question about dating

charlie brown

Don Juan
Mar 30, 2006
Reaction score
I understand that dating multiple women is a good idea, just in case something happens with one, ya got another. Ive put this into practice and also learned to fight away oneitis through logical reasoning with myself.
However, i am unsure of what could happen if they find out about each other. I have been doing things with both of them (not sex yet). One ive been out with 3 times, the other maybe 6 or seven. Ive only contacted them a few times. They tend to call me. (both almost every day)
Ive been much more talkative to people in general and find myself chatting with girls more often since my self realizations through this site ( thank you Pook and all you other djs). I want to see where those coversations lead but I always cut myself off at some point w/out their number because I feel like its going to far and is disrespectful to girls 1 and 2. In college people are everywhere ( and everyone knows everyone through facebook.) and one of their friends whom was obviously told about me would obviously relay the info back to one of them, should they witness that.
If these girls found out about each other, I have a damn good feeling i'd be labelled as a player and their friends would hear allll about it.

Ive had time to think about this and my attitude is: its dating not a relationship. Im allowed to see people. However, I know talk like that is bound to incite the wrath of those females and id get on their shyt list and that of all theyre friends. If i let those 2 girls know about each other and my stand on dating, it would hurt them. ANY SUGGESTIONS? I feel as though im doing an ok thing but need some reinforcement or advice.

charlie brown

Don Juan
Mar 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cmon guys. No one has some advice or anything to say over this?
There used to be a site called overgrow and it had a discussion forum there. It was huge, much larger, and popular than this one and there were reasons for that. Besides the fact all of it had to do with cannabis and the lifestyles and issues surrounding it, there were very friendly and helpful members. The well known ones, like pook here, were good enough answer whatever questions arose, inspire the noobs, write lengthy helpful guides, and were always willing to have a friendly chat with you. People like this attracted members and made it a good place. Even if you werent there to learn it was a place you could relax, get a good laugh, and make friends at. So, I guess if no one has anything to say, then I'm doing what a don juan ought to and thats the end of it.....?


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Charlie Brown,

I remember when I first began dating multiple women. I was scared of the same things. Luckily I was never caught out. The women all lived far apart and had no way of meeting each other.

However, as my Pick Up skills have grown I've been seeing girls who are more localised. I grew tired of driving long distances. Now it does come up that they may find out about each other.

Handling these issues are not especially easy. Because after you've been dating for 2-3 months, the girl will often beleive that you've entered into an exclusive relationship. However, you may not feel the same way.

This happened to me VERY recently. The girl questioned me about my extra carricular activities, so I gave a joke answer. This has always worked in the past. Eg. "are you seeing other women?" "yes I'm seeing 8 other women, you've just moved up to 4th favourite!" then change the subject.

However recently the girl faught past this. So I came clean. I'm not ready for an exclusive relationship, I'm having a great time with you though, and don't want it to end. But if you want an exclusive relationship you'd best find someone else.

She reacted saying that she did want an exclusive relationship but wasn't prepared to let me go. She would wait. She just didn't want to hear or see any of the girls I'd been seeing.

She wasn't going to.

Nothing changed.
