Rants, Complaints and Questions Of An 18yr Old Don Juan


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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Let me be the first to congratulate anyone on this site for joining, inquiring, questions, relating and being open with our topics. It is great to know that MEN out in this world are out to help other MEN in leading the lives they want to lead...now on to the true topic of my post.

Life can be a sight for sore eyes for all, and recently I feel and have tested that I have purposely pulled some AFC-esque movements which has lead a few girls in my life to lose interest, possibly respect for me. One of which is a girl whom I've dated ONCE, yes once and in any other circumstances I would never of done this BUT I took the gamble. Yes I took the gamble and it seems NOW I pay the price for it.

The gamble was too ASK the girl out. Again let me repeat this would never be done under any circumstances but I thought the girl was cute (hb8) and she was also a Virgin (Keeping up her market value+ if I manage to bag her she'd be all mine in so many ways). We had talked before we dated, I hit her up with the usual C+F which is part of who I naturally am anyways. At first the girl was very concious when we first went out she was scared to look at me because prior to us meeting I had made jokes about her looks and she seemed very sensitive. I took in alot of who she was as being sensitive and quite feminem and I saw this as a worthy qualitys which I think most younger girls LACK.

The whole date she was smiles and told me she had alot of fun. Now an issue I had with this girl and notice with alot of girls in general is THEY want to be the ones who are reached and unless I've ****ed them and they KNOW what the **** I'm capable of they normally are passive and don't call me. I notice this with about 85% of females so I don't think its an isolated incident or because of me, its who they are. Anyways she always insisted that I call her, and eventually I broke her down and had her call me sometimes, but I had to ASK her to do it which I figure is just down right retarded.

Background info on this girl is her last boyfriend was with her for 2 years and they never had sex which to me makes me believe that A. This dude was head over heels for her and had severe oneitis or B. This girl will never put out no matter who it is, or unless he invests some SERIOUS time in her. Also we've talked just about 3-4 (for minimum of an hour) times a week for a good month and a half now. This whole time though we haven't seen each other again, ONCE. Even the first time trying to get her out was a hastle since she didn't want to go to the mall, or the movies...or anything for that matter I had to find some dumb restaurant to go to just so she'd come out. She seemed like she wanted to be treated like a princess or something which I just laughed at. But even now I ask her out and shes always "busy" has to do something, and I put up with it.

The serious move was that I asked her out because this was at the point where I just wanted to lock her down and test her interest because I was getting fed up with the non sense. She then turned around and said she LIKED ME but if it was any other time she WOULD but she CANT because first of all she dosen't think I can last long on being with her and not having sex with other girls, because her last boyfriend with was with her for 2 years and then cheated on her. I then told her if she can't make up her mind I'm going to talk to her less, she said she still wanted to talk. I didn't see the point. She said that maybe in the future she would change how she felt, she even asked if it was ok in the summer if I would say yes to her if she asked me out.

At this point I was like who the **** is she trying to play? She wants my attention but isn't even willing to even chill with me? I mean we've made plans together and there has been times where I flopped on her, but it was for a valid reason (Day after new years party until 7am, I was extremely hung over). So I call her today and I'm getting this whole bull**** routine from her on how shes doing her hair (Shes been on the phone with me before while she did her hair but this is before I asked her out) and the phone convo barely extends 5 mins. She said call tommorow but something keeps telling me I'm wasting my time, another side keeps telling me to be patient and bide my time so I've already invested so much into her why waste it now? But I also feel its like some fool chasing the promise of god, being told that it is going to come repeatedly but in reality ain't **** coming.

Dudes help me. I have no ONEITIS for her, no feelings. Shes hot and I wanna bang that+virgin so hit me up.

Another VENT. Is this. I'm 18, and for my age I've been told I look older, up to and including 25 years of age. So I attract the older ladies, I'm mature and they realize this, they see it and they respect it. I actually love older girls soo much more, I feel we are on the same vibration level while younger girls/party/attention *****s I just feel no connection to. Well heres an example of something I hate.

Theres this woman at my gym (I did Co-Op at the gym I workout at). Shes 30, I told her I'm 21. What initially attracted me to her was her beautiful scent oh guys if you smelled her you would go goo goo ga ga as well. Shes definiately cute, and she feels the same about me, shes admitted to it. So as I proceed the first time we talked, I didn't count it but since I have nothing to do while I was at co-op talking to people is what passed the time. We talked for a good hour while she was working out, ranging from her prior marriage, relationships, life, work, everything.

And boy is there a connection, its fuming, I almost get a hard on just by talking to her its great. So that day I asked her to go out with me for coffee sometime, she politely denied and told me that I was too young for her and if she was younger she would have happily agreed. But I feel there is a GREAT injustice here because she knows as well as I do how much we enjoy each otheres company.

