Reloaded: The Series... Untouchable

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
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I'm feeling little inspiration coming on... lately, I guess mainly because I'm just that vain... I have been thinking a lot about myself. One conclusion that I have come to, is that often times (especially when it comes to women) we spend far too much time trying to please other people. You would think that this sort of thing only happens in abundance in High School... and I thought so too. However, this is not the case... the insatiable need for other people's constant approval, seems to run rampant across all ages. I mean... I understand that a sense of belonging is one of the basic human needs (according to Maslov) but what I am seeing and hearing is ridiculous. I get really upset when people ask me, "Reloaded... how can I fit in?" The first question that runs through my mind is... "Fit into what?" Has anyone given any thought as to what exactly they are trying so hard to fit into? The answer is... a mold. That's it. You wanna know the real trick to being popular... fit into any mold. That's it... that's all you have to do... oh and you have to have confidence or charisma... and it would help if you had some money too. Which mold should you go for... hell there's a bunch pick one:

  • Or a Jock?
  • A Geek?
  • A Stoner?
  • A Rich Kid?
  • A Punk? (Contrary to popular belief... the whole "punk" thing is just another mold... you're not really being different... you're just being like everyone else that's trying to be different)
  • Oh... here's one... an Outcast?
  • You could also be one of those Gothic people.
  • Or my favorite (rolls eyes) Average Joe

:rolleyes: You see, in the realm of High School and life... everyone fits into some kind of mold... or do they? About two years ago myself and my stepbrother, had an idea. The idea was that we wanted to takeover our school. Here we were, two new students... me in 11th grade, him in 9th. We each had far too much pride to spend our time kissing up to "popular" people. Few people come into this life and revolutionize it. Madonna revolutionized women and their sexuality. Michael Jordan revolutionized the game of basketball. Leonardo Da Vinci changed the arts. Why is it that these people have or will be immortalized in history... it's because they are visionaries. This mold... is the mold where only the brave go. **** the road less traveled... a visionary makes a new road. And that was exactly what we did... and that's what I'm going to teach you how to be today. Go to where few people go... were few people walk... to be... Untouchable.

1. This is the first thing that I want you to do... look into the mirror. Now some of you reading this may be happy with your life, and some of you may not be... I raise this question... are you completely happy? Humans, especially men tend to get really lazy when their situations in life get really good... the truth is guys, we should always be improving ourselves and making ourselves better. For instance... Da Vinci taught himself Latin in his forties! This is the first step to becoming Untouchable, always making room to improve. Understand that you can always be better... never settle. If you have mastered something, go ahead and try to master something else. If you really want to be a particular thing in life... make sure that you bust your ass to be the best. Don't just want to be a brain surgeon... want to be the surgeon's general. The brain and most of the senses are in the head for a good reason... cause the head is the control panel... it would be really hard to smell from your feet. Bottom line: Don't reach for the stars... reach for the universe.

"Good, better, best; never let it rest till your good is better and your better is best."


2. All the time people tell me that I am arrogant and self-centered... do you know how I respond? You damn right I am... and damn proud of it. I'm going to tell you guys why... cause no one on this planet... except maybe... and that's a big maybe, your family will do **** for you. The only surefire way that you will ever get anything done in this life... is if you do it yourself... that's it. Realize this guys... you are the most important person on this planet to yourself, so you may as well be self-centered. Besides, I don't care what anyone tells you, if you really think about it... everyone is self-centered. Think about it: If anyone has ever called you selfish, it's probably because you don't give something to... them. That's right them... not you, them. Why? Cause no one really gives a damn about you, more than you. So be self-centered, make your motives more important than anyone elses... because everyone else's motives is more important to them that yours.

This above all; to thine own self be true."

William Shakespeare

3. One thing that I have realized is often very important in life is this... always begin with the end in mind... not the other way around. Always think about where you want to end up in a situation, and how to get there will fall into place. A man named Filippo Brunelleschi, is famous for building the largest dome in the world without modern technology i.e. steel, concrete... etc. He did it under this very premise. In the beginning, he had no actual, concrete way of making this dome... but he knew how he wanted it to look like, what he wanted it to be made of... etc. Once you realize where you want to go, how to get there will somehow manage to fall into place. So think about all of your goals... short term ones, long term ones, and even life time ones. Don't think about how to get there step by step... you will only stress yourself out. Instead, only think about exactly where, and what you want to do. Then right it down... after that, the direction as to where to go will begin to fall into place.

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."

T.S Eliot

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."

Ben Stein

4. This is the last premise to becoming Untouchable... everything is possible. We are where we are in life because of one reason... their were visionaries in their respective time periods that challenged everything. Sure, you may get somewhere being convential... but once you die, only the people that are close to you will remember you... and soon even they will forget you. Christopher Columbus was called a fool when he believed that the Earth was round... don't those people look like dumbasses now. So other dumbass said that we would never land on the moon... now we have thousands of satellites above our heads as we speak... hell we've even landed things on other planets. This goes back into the mold thing that I was talking about before. Understand this... society as a whole does not want people to do extraordinary things... if you think about it, society promotes conformity. Fashion people tell you how you should look, education only wants you to know the right answer to the question. Everybody tells you what you should be... and if you don't want to be it, you are considered something funny. They thought Einstein was retarded and he would never amount to anything in life... wrong. Push the limits that society gives you... and don't give a **** about what people think about it. In high school no one could place me into any of the molds above, because I had a little piece of almost all of them. I wear "preppy" clothes, I wear "gothic" clothes, I come from a well to do family (I drive a Mercedes-Benz so people consider me "a rich kid") And yes... I am a computer geek. Bottom line... I do whatever the hell I want, when I want to do it. Yeah, people called me a hypocrite or something like that... but I responded with the question, "Since when does it become my job to stick to one thing?" No one great ever did something that someone else told them to do... no they did something else. And when no one believed it, no one deemed it possible, and everyone called them foolish... they didn't blink. They stuck to what they wanted to do, and they did it... there by making everyone look like an ******* who told them that they could not do it.

"He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice."

Albert Einstein

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity."

Christopher Morley.

Bottom line: Yeah, this post wasn't about getting girls, and in this post... there is no definite answers or resolutions... but it wasn't about that. It is about this... whatever you want to do in life... from doing a cold pick up and getting laid the same night... to finding a cure for the common cold... realize that there will be always people telling you "It's impossible" or "You will fail." And then realize that they only reason why they told you that is because they didn't have the balls to try to do it themselves.

The Matrix: Reloaded


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
God.... horrible post Matrix! What are you trying to do? Make more Don Juans?


Absolutely brilliant. I'm glad you didn't include that quote "if you cleanse the doors of perception, you see life as it is: infinite" because that quote is full of crap.

Anyways, it's time for me to shut up and admire!


Oh and another thing:

Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
It is about this... whatever you want to do in life... from doing a cold pick up and getting laid the same night... to finding a cure for the common cold... realize that there will be always people telling you "It's impossible" or "You will fail." And then realize that they only reason why they told you that is because they didn't have the balls to try to do it themselves.

The Matrix: Reloaded
Thanks man. That's why we'll succeed.



Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
I love it.

This makes me wonder how many people in the high school community place a mask over themselves, when behind closed doors they can do unimaginable things.

sometimes when you get to know people you find out things about them that you couldn't have fathomed.

but the social pressure, starting with parents, teachers, government even, goes downward to us and makes so much of it fake...

one of the things i cant stand is when you hear a really unintelligent or blonde-like conversation between two girls like 'oh did you see that?' 'yeah its so hot, i have to get one' 'for real, that place is awesome' <followed by FAKE laughter>. its hard to imitate the tone of voice but you get the idea. the worst part is that it really shows through that they are putting on a show, and it annoys the hell out of me.

anyway, like i said.

I love it.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
FINALLY! I was wondering what happened to the series Matrix, I thought you'd given up on it!


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Very nice post.

In high school, you know these people for 4, 5 years, tops. You come into their life, make an impression, and fade away.

High school isn't going to stick with you all your life. It's 4 years out of 70. Why not have fun with it while you can?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2001
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NYC baby!
Who said anything about only HS? Strive to be the best every moment of your life.

Great post once again, Matrix!


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Aurora, CO, USA
good job man

That was a job diving in on the topic of wanting approval. You have a good way of expressing your thoughts.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
What the hell? Why haven't people looked at this like they did at mine?

What's everyone's problem?


Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Einstien has said all of this himself.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
Einstien has said all of this himself.
Heh... that's cute. Yes Einstein did say this himself, and if he dropped my the HSDJ forum once in awhile... there would be no need for posts like these.


Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
Heh... that's cute. Yes Einstein did say this himself, and if he dropped my the HSDJ forum once in awhile... there would be no need for posts like these.

Read the book "The World as I see it".

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
Read the book "The World as I see it".
Read it... good material.

But I don't think a lot of HS kids want to muddle through Einstein books, so I thought I would just give them a condensed version.

Jan 21, 2003
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New Jerz


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
Great post man... Haven't seen something of this caliber for awhile.. i appluad you good sir :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by sonick182
Great post man... Haven't seen something of this caliber for awhile.. i appluad you good sir :)
Yeah it was posted a while back, just it is one of my favourites.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Due to the chance of this being deleted due to time, Matrix has requested me to bump this for it to stay in the High School bible. Thank you.