Reasons for Marriage


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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This thread... Went from marriage, to talking about bonds/shares, and now is all ad-hominem. Not going to lie, this is kind of entertaining.
View attachment 183

I will try to attempt to answer the: "What motivation arises in a man that he feels the need to flee the country to evade his problems?"
His problems, or the problems he faces in the place he is in? He clearly states the problems are related to the women in his environment. If the women of his country do not meet his desires and needs then is it not fair that he look to meet them elsewhere? Certainly, there are far fewer women in North America that are accepting of traditional conservative notions of relationships and gender roles due in part to feminism, the shifting gender roles in society, ect. He seems to feel more compatible with them, but of course such things require significant investments (such as travel) so even his own choice has its costs along with its possible benefits. I think 3rd world women come with their own strings attached if you ask me,... Trad-con systems of relationship dynamics most prominent in 3rd world areas certainly has women in a domestic role but forces the man strictly into the role of being the main provider so there are still expectations, this is not even mentioning trying to reconcile the culture difference, language, ect. But if that makes him happy it is his life and his prerogative
Even if you are primarily a "provider" for one of these 3rd world babes, her raising will be such that you can expect daily cooked meals, a clean house and daily sex.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Strong rebuttal.

Two hangups with LiveFree's "escape."

1) The use of the word "escape" denotes, he is running away from. Why choose "escape" and not "broadening" or "expanding"? Could it have been a tongue-in cheek expression? Possibly, until he follows with "evading mainstream society."

2) I'm all for women with traditional values. Hell, I only date traditional women. But to change countries; to change my life; to revolve my world around finding a woman, IMO, is the epitome of weakness.

Now IF his change in location were not "escaping," nor "to find a traditional woman," then his move could have merit. His intent is the pickle.
What if your culture was ruined, and only other cultures still had the values that you would require to be happy?


Oct 13, 2015
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If the US decided to implement a 95 pc marginal tax rate for people in your income bracket would moving be a sign of weakness?
"Intent" is the subject matter:

L_e_g_e_n_d said:
Now IF his change in location were not "escaping," nor "to find a traditional woman," then his move could have merit. His intent is the pickle.
LiveFree did not "escape" due to a higher tax rate. Accordingly, citing an example that has no correlation to the subject matter negates your contention further.

BeTheChange said:
Bringing it back on topic, Canada, where LiveFree is from, is probably the most feminist country in the world. Correct me if I'm wrong but Canada practices common law marriage (live with a woman long enough and she has all the rights of someone in marriage). Now given I'd like to raise a family one day, that to me would be a risk I would not be willing to take. If I was living in Canada and had the same income growth potential I do now there is no doubt in my mind I would actively seek to move to a country with a less hostile legal system against men.
IF LiveFree lived in Canada, assuming Canada practiced common law marriage, and "escaped" to a third-world country in order not to be saddled with the subsequent "50%" separation outcome, his move would still be imprudent, as in a third-world country his income potential would likely fall greater than 50%, and thus his projected "savings" would be superseded by the lack of "financial opportunity" in his new home.

I thought you were smarter than this, ChangeBox. With logic like this, I may have to reevaluate my other position where you sided with me.

mrgoodstuff said:
What if your culture was ruined, and only other cultures still had the values that you would require to be happy?
Here's a strong contention.

Indeed, for the most part, inhabitants' values in first-world countries are weaker than those in third-world countries. The question is why.


In third world countries, survival is the focus: Inhabitants have a greater value system in order to forge stronger friendly and familial connections, as "two hands are stronger than one for survival." But then, it begs the question, are their good values contrived because of this necessity for survival? What would happen if we were to take these good-willed samaritans and place them into a first-world country? Would their values remain strong over time or deflate in accordance with their “needs”?
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Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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Two hangups with LiveFree's "escape.
Does anyone even know what @LiveFreeX's situation is? I asked earlier and he didn't respond. It seems like in every other thread he posts about how everyone is wasting their time with 1st world women.

Like, I get. Women from 3rd world countries are better. Great. Tell me why I care? If you move to a 3rd world country just to get women your priorities are totally out of whack.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Does anyone even know what @LiveFreeX's situation is? I asked earlier and he didn't respond. It seems like in every other thread he posts about how everyone is wasting their time with 1st world women.

Like, I get. Women from 3rd world countries are better. Great. Tell me why I care? If you move to a 3rd world country just to get women your priorities are totally out of whack.
You could always import one.

If you can't handle women here, what makes anyone think they could handle them anywhere else?


Oct 13, 2015
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Is this what we should teach young men today? Flee the country, to serve YOU ... and leave your fellow man behind. Sounds good in theory, right. Fuk your fellow brothers. Who really cares about everyone else getting railroaded in the bureaucratic, manipulated, senseless, monkey-ridden court systems, right?

I have a better idea. How about:

Saying "NO" to marriage.
Saying "NO" to live-in-gfs in common-law states.
Saying "NO" to the indoctrinated belief that you MUST have a wife, kids, and picket fence.

If enough men had fortitude in their balls;
If enough men were strong-willed and remained true to their core;
If enough men looked beyond themselves;

... laws will repeal. They always do, upon the will of many.