So second time I see her at the gym we talked for a good 3 hours, but this time I couldn't handle it anymore. Since I was quite knowledgeable on working out while she worked out I iniated some KINO and touched her legs, etc, etc and I knew as much as she did that it was a gamble since she had already politely rejected my invitation to chill. But 3 hours come on man? Thats how much fun we had jsut TALKING imagine the sex...So after that time, I've only seen her maybe 2-3 times in in between periods of two to three weeks.

But everytime we see each other we always get caught up in each other and I just think why the hell is this age thing such a big issue. It bothers me, if it was any other chick I wouldn't care but I honestly believe we have something going on. So the next time I see her accidently, while she was at work. And we talked for a bit and I asked for a pen, and a paper and I wrote down my cell # and told her to call me. She told me that im soo bad, and she calls me the tall dark stranger. I honestly love it. But she never called unfortunately and really AGAIN I'd like to stress that it seems like such a WASTE that we don't hang out. Maybe I should stress this to her, what do you guys think? How can I take this to a next level?

One last thing is that I notice throught my don juaning experience of life is realistically, bagging a chick does not have any affect on who you are. Having sex with alot of girls won't make a difference either, if thats your goal I think your ****ed up. I'd personally rather be with chicks I vibe with, but they seem so few and far between. Most girls are just about looking good, partying and seeking attention.

Those girls are WACK but I think its stupid how so many girls are lik that. With females I think it is best to go with your gut reaction to them, not your hormonal reaction. Because there looks are deceiving in all forms...where is the originality and individuality with these girls? Its like they all dress the same look the same think the same act the same ****ing cookie cutter sluts man, how is one supposed to differentiate between the real and the fake. Do you guys not agree? It's hard these days man...but I guess thats the quest of a man and a don juan...where are the women you can share yourself with?


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
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ah u shouldnt have made the beginning rhyme cause I read on like this doesnt read right lol


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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read the post...
Mar 18, 2006
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Dude, for a 18 y/o you seem to be an intelligent and coherent writer but break up your rant into 12 smaller paragraphs for easier digital reading - I couldn't follow along your long sad contiguous journey and actually got momentarily dizzy and collapsed on the floor - or maybe it was due to the 12 beers I just drank!! :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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Last Man Standing said:
Dude, for a 18 y/o you seem to be an intelligent and coherent writer but break up your rant into 12 smaller paragraphs for easier digital reading - I couldn't follow along your long sad contiguous journey and actually got momentarily dizzy and collapsed on the floor - or maybe it was the 12 beers I just drank!! :rolleyes:
thanks, I'll break it up for you guys.
Mar 18, 2006
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Ok 18 y/o pimp!!

A 30 y/o woman is desperately looking for a long term mate -- marriage!!!

!8 is a bit young - you may tickle her fancy but she doesn't want to be seen in public with you!!!! Shyyyyyyyyt, I'm 44 years old and I'll be proud and mighty to be seen with an 18 year old female -- buuuuuut, women are different!!!

Your only chance is to assure her that it is not 'public' affection that you are seeking rather it is 'pubic' affection which you desire!!!!


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
Ok 18 y/o pimp!!

A 30 y/o woman is desperately looking for a long term mate -- marriage!!!

!8 is a bit young - you may tickle her fancy but she doesn't want to be seen in public with you!!!! Shyyyyyyyyt, I'm 44 years old and I'll be proud and mighty to be seen with an 18 year old female -- buuuuuut, women are different!!!

Your only chance is to assure her that it is not 'public' affection that you are seeking rather it is 'pubic' affection which you desire!!!!

she even told me this herself (about looking for a long term mate) but I told her I'm 21. And everytime she sees me she asks my age as if she wants me to tell her different...but your right maybe she dosen't wanna be seen in public with me..even though we had our personal workout session together in a PUBLIC gym. i still wanna bang it.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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Come on where are my fellow don juans at?


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
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I find the lack of feedback disturbing..


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Well, neither of these two women are interested in you. One of them keeps herself too busy to see you, which is the wimpy way of saying she's not interested. The second one says flat out she's not interested. You're right: age isn't an issue, but it's enough of a miracle to get a straight rejection, it's really to much to get the true, exact reason. That'll never happen.

The one useful piece of advice I can give you:

I asked for a pen, and a paper and I wrote down my cell # and told her to call me. . . . But she never called
That's why you get her # instead. Every time. At least her e-mail.

such a WASTE that we don't hang out. Maybe I should stress this to her, what do you guys think? How can I take this to a next level?
You can't. You can convince a woman to take it to the next level. You just have to escalate, #, hang out, 1st kiss, etc.. When she stops you, you can slow down and try again later. But you don't tell her "let's have a relationship, because we would work well together, and it makes logical sense."