Reminiscences of a life operator


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2011
Reaction score
Saigon, Vietnam.
Do you know why I love stock trading that bad? Because it’s such a perfect analogy of life.

Prices go up and down. Everything is ruled by cycles, everything is connected together, but besides these two basic truths everything remains fundamentally unpredictable.

He who wants to win must never try to beat the market but must always place himself on the right side of the market.

The vast majority of the crowd fails because they’re human – driven by emotions. When price drops, they hold – driven by hope. When price rises, they’re reluctant to jump in early – driven by fear.

In both cases, they end up losing.

Reminds you someone? I'll always be amazed to notice how similiar we are when dealing with stocks or with girls. It's the exact same range of feelings, from euphoria to renunciation.

On the trading floor like in any stage of life, he who wants to win invests when the price is down – because it WILL go up tomorrow - and sells when the price the high – because it WILL drop tomorrow.

Your girlfriend just dumped you? You’re blazed every evening mixing tears with booze and remorse with smoke? What a lovely situation, it’s time to invest because a profitable trade is coming along and you’ll be a rich man tomorrow.

Invest even when the times are though. Fear has never saved anyone.

Your girl is smoking hot, your car is fast, your house is big and your bank account is full? Beware friend, the downturn isn’t far.

Cut the losses at the moment they appear, so you protect yourself. Hope has never saved anyone neither.

The smart move at the right time. That’s what the mature man does.

Forget all the crap. Ditch the millions of technical stuff they wanted to teach you. In the end, it all comes down to the essentials – and the essentials are always tremendously simple.

A popular wisdom proverb in my home country says “after the rain come the sunshine”.

Just keep yourself on the right side and you’ll be fine. Anytime.

The rest is only noise.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
thomz_amadeus said:
Do you know why I love stock trading that bad? Because it’s such a perfect analogy of life.

Prices go up and down. Everything is ruled by cycles, everything is connected together, but besides these two basic truths everything remains fundamentally unpredictable.

He who wants to win must never try to beat the market but must always place himself on the right side of the market.

The vast majority of the crowd fails because they’re human – driven by emotions. When price drops, they hold – driven by hope. When price rises, they’re reluctant to jump in early – driven by fear.

In both cases, they end up losing.

Reminds you someone? I'll always be amazed to notice how similiar we are when dealing with stocks or with girls. It's the exact same range of feelings, from euphoria to renunciation.

On the trading floor like in any stage of life, he who wants to win invests when the price is down – because it WILL go up tomorrow - and sells when the price the high – because it WILL drop tomorrow.

Your girlfriend just dumped you? You’re blazed every evening mixing tears with booze and remorse with smoke? What a lovely situation, it’s time to invest because a profitable trade is coming along and you’ll be a rich man tomorrow.

Invest even when the times are though. Fear has never saved anyone.

Your girl is smoking hot, your car is fast, your house is big and your bank account is full? Beware friend, the downturn isn’t far.

Cut the losses at the moment they appear, so you protect yourself. Hope has never saved anyone neither.

The smart move at the right time. That’s what the mature man does.

Forget about all the crap. Forget about the millions of technical stuff they wanted to teach you. In the end, it all comes down to the essentials – and the essentials are always simple.

A popular wisdom proverb in my home country says “after the rain come the sunshine”.

Just keep yourself on the right side and you’ll be fine. Anytime.

The rest is only noise.
Your in Vietnam...
So the Colonel from "Apocalypse Now" lives.
Good first post.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
I can see you are new to the game or you wouldn't post such nonsense. You had a good week and wanted to to brag about Get ready for the worst week you will ever have. Why? Cuz ur head is all up in ur ass at this point and ur forgetting the smart **** that got you where u are.

I make my living off people like you...would be nice if you jumped ship and came on over to the good side. You're welcome here, just sit down,shut up and try to learn something...jeez.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
steve38 said:
I can see you are new to the game or you wouldn't post such nonsense. You had a good week and wanted to to brag about Get ready for the worst week you will ever have. Why? Cuz ur head is all up in ur ass at this point and ur forgetting the smart **** that got you where u are.

I make my living off people like you...would be nice if you jumped ship and came on over to the good side. You're welcome here, just sit down,shut up and try to learn something...jeez.
Wow steve38, the guy is spilling guts, trying to give some advice in the forum, trying to share some life experience, and you feel like you have to come in with the negativity and bad manners. You tell him hes bragging (when hes not hes just trying to give some advice), you tell him his head is up is a$$, and then you say you're welcome here.... just shut up.

It would be way more helpful if you could say what you agreed with, what you disagreed with, and what your own experience is pertaining to what he said.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Like in trading the only thing that matters is the rules that lead you to success. Emotion doesn't factor into any of it. So, first you need to find out what works, then you need to act on your knowlege without letting emotions enter into the equation. Thats true in stock world and girl world.

If you crumble at the first sign of "its going against you" (and it will) in girl world or stock world, you lose. If you focus on the plan that works, without worrying about the money or the sex, you win.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
steve38 said:
I can see you are new to the game or you wouldn't post such nonsense. You had a good week and wanted to to brag about Get ready for the worst week you will ever have. Why? Cuz ur head is all up in ur ass at this point and ur forgetting the smart **** that got you where u are.

I make my living off people like you...would be nice if you jumped ship and came on over to the good side. You're welcome here, just sit down,shut up and try to learn something...jeez.
Did he runover your pet dog?


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Steve 38,
I used to trade,in about eight glorious weeks,I made a pot of $11.000 into $69.000 then one Friday Afternoon,things went seriously wrong the next week,I stubbornly refused to bail out,thinking things would improve....Bottom Line,I had $3.500 left.....that is without considering the money I wasted in profligate spending,thinking that I had invented a money printing machine....."A sadder and a wiser Man I rose the morrow morn"