or walk away. It's time to escalate and get her away from the restaurant.
Thanks for the advice,

I will do that tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Your right, when I was eating last time it really screwed me over. Made me overthink the whole situation a lot more then I should have and when I was finished eating the restaurant was at peak hour giving me and excuse not to approach.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2013
Reaction score
Some waitreses are naturally friendly to customers so don't confuse friendliness for attraction. Make sure she knows who you are when you walk in. That would be embarrassing if you made a move and she doesn't remember talking before. Go in, see her reaction, order a coffee, say you don't have a lot of time, ask her out. Don't just walk in and ask her out. Makes you look like you blew it the last time and were thinking about it for a while. You have to order a coffee to make it look good. Get a quick cup and ask her out. If she says no then you know. Don't ask her again if she refuses.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice guys, I ended up getting her number today.
I went in there and ordered some food cause I was hungry, I just initiated in a small convo because I know she remembers me by now.
I ended up getting her number as I paid the bill, this is how the convo went down:

Me: Do you work everyday? What's your name by the way

her: Almost everyday, I'm HB 7.5 do you work around here?

me: Ya i do, food is pretty good here, but I mostly come into see you *smile*

her: aw thats sweet

me: what are you up to this weekend?

her: working as usual

me: I think you deserve to have some fun this weekend, how about dinner?

her: Ya that sounds good my number is ________

This is my first day game approach ever since being introduced to game ( a few months ago), and I am going to do this much more often. I know it was fairly weak but this was my first time ever, going to put some work into my day game in these next few weeks.
So to answer my own thread.. the right time to approach is now.. now..... NOOOOOW


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Props on getting the number. I would of just left out the "I come here just to see you part" as it puts her up on a bit of a pedestal and you know nothing about her yet. Also, I would of not went for dinner, but a cheap cafe for minimal spending.

No, it's not being cheap, it's starting out small so you can build on each progressive date. She may be pretty and have a great ass, but if she annoys you 20 minutes into the dinner you gotta shell out more money than the cafe. Why? You don't owe her squat. You have the right to screen her as well.

Anyhoo, it's done, and hopefully it goes ok. Keep us posted on how it went.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
VladPatton said:
Props on getting the number. I would of just left out the "I come here just to see you part" as it puts her up on a bit of a pedestal and you know nothing about her yet. Also, I would of not went for dinner, but a cheap cafe for minimal spending.

No, it's not being cheap, it's starting out small so you can build on each progressive date. She may be pretty and have a great ass, but if she annoys you 20 minutes into the dinner you gotta shell out more money than the cafe. Why? You don't owe her squat. You have the right to screen her as well.

Anyhoo, it's done, and hopefully it goes ok. Keep us posted on how it went.
I'm probably going to take her out for drinks. I usually just go out for drinks on first dates, once the alcohol is flowing then things get interesting.

I do see your point , the only reason I said that is because shes running around like a dog and I wanted to say something that I know would make her feel better about her day.

I'll keep you posted


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Well played OP. This is encouraging to me, I am working on my day game too but haven't had a lot of opportunity as I travel all the time.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
CaptainSaveAh0 said:
I do see your point , the only reason I said that is because shes running around like a dog and I wanted to say something that I know would make her feel better about her day.
Making a comment like that to a girl will make you seem like too much nice of a guy. Avoid saying those lines in the future or her interest will drop immediately.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Good job OP, very good man, idd the time to approach is now, the longer you wait the more hesistant you become.

Im going to walk true the mall and approach every hot looking girl, go for a fun stimulating convo asking what shes about for 2-3mins max and go for the number close. Just do it, forget your ego