Quality of women declining?? WTF!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
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I don't know if the is just LA, or what...but since moving her 5 years ago, I found that most of the women I meet are really not that interesting...

I find myself nexting much more frequently, and I am getting MUCH more pickier than I have been as I can pretty much tell from the get-go if a chick is a waste of my time or not. I used to REALLLLY fight nexting some girl because I totally wanted to fvck her, or she was really hot or whatever. Also told myself if I didn't chase some hottie, then I wasn't a MAN...

Now, I look at these girls and right off the bat, if their personality sucks, I just write them off then and there. It's like I KNOW I am waayyyyy too good for them. That is not be being conceded either...it's like now a girl has to really show who she is, and earn my attention based on her attitude and personality.

Here some odd situations this week...

I talk to everyone in my building...girls, guys, young, old, whatever...but recently, I found that if I am friendly or say "hi" to a girl i don't know, 50% of them have some sort of attitude or issue...like saying "hi" is SUCH a big strain in their life.

A Russian model moved in beneath me, saw her a few times at a distance, easy HB9...but when I was actually closer and said, "hi", she looked up at me made eye contact, and took a drag of her cigarette. Didn't even bother responding...

Ran into her in the elevator yesterday (2 weeks since last contact), smiled, said "hi", and again she had some attitude and seemed like total BIATCH! Sure she said "hi" back, but it was a strained, "hi", like she did not even give 2 shytes if anyone spoke to her. 9 on looks...3 on personality. NEXTED that was fairly easy...HB9, falls to HB5.

Cute blond I introduced myself to some weeks ago is nice and smiling one minute, but then distant and sad the next. One of the most naturally pretty blonds I have seen...nice body, great smile, and an amazing fashion style...but there is something odd - saw her with her anorexic bandbanger heroin addicted BF yesterday and was wondering WTF she is doing with THAT guy! Even though I have managed to seduce many a girl who had a BF, I was just mentally nexted her as I could IMAGINE all the issues she has. Odd though...her BF and roommate look like polar opposites of the type of people she would hang out with. Wierd...

Walked into the elevator today, 2 very average 6's (roommates) and their dog. Made eye contact with the first girl and said "hi" as I had to pass her to get to the buttons. She must have thought she was WAAAYYYY too cool wearing her oversized sunglasses, because I got NO response from that chick. None from her roommate either. Eventually her roommate opened up and we starting talking about her dog, but as I left the elevator and said, "bye", the roommate with dog was friendly enough to respond, but the roommate I had to pass by to exit...NOTHING! One HB6 down to 3, the other remains at 6.

I am finding that a lot of women recently are really just NOT that interesting. They are bored with their life or boring, immature...

Is this an LA thing? Or does anyone else see this as well?

On the otherhand...met this one TOTALLY nice girl, GREAT body, dark skin, and a big personality. Sarcastic and funny, which is a big change from most chicks...

I walk into the elevator and she glows when I enter (High IL for a few weeks now). I was all styled-up, and she turns to me and tells me how good I look...then asks if I am going out wh0ring! Ha! This chick is actually funny as hell...HB7 up to HB9. Not a girl i can see myself with...but a girl I would TOTALLY nail.

So that makes 1 decent chick out of 5...

Is this normal? or are chicks really getting more and more conceded, jaded, and uninteresting as the years have gone on?


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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As a fellow Angelino, I also find it rare to meet any woman of any depth and personality in this town. But you know, it just comes with the territory. This place revolves around Hollywood and beach culture and when you mix the two, you get a lot of shallow people who just into their looks and image and are only friends with you in so much as they can use you somehow. Luckily I've found a really great, down to earth circle of friends, but you've got to look far and wide to find people that are real here.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
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Tantric said:
Is this an LA thing? Or does anyone else see this as well?

Is this normal? or are chicks really getting more and more conceded, jaded, and uninteresting as the years have gone on?
I'm about as far from LA as you would like to get, but I notice that too. I'm currently an AFC, but aspiring DJ, so I probably get less favorable reactions than some guys, so my opinion on the subject may lean a little toward the negative.

I live in a small town (40,000) where there are a lot of cliques, and people are pretty reserved to start with. A lot of women tend to give off a disinterested vibe and act kind of conceited. I guess they can afford to be, the men definately outnumber the women where I live. Most (7+ HB) chicks in their late 20's-early 40's seem to always be married anyway.

Hell, even the 4-6 HB chicks seem to have an attitude sometimes.

As I read your post, I thought it was interesting how we subconsciously reclassify our perception of someone's attractiveness based on their personality.

Unfortunately for us guys, we probably lose twice the attraction stock that an equally hot woman would lose if we display poor personallity characteristics. A lot of guys will still pursue a b*tchy hottie, but I can't see a lot of chicks pursuing a miserable guy, unless he's got the gold, of course.:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Well, as the saying goes...just remember, no matter how hot some chick is......somewhere, someplace, there's a dude just like us that is sick of her sh!t.

We're in a "looks matter" society these days. If a chick is hot, she can be a b!tch, whine, nag, whatever, and it's accepted.

I say f*ck that. We're all people, nobody is really "better" than anyone else.

Don't forget that, and don't put up with people who act like they are better than you because they think "I'm soo hot, look at me", when, in fact, they have spent their whole lives focusing on what Paris Hilton's new fashion is, than on the stuff that really matters, like family, friends, people in need..

There's a whole world out there waiting to be discovered, "yet does my nails match my hair highlights?" and "oh, this guy looked at me, he's creepy" sh!t is important?

Don't let anyone turn their nose up at you. Who cares what they think, find people who have VALUE to spend your valuable time with..
Mar 18, 2006
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"Quality" begins with her virgin state - a non-virgin female cannot be described as "quality"!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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.met this one TOTALLY nice girl