Question regarding going No-contact


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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I posted the below in some thread about increasing a girl's attraction to you by going no contact with her, but I got no response there (ironically, the fact that they ignored me there doesn't make me more attracted to them). I think I'll have more hope in this forum section; please help me if you can:

"The common theme here seems to be to go into no contact mode with the girl you want back to get her back, but there is a certain scenario that isn't really covered by any of the examples: what if two (or possibly more) guys that the girl likes go into no contact mode with her? Does the guy who breaks the no contact first after a reasonable time get the girl?

Here's a believable hypothetical example that might clarify my question:
A guy that a girl likes goes into no contact mode with her
the girl meets another guy and starts liking him
the new guy goes into no contact with the girl

Who in that scenario has the 'upper hand' usually, the new guy or the old guy? I'm guessing the new guy does, since she might feel like she has more hope getting with him.

In my case, I think I'm going up against a pretty beta person who apparently gives the girl a lot of attention (I don't know in what manner though; I don't know his game), but who is also unavailable a lot (increase in attraction?) He is the "old guy" who was around before me. I personally have been negging her and acting alpha around her and whatnot, but the problem was that I was a bit too available for her, so I recently started going no contact. I'm the "new guy" who is now no-contacting her. I have yet to receive an offer for a date from her, but she has been offering to go out on dates with him/he's been offering to go out on dates with her and she's been accepting (in other words, she's going out on dates with him, but I don't know who initiated).

Sorry for the wall of text, but I need some help. Thanks"


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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Philadelphia, PA
lol its funny, because I posted the EXACT answer to this in my journal entry for today.

But to save you the trouble of extensive reading, it seems like you're on the outside looking in at this point.

You can try within your best effort, but I don't think you'll honestly be able to gauge her attraction to him, since you're not her.

Speaking directly from the book Getting Her Back for Good by George Karanastasis, he advises you to keep the strict NC rule, which is do not contact her at all, and to let the new relationship (which, if I understood you correctly, is a rebound) take its course. If you've built a strong enough bond with her, she will come back if you keep displaying those "alpha male qualities".

However, being an alpha male is realizing that you shouldn't always stick to formula. If you HONESTLY feel that it is in your BEST, and ONLY option to talk to her now, then do it. This is uncharted territory for me as well, so I can't really advise from personal experience.

Obviously, the WORST thing you can do is, if you choose to talk to her, to bad mouth this guy. You guys are in competition, so if she sees you as threatened or petty, then you're gonna be left far behind.

Believe me, I understand your pain bro, but rest assured, this process takes time.

If you need more info, if you're willing to give me your email address, I can send you the Getting Her Back for Good pdf.


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Hey manny, thanks a lot for your help. I know my situation has a lot of variables and complications that I can't possibly translate into words without a ton of effort (so I won't). But I'm just looking for some general tips regarding the art of going no contact.
Thus, I'm willing to take you up on your generous offer, but apparently I'm not allowed to send you private messages. Could you possibly send me a private message, so I could then reply to it with my email address? Thanks again


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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I did not read the post or the reply, but it looks like you use no contact as means of attraction, and want tips on how.

First off, this is not the case. No contact is not used as a method to create attraction. It is merely a way to get over a girl. You are much better off with not avoiding her for no reason at all.

There are several no contact threads here, take a look at them; it's very basic.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
skop said:
Hey manny, thanks a lot for your help. I know my situation has a lot of variables and complications that I can't possibly translate into words without a ton of effort (so I won't). But I'm just looking for some general tips regarding the art of going no contact.
Thus, I'm willing to take you up on your generous offer, but apparently I'm not allowed to send you private messages. Could you possibly send me a private message, so I could then reply to it with my email address? Thanks again
Your profile seems to be set to where you can't receive emails.
But rest assured! Here's the email to one of my dummy accounts:

Just send me a message with the subject "Get Her Back Book", and I'll send it to you.


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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NorwegianDJ said:
I did not read the post or the reply, but it looks like you use no contact as means of attraction, and want tips on how.

First off, this is not the case. No contact is not used as a method to create attraction. It is merely a way to get over a girl. You are much better off with not avoiding her for no reason at all.

There are several no contact threads here, take a look at them; it's very basic.

This thread inspired me to investigate more on no contacting to increase attraction. It seems to work for some people


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Edit: I misunderstood "no contact" for being less available. No contact seems to be more of a move one does after a breakup. With that, are there any tips for the dilemma above if you substitute "no contact" with "being less available"?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Don't. Just be yourself with her and have a good time while talking to other girls on the side. No need to push it. If she likes you, then just ask her out or kiss her


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2011
Reaction score
Flawless Natural: have intent behind the touch. ie. pulling a girl by the arm to take her somewhere else
You can be less available, but it is easier to just be having fun and pulling her into your sphere of fun. Dont think too much about this one girl, she is just one fish in a huge sea.