Herein is not a "Tenacity" whine. Just a caution to stop supporting men who are self-serving, and weak-willed.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
What motivation arises in a man that he feels the need to flee the country to evade his problems?
Ok Legend, this is something you have ASSUMED and I guess you haven't read my other threads fully or you would know that I teach English abroad, LOVE my job and have been doing it on and off in about 5 different countries since my early twenties. I don't run to other countries FOR women but I have found my experience abroad with women far greater... as in 'OVER 9000' times better. Not only that, I advocate travel and more importantly extended trips (as in living abroad) because it expands one's mind and allows him to see things he wouldn't otherwise see from his vantage point. Travelling helps you get a different perspective on things, also yes the women are MORE compatible with men. It also introduces you to business opportunities and people you would otherwise have never been able to meet, staying where you were before.

There is absolutely 'NO' reason you need to say goodbye to marriage and if you were to do a little travelling you would be able to see that, it is religion on contact. Now, I can only imagine the person that opposes this would have a vested interest in men not doing better for themselves.

When I say 'escape' I mean, escape from the rampant bull**** that is eating our society. I am already MARRIED and happily for the last 6 years with very little in the way of sh1t tests or fights. My wife is extremely low maintenance and I brag about her a lot on the threads because I'm extremely proud of her. When my wife bends down to tie my shoes in a crowded building and all of the offended women jump up and down like monkeys, you know something is very wrong at home. When my wife tells others she gives her paycheck to me at the end of the day and they have a meltdown, something is wrong. If my wife wears a pretty dress and looks feminine because I ask her to get changed cause we are going to the club and the other Americanized Asians we are with go crazy, you know something is wrong with the local talent.

You know something is wrong with our culture when I come home and take up an old trade in what used to be a completely male dominated environment and get fired for calling a dyke 'unsettling'. So yes, I'm escaping back to my old life where I make double the money for less than half the work and none of the PC bullsh1t..

Something is wrong with women in the West because my wife's very presence offends them. She can't wait to go home because the western women treat her like dirt in her job, especially when they see a regular white guy in a junky car pick her up after work. They are pissed that I don't drive a BMW, didn't buy her a ring or have a wedding because it upsets the balance of entitlement in the west and shows men they don't have to put up with that bullsh1t anymore in order to make a HOT woman happy. My wife on the other hand is just happy to have a guy who doesn't beat the sh1t out of her and isn't involved in the mob.

I would now like you to educate me on why seeing how the rest of the world lives and experiencing it from their point of view is a bad thing.... please, I'm actually interested in why someone would choose not to do this because its not just you, apparently 99% of the people I speak to in everyday life are also vehemently opposed to doing this and would prefer going about their horrible lives, uninterrupted.


Oct 13, 2015
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I would now like you to educate me on why seeing how the rest of the world lives and experiencing it from their point of view is a bad thing.... please, I'm actually interested in why someone would choose not to do this because its not just you, apparently 99% of the people I speak to in everyday life are also vehemently opposed to doing this and would prefer going about their horrible lives, uninterrupted.
Simple. My world does not revolve around finding a good woman. So a permanent change in venue would need to be warranted based on how well that change serves my interest.

I repeal law, by profession. Recently, I altered case law in my state in relation to the improper recording of securitized instruments. That's ONE of the many changes I have effected. When I see an epidemic of sorts; I will fight for and effect change. "Escaping" to a country for self-serving reasons, especially for a woman, does not fall within that interest.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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@l_e_g_e_n_d While I understand your sentiment, to look out for the "greater good" and your pseudo-utilitarian perspective. I have to say that to expect every other individual to sacrifice their own interests for the "greater good" is not realistic. Certianly, a person can oppose marriage to make a statement (a very MGTOW notion)... However, what if that statement comes at the expense of their own happiness? Is it still worth it? What if they truly want to marry and find somebody but just feel incompatible with American women who have rejected traditional-conservative roles and who are far more entitled? What if they can find that compatibility with a woman in a different country and make it work better?
Also, one can argue that favoring women in other countries and giving them affection instead of American women is protesting in a similar way. You are rejecting Western values, rejecting western women who hold these values. Is that not a protest in and of itself?

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
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Some women aren't worth our attention. Some places aren't worth our citizenship. For those who wish to be white-knights of something with low value, more power to you.


Oct 13, 2015
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@l_e_g_e_n_d While I understand your sentiment, to look out for the "greater good" and your pseudo-utilitarian perspective. I have to say that to expect every other individual to sacrifice their own interests for the "greater good" is not realistic. Certianly, a person can oppose marriage to make a statement (a very MGTOW notion)... However, what if that statement comes at the expense of their own happiness? Is it still worth it? What if they truly want to marry and find somebody but just feel incompatible with American women who have rejected traditional-conservative roles and who are far more entitled? What if they can find that compatibility with a woman in a different country and make it work better?
Also, one can argue that favoring women in other countries and giving them affection instead of American women is protesting in a similar way. You are rejecting Western values, rejecting western women who hold these values. Is that not a protest in and of itself?
1) Is that what we teach here at SoSuave. Abandon your passions, and prioritize "finding a good woman to marry" by moving to third-world countries? Is that how we forge fortitude and character in young men? Take it in the azz or move.

