rejection week 4


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
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im going to walk through the fear of approaching beautiful women for numbers . diving in head first. reporting back in a couple hours... gulp.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
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OK, I just want everyone to realize something very quick before I begin writing this week. I have slept with MANY women, but only because my party game was incredible in High School and in my first two years of college when I was a club promoter and bouncer. They have brought me nothing but doubt in myself as a sober and passionate man. I find myself in a dark hole struggling to climb out. Even though some would revere such a feat, I can tell you first hand that a PUA will only leave you wondering where you could be if you had found your strength and fearlessly grabbed hold of your nuts in the beginning. Luckily, I've finally hit a breaking point where I want to be the man that I've watched many of you become over the years. I realize I still have a chance at 22 while young and generally healthy. My confidence is lacking, and I am strictly here to join my fellow Don Juans in the good life--the right life. Sadly my variance in confidence has become a major deficit on any other genetic attribute I may have when dealing with my social and professional life. This is probably because I've never been happy with myself.

Having said that, I would only like serious commenters to follow my writing, and by serious men I mean guys that are like me--guys that want nothing more than to improve their lives. I would do anything for a friend in my situation that needed my help, especially with living a confident life and finding happiness, so I hope you all will do the same for me and not leave stupid comments that will do nothing but enlarge your own ego and make you look like a complete jerkoff. At this point I tend to get set back over bad comments, even though they are anonymous. Probably especially because they're anonymous because I believe so much in pride and honor. I just want to be real for once in my life and not hide behind an ego, behind my fear, or behind any effort for self-elevation. I can't thank y'all enough if you talk to me as you would if you were standing or sitting beside me as man to man.

ANY lines I can use to open conversation in places I failed would be AWESOME! I'll post whether I fail, succeed, or get a rejection.

The boot camp isn't kidding! This week took a lot out of me to just stand up and say, "I'm going to the mall to get rejected." Here's the great part... I didn't get rejected! I used the exact lines, so I need to be sure to go after the most beautiful women I see tomorrow on campus that completely terrify me and are most likely to reject me... because getting their numbers would be absolutely incredible.


Attempt #1 (FAIL): As I walked through the mall it seemed like every attractive female had a guy on her arm. I passed two very attractive girls, probably around 19, and couldn't approach. I really wouldn't have any idea what to say to two women walking together. Then again, this is the whole idea of rejections this week... to learn from your mistakes right? I'll get it, I just need to work towards it.

Attempt #2 (FAIL): Girl was checking me out from a center vender cart (bean bag couches). She had light skin with dark complexion, little tall and thicker, but I thought I saw a pretty juicy athletic body overall. I approached when this guy comes and jumps in front of me on the couch. Thought I'd return in a bit but I didn't take into consideration the time.

Attempt #3 (SUCCEED): A slim blonde was sitting by herself on a bench in the middle of the mall. I'm a little rusty so I know it was a bad opener. Everything else I thought of just sounded cheesy. I'll try to remember as best I can...

Me: Waiting on someone?
Kelly: Nope, just hanging out.
Me: Great, my name is "please reject me".
I put out my hand, look down where I'm shaking, and look in her eyes. She seemed young, definitely without the freshman drinking look.
Her: Kelly (I hope)
She smiled a lot, when I talked she responded well to my questions as they were related to what she had mentioned before.
Me: So what do you do? College? (I went to this question because how young she looked.
She tells me that she's now out of high school, about to go to the local community college for two years, but isn't going to the four year here because she likes a rival school. Her friend showed her the campus and she likes it because she's familiar with it.
Me: I don't tell anyone, but I've loved that school since I was little. Staying here was the quicker, more convienent route to get to law school.
Me: So what do you like to do around town?
Kelly: I love going to the mall. I'm here pretty much every week with my friends.
There was an odd moment and I wasn't sure what she was thinking or why she might have tensed.
Kelly: Well I should be going.
Me: Me too, but hey let me get your number so I can call you sometime. What's your cell number?
She gives it.
Me: It was Tripp, nice to meet you Kelly.

Attempt #4 (FAIL): I was search through Dillards and then around a couple more stores and then I saw my type. She was a hottie... beautiful legs. She was waiting in Starbucks. I set down my stuff, and right as I walked up to the line she was given her coffee. I should have torn, but I needed one for tonight. I'm still really uncomfortable with chasing women that are walking off. I could use some pointers here.

****. I was on my phone making plans for later tonight when she walked out of the restroom. I had stopped, and she made eye contact with me as she was walking out. By the time I ended the call I lost her. Speed walkers...

Attempt #5 (SUCCEED): Upset about losing a great catch, I walked into a place I knew I had the best chances of getting a rejection. Abercrombie and Fitch. I guess I always thought they were really uptight or are all snatched up. I saw a hottie folding clothes in the women's section, but I nothing came to the tip of my tongue. Now that I think about it I could have asked about what she recommends for my sister. As I turn to the men's section, BINGO. Older, great body, another light skinned brunette. This convo amazed me. She was folding clothes. Again, this is generally how it went.

Me: Restocking?
Lauren: Yep, we have loads of stuff in.
Me: I'm sure folding all of these t-shirts is too much fun.
Lauren: *Laughs* You have no idea.
I asked her some question that led from conversation about the clothing to what else she does.
Lauren: I just graduated with a degree in theater.
Generally interested, I conversed and related how as an English major maybe one day I'll be writing the scripts that she uses. She seemed to be giving me signals... it was intriguing because I had never gotten flirty signals from a conversation like this. After two minutes I decided to end it on a good note.
Me: Well I'm sure you have some work to do, but I'd like to call you sometime. What's your number?
Lauren: *Giggles.*
After a second,
Lauren: Nice cell phone. What is it?
Me: It's an LG by Verizon.
Lauren: Oh, cool.
She starts to give me the area code.
Me: Where are you from?
Lauren: (common area code)
Me: Nice! (I say my area, smile, get the number and tell her bye)

She was really attractive. I didn't think she would be so friendly, and it turned out it was one of the easiest talks and number pulls I've ever gotten.


Attempt #6 (FAILED): I needed some stuff I forgot earlier... and my confidence lured me to store some Pinot Grigio. One woman that was cute in the whole store. Smaller, Spanish, dressed sexy, nice rack and ass. I saw her in an isle and decided to make it look accidental and run into her at the end, but she went the other way. I grabbed my stuff and saw her in a line. When I reached the back of the line, she started to walk out. I put my stuff in an empty cart and jogged outside to catch her outsie, but she was in the dark walking to her car--any advice on this one? It was way too creepy and I didn't feel like getting maced.

Attempt #7 (FAILED): This one went great, but my fear got me.

Me: Ready to leave yet?
Lisa: You have no idea (blah blah blah worked 6 days this week)
Me: I questioned her about how she handles work with school.
Lisa: (smiling as I show I understand how tough it must be and I tell her how hard she must have it compared to my simple major... which it's fawking not... she giggles about it though. She's a chemistry major with one class)
The bagging guy walks up as I'm talking to her and the spectator listening intently on every word I say makes me a bit apprehensive as I'm paying.
Me: See you Lisa.
Lisa: Bye!

I should go back by there and try again tomorrow... pick up a gatoraide or something. Thanks for reading guys! I can't wait to improve more tomorrow and get hopefully lots of more numbers than the two from just tonight! I'll be sure to get a couple rejections and I hope to share some stories. "You should have approached" won't help me much, because I know that. I'll go out of my comfort zone more, because I understand the whole point of this week is to not fear approaching the women that attract me the most.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
hey buddy, im in the same hole as you... got @$$ in college, now im 23 and in the real world...some of the stuff i learned here helped me in college, but then again it was at parties, springs breaks, etc where i got my action..just like you. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get a woman to satisfy my romantic interests.

Attempt 3 at the mall was good. My critique is that you were selling yourself a little too much. Don't mention what you do (law school) ... instead you should have asked her more about the school, pretend your dumb and never heard of it.
She tells me that she's now out of high school, about to go to the local community college for two years, but isn't going to the four year here because she likes a rival school. Her friend showed her the campus and she likes it because she's familiar with it.
YOU: how often did you visit it (since she familiar with it)?
or What do you think about the student body? or add some humor "damn girl, you sound real familiar with it, you sure you didn't get your degree from there already....are you really a freshmen?!?!


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
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a house
Your post,although motivational, has me shocked at myself. I will type more later.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
Day 2

Blackbelt2k, that’s awesome—I hope you’re getting your affairs in order. If I didn’t know where or what the college was I’d probably look like some weirdo that didn’t leave his house or turn on his television. I like that compliment at the end… “Are you really a freshman? You look so mature; I would have guessed a senior…” The freshmen chicks will probably love that line.

ItsOnNow, I hope you’re one of many that will become inspired by this.



I stayed sober last night and had a blast with my buddy John. Even a couple girls I used to mess around with were being cool. I was more aware of my surroundings and danced with a few chicks, and I danced a long time with this hot chick friend I stay tight with. She was a little sloppy to say the least. Anyway, it took a lot out of me so I spent most of my time kicking it with my buddies I know in the scene.

ATTEMPT #8 (SUCCEED): Robyn: Do you guys have a lighter?
Me: Nah, what's your name. (name) Hi Robyn, I'm T.
She kept pulling back but I kept getting her to open up some. She was from a city about 15-20 minutes up the road.
Me: How often do you come into town?
Robyn: A couple times a week. I usually come to <event> and <event> every week.
Me: Oh, so you must know <list>. That's tight, I used to work with them. Let me call you sometime and we can chill or pre-party.

This is not the type of woman I want to mess around with, even though she was banging. The tan and red dress might have thrown my observation skills off, but she looked worth a couple minutes of my trouble to try and call some time. I really don’t have much club game except “get drunk as the girl next to me and hope she’s hot when I wake up.”



ATTEMPT #1 (FAIL): I passed a girl in the computer lab doing some homework. From a side glance she was really hot and there was nobody around. I even had 5 minutes to spare, but I guess it was early and I was just too tired to get my game started.

ATTEMPT #2 (SUCCEED): This was tight. I walked past this girl on campus. My fear kicked in and I suddenly realized that this is the whole reason I began boot camp. I followed her for about 10 seconds to wait for her to hang up her phone, and then broke out into a jog.

Me: Excuse me…
Sara: Hey…
Me: Hey I just saw you walking by and I wanted to meet you. My name is T. What’s your name?
Sara: Sara.
She was really apprehensive at first and even though she kept half turning and walking, I kept my cool.
Me: Are you running late to class?
Sara: No, I’m just not feeling well.
Here I stuttered a little bit, asking if she had a stomach ache. I think it ended up sounding like a ****y/funny line (as in having to run to take a dump), because she calmed down and became more responsive. She’s a telecommunications major, just getting into town as a freshman, and only came with a roommate from her hometown… I wrote down a few more details so I wouldn’t forget, but I conversed fairly well. I didn’t know where her hometown was or what it was like, so I asked and then gave away some vague information about my hometown.
Sara: My roommate is actually over there (I think that’s who she was calling)
Me: I’m on my way to class, but let me call you sometime. What’s your number?

I’m starting to say that line naturally, and it’s golden.

ATTEMPT #3 (FAIL): Afterwards, I was walking up some stairs behind a chick in her pajamas. It felt like a really ****ty way to meet a chick with her ass in my face… or an extremely good way, I’m not sure yet.

Me: Just jump out of bed?
She turns around and giggles, walking forward.
Me: I know the feeling, it’s one of those days.
I could see a gay smile, but I hesitated. I think I should have said, “hey wait up! What’s your name?” I flaked and she sped up. Crap.

ATTEMPT #4 (SUCCEED): I didn’t want her number. After I got off the bus, I approached a girl ahead of me that was walking towards my complex. It seems the 3-second-rule failed my initial perception… she was maybe a six. I didn’t’ really look at her body. She was fairly nice and I talked to her for a long time until we split ways, but she stopped to watch me walk off and to say, “I hope you have a nice day.” I know I could have made another chick friend and asked for her number, but she had some boyfriend that was gone for the summer, and I don’t want to be that guy on a girl like this. I’ll see her getting off the bus some other time anyway.

I have a lot to do and a lot of homework, but I have a few out-of-house chores to do still. I guess I have to MAKE myself get rejected. Well, not make, but try on women completely out of my league. I know I said this yesterday. Once I get comfortable with my numbers in a few days I think I’m more likely to be looking to get rejected. Thanks again for advice and for reading. I’m going to catch a movie with a friend before I start some homework. If not, I’ll end up at Barnes and Noble or something with more reports.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
I'm going to end this thread and start my next week while still keeping at least 10 numbers and trying to get 10 rejections. It's just too much, and I've been very sick with a stomach virus the last week and had to go to the hospital. Thanks for reading, and here's my last day before I had to end it.


ATTEMPT #1 (REJECTED): It seems I'm lucky this semester and there's a few hotties in my classes. It just sucks that my particular major has either really unattractive women or hotties with long term boyfriends (from what I've seen). As soon as I started talking to this girl I felt something different from our conversation. I got most of her background information, and then class started before I pulled her number. I was thinking the entire time that I should have just slipped her a middle school note that popped the question. This was an embarrassing rejection.

Me: (as class ended) Hey, *name* blah blah can I have your number?
(Yeah, I tripped on my words.)
Girl: That's really flattering, but I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that too much.
Me: Something gave me the feeling.

I just crashed saying all the wrong things and accepted it as the truth. Too much thought, great first rejection to knock me down a notch.

ATTEMPT #2 (FAILED): I didn't think the rejection would effect me much, but this Hispanic chick that was too fine walked past and I hesitated. She had a clubbing ***** look about her, but who knows--the point is I symp'd out.


ATTEMPT #3 (SUCCESS): Nice rebound with a tan skinned rec/tourism junior. The name was a little offsetting because of my past relationships with women named Erica, but I think in my mind it brought her down to my level.

Me: Nice shades.
Erica: Thanks.
Me: So how's your day doing?
Erica: *opens up*
Me: Mine going a long, pretty good so far. What's your name?
She was very responsive and a better conversationist than most women. She works in a hair salon as a receptionist (easy but wasn't the job she wanted) and she told me about her past majors. She was from a city down south on the coast. Port something. My bus stop came up after 5-10 minutes.
Me: Well, this is me coming up, let me call you sometime.
Erica: OK *starts to tell me her number before I even ask or get out my phone*
Me: It was nice to meet you, Erica.
I repeat my name so she remembers).


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
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