revealing things about yourself


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
found the recent topic on whether one should reveal things abou themselves to be interesting. the thread was getting pretty long so i started this new one.

a lot of guys seem to think its an all or nothing proposition - which confuses me.

i dont know about the rest of you but it would take A LONG LONG time to reveal everything about myself.

heck, there are still things about me that i'm finding out as i walk through life. so i'm never 100% revealed, even to myself.

this whole concept of keeping her in the dark stumbling around blindly as to the man she is with only really works (in my opinion) if the relationship is primarily a sexual one to start. by keeping it less personal you increase the odds that she'll turn in to a sex craved sl*t faster - because the less she knows about you, the less attached she feels to you, the less she will concern herself with what you think of her (ie. judgement).

but if you are trying to develop a relationship its built on sharing details.

the mistake most men make is not in sharing details but rather in how they share the details. they tend to share negative info more than positive. they tell a woman about the various hardships they've had in life, etc. and their insecurities get exposed in the process. their tone of voice, body language, etc. - all of it becomes AFC as they talk about their life (because they aren't PROUD of who they are).

when i share things about who i am with people the one thing that comes across crystal clear is:

1) i'm unbelievably stronger for everything that i have gone through
2) everything i've gone through has made me an amazing, caring, independent, trust worthy person
3) that life is meant to be lived and I don't have time for bullsh*t and games. I'm too focused on moving forward.

all i can tell you is that after one of these conversations 90% of chics will let me do whatever i want. If i wanted to sh*t on their face they would let me (not that I'd want to do that!).

the point is it doesn't matter what i share with them, because of how i share it. when you are talking to me you are talking to someone who believes in himself 100% (most of the time!), who has depth and character, and who is a good person - i've yet to meet a chic yet who doesn't get wet in the presence of such a person.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Guys, all of this is covered in the other thread. You're kinda going backwards and regressing into possible issues which have already been covered.