Question about 1-AD ....


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC
Hey I'm 5'11 and 160 pounds. If I combined 1-AD with Creatine, Protein and Glutamine what kind of gains should I expect? I want that toned and slightly ripped look.

Here's a pic of me taken a few weeks ago. Just to give you an idea where I am at in Operation Meathead.

thanks in advance


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score

You have the same problem I did a couple years ago. I was 5'11" and 150#. The ONLY thing that is going to get you growing is to eat better and eat MORE. You'll be wasting your time and money on all those products until you've built a base of muscle to work with.

Count on having to put on two pounds for every pound of muscle you gain (If you want to add 10 pounds of muscle, expect to have to go to 180 with 10 pounds being fat.) Take it from a former skinny guy who knows. You grow in the kitchen not at the weight stack.

Don't forget that you have to eat even more when you reach your goal. Each pound of muscle is going to burn at least another 50 calories a day (you have a high metabolism, expect more) So ten pounds of muscle will require at a minimum another 500 calories a day. Realistically, that's another whole meal that you aren't currently eating!

You'll also need a minimum of a gram of protein per pound of body weight. You probably aren't going to be able to eat that much meat without getting sick (I can't) so get a whey supplement. Ignore the instructions to have 3 scoops a day. Make it 6 and mix it with skim milk. That will get you to roughly 150 grams a day. Whatever you eat is a bonus that way. And drink lots of water for the sake of your kidneys. That much protein is one hell of a nitrogen load.

You might check out Diesel's bulking guide stickied at the top too. But have a sandwhich first, you need the calories.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2003
Reaction score
The OC
Thanks for the advice but I've already been doing all of this. I was 140 pounds about 8 months ago and I have been eating like a hog ever since. I just want something to take me over the top. I've been doing the creatine/glutamine/protein thing for awhile and I can never seem to get where I want with working out. So I was thinking maybe a prohormone would help me out.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
So you are saying you have put on 20 pounds?

Let's say half of that is lean mass. You have to eat a bare minimum an additional 500 calories a day just to maintain that. You need even more calories to grow again. Taking an anabolic will make you need to eat EVEN more.

You have to eat guy. Believe me I've been there. There is no way I can eat enough to meet my calorie needs. It makes me physically ill. I make up for it with liquid calories. Lot of protein shakes, and drink lots of carbs. Soda and cool-aid are my best friends. I'm a big fan of milkshakes too. Not much nutrition but you absolutely must have the raw calorie count.

Go have a hoagie and a milkshake.