"Re-released Into The Wild"

Kevin Matthew

Don Juan
Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
New York
Before reading, please know I just finished my second weekend of being single. Have 2 potentials, but I'm having trouble with one. Advise would be appreciated. I hope all the details don't make me sound like an AFC, but oh well...

I'm a photographer. Through networking I was able to recruit this chick to possibly model for me. Met her last Thursday for a drink to discuss the shoot. Things went well. When she got home from the bar she texted me immediately.
"Its nice to meet you"
"You should let me cook for you sometime[insert pic of her dinner]"
"So how would you rate me on a scale from 1-10?"
I ended the convo by not responding to that last text(if I did, not matter how I answered she would over think it). The next day(Friday) she emailed a clothing company she works with, and myself about the shoot. I didn't respond to the email until today, at which time I suggested she and I meet up again to go over the shot list for the shoot. She never responded to my email but she did text me.
Her: "I feel like death."
Me: "?"
Her: "This is my alter ego Chaz. Recovering from last night."
[about 25 minutes later]
Me: "Did you get my email?"
Her: "Yes."
Me: "Cool. Like I said i'd like to go over the shot list with you. If you can't get together this week I can type it up and email it to you."
Her: "Email might be best at the moment."

Haven't said anything yet. I know this post is AFC of me, but I actually have another girl who I am also approaching, so it isn't one-itis. And like I said, only my second weekend single.

Am I over thinking this?
If I haven't ****ed it up what is the recommended next move?

I often find doing nothing is the best game. Whenever I make no moves, the girl approaches me, but sometimes(often) I get impatient, and over do it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Am I over thinking this?


If I haven't ****ed it up what is the recommended next move?

Messed up? I dont even know what your attempting to do pal...scenario seems just like your working together. If your trying to date her...forget the work sh1t and ask her to meetup.

I often find doing nothing is the best game



Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hey Kevin. I also work in the arts - film and TV - and like to think I can provide you with an informed opinion here.

Firstly, be careful with dating the talent you work with. Dating girls is nice, but I'm guessing you value your burgeoning career as a photographer more. Last thing you want to happen is to become known as the guy who asks girls to "model" for him just so that he can try and get in their pants then post about it on an internet forum.

So, in general, stay away from that if you want to be seen as legit.

Secondly: Models, actresses, artist girls, etc... They are all of a certain ilk - familiar traits are insecurity, manic depression, attention whorishness... translation: like all artists (you and me included) we are on some level desperate for validation.

Furthermore, depending on what stage they are at in their careers, they are desperate for work. It's hard out there for models and actresses - they are up against many beautiful women for the same roles, it's tough to stand out, and of course there's guys constantly trying to take advantage of them, claiming they want to work with them professionally but then posting about them on SoSuave...

What I'm getting at is - this girl probably really wants to build up her portfolio and to collaborate with other artists to build up her career. Even if you are putting on the moves and she's not interested, she is likely to gloss over that stuff and keep communicating with you because she wants to work with you.

It's not that she's using you, it's more like she's just very interested in working with you on a professional level and deep inside she is desperately hoping you want to work with her for her talent and not just to date her.

Trust me, man. I've been through the same thing with actresses. We meet for coffee or whatever under the guise of talking about our craft, all the while me scheming for more, and it just never materializes into anything... But they'll stay in touch and keep talking about the work because that's we do as artists - we network and collaborate.

And that's the key word right there: work. If she were texting you about YOU, maybe it's that rare model who's attracted to you. But seeing as she keeps texting you about the WORK, I'd say she's not on the same page as you.