2. Good Asmodeus. I'm glad your actions are self-serving only. Let me know how that works out for you. I elect to barter in fair returns: I provide much, I get much. I think I'll stick with what works.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
There is no way you are a man, you just read through my entire post and still you are taking away 'moving to third world countries to find a woman'. That's an A-typical shaming tactic that western women use... I advise everyone to re-read my post.

There is NO way you are a lawyer of any kind.
Is that what we teach here at SoSuave. Abandon your passions, and prioritize "finding a good woman to marry" by moving to third-world countries? Is that how we forge fortitude and character in young men? Take it in the azz or move.
The only thing that sosuave teaches is learning parlor tricks to impress ungrateful women. Why do you need to abandon your passions? No one is asking anyone to do that unless your passion is sadomasochism. Anyone that would shame 3rd world women or the pursuit of a better quality female is very obviously a western woman or a brainwashed knight. Why bother forging fortitude and good character in young men if we tell them to pursue women who will use and abuse them? And nowhere on sosuave will you find men telling other men to act like the nice guy to pickup american women because IT DOESN'T WORK. The fundamental rule in SS is to act like a jerk to get women to like you.

If American women didn't play stupid games, neither would we. That is the difference between those 3rd world girls and the ones at home, no games. Why must men change their character for virtually nothing in return?
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Oct 13, 2015
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I'm confused! Does this mean it's ok to pay for pvssy??
Either way you pay. So enjoy. ;)

LiveFree said:
Why bother forging fortitude and good character in young men if we tell them to pursue women who will use and abuse them?
Men forge character and fortitude for themselves to harvest fruit in their kingdom. Your focus is still on the "woman," the same motivation which prompted your "escape."

You do realize you went from "I escaped to avoid mainstream society" =====> " I moved for job reasons and travel and just so happened to find a great girl."

It was a typo. I know. I forgive your transgression. LOL
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Yes, I am self-serving. I see nothing wrong with being self-interested, and I fully admit I am. Sometimes my self-interest has been beneficial for others, in fact more often than not. I do my job for money, by doing my job I am helping people. I am here in SoSuave to learn for my own personal gain, but by being here I participate and may help others. It is called ethical egoism, rational selfishness mixed with a dash of enlightened self-interest. Furthermore, I find appealing to other's self interest tends to get the best gains from people.
I do not prioritize finding any woman to marry, in fact I have no intent to marry... But that is just me. I let each other person make their own judgments on their desires. I just think that LiveFree has his reasons, and that so long he is happy with his reasons and so long as his choice is not going to cause any direct issues in my own life then I do not have any qualms with his choice. I will give my own opinion on the issue (which I gave a while back), but ultimately he knows what is best for him. SoSuave is not about teaching people to live in one specific way, it is not trying to make everyone fit the same philosophy on life. It is simply a place where people can gain perspectives and advice so that they can make their own choices better informed. In fact, one thing you will see here is the diversity of different men (and a few women it seems), who have different ideas and different philosophies on how to live their life.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
You guys are really looking at the negatives here:

Marriage for citizenship - Gives you a work visa/family visa or access to a completey different market. Some countries have better benefits than others.

Marriage for culture - Gives your children access to a more masculine culture so that they have a bigger world to belong to.

Marriage for ownership of the female - You buy a dog, why can't you buy a female? Dog bites you, replace him, same with wife.

Marriage for stability - Whilst it may not be a physical thing that you can have, it does give some security knowing that no matter where you are, your wife will be there to look out for your well being in some capacity.

Marriage for children - What child doesn't want his mother and father to be married? Lets be honest now, every kid. A STRAIGHT marriage means that both parties have a vested interest in maintaining a family structure and making a concentrated effort to be more successful with their lives. What child wouldn't benefit from having BOTH of his parents in their life.

Marriage for membership to society - 99% of the world subscribes to marriage and in most cases, others will look favorably on you if you are married/children. You look like a more responsible person not to mention you are by definition a productive man. Most importantly, you are not perceived as a threat to the establishment and can conduct yourself under the radar if you so choose.

The state of marriage in a country is a good indicator of how well that country is doing economically.

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Yes, I'm not making my posts from the standpoint of the typical American marriage. For that I would advise no one get married.
If your goal is to live in America, I would not advise marriage. My goal is to escape back to the 3rd world and build a bridge between the two so that I don't have to deal with regular society in any capacity.
Come at me bro.


Oct 13, 2015
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Ya, I'm not into the lalala everybody holds their own philosophy drivel. I'm not here to make friends or to be liked. When I see shvt, I call it shvt. And my BS meter rarely fails me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I'm confused! Does this mean it's ok to pay for pvssy??
You find that in many cases paying for it up front is cheaper than having a girlfriend. I hate doing the math and finding it like this. It's not always like this, because many girlfriends will just douse you in it and dont' expect much except for you to care and some attention, and they will even reach into their purse for you.