Relationship running a bit slow.... What to do?


Oct 30, 2006
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Well my long term relationship of 1 year and 3 months, is running VERY slow. We dont even get to spend time together (Her parents hate me and dont even have a clue we are still together, therefore she can never go out and see me and especially over the holidays because they are in california). Anyways, things just feel really slow and sluggish in our relationship. It isnt exciting anymore. WE talk on the phone and dont really have nothing to talk about at all... The only thing that pops to my mins is "i miss you, what did u do today".. and thats about it..

So anyone give me any ideas on what to do when ur relationship is coming to an hault, to pick things up again and spice things up?? thanks for helpin.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Danny boy - you started another thread about this girl - leave this girl alone - it's over - she has moved on - read the posts from your other thread!


Oct 30, 2006
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Well, I broke up with her yesterday, I told her it wasa over blah blah blah, And she started to cry really hard and told me shed love me forever, and i told her i was sorry and we could still be friends, and then she said so you are serious this time? and i said Yes, and i hung up. Then she called me back and said it was my last chance, and i was like hmmm, a simple yes or no could take away some ***** for the next few years or so.. so seeing as i had no other plates spinning, im like ok baby but only if u marry me. She said she would. (I love her). But she was having confusion about marriage about 2 weeks ago, i made it a big deal.. but w/e. Anyways yeh.......... So we are back together....... and things feel slow......... Im stuck.. I need you guys to help me out on my mission to make this girl turn AFC on me. I wanna go all or nothing!!

P.s, Guys im not as crazy about her as i use to be... so The AFCness is slowly... fading away.. which i think might be another problem because if im not as attached to her as i use to be, aka, writing her messages all the time, leaving her voice mails, writing her huge emails all the time about my day... all that crap... Maybe its my fault things are slowing down? But then should i go back to doing all that again? Im too lazy... and... i dont think it should be up to me to keep the relationship goin steady..... so anyone got any ideas?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
See a counselor..

This board is great for giving a different point of view. But when someone has many issues, or a relationship he just can't let go of, he needs one on one attention. This isn't a great format to walk you through all you need to do.

If her parents don't like you, then that's a problem you need to work out in the relationship. Counselor would help. If things are just boring, you need to discover your own passions, share that. If she cannot share in passions with you, then she may not be your type. But, it's too early to tell. See a counselor.

As a rule of thumb, if you post once or twice here, and don't get what you need, posting again probably won't do good. Insane = doing the same things, but expecting different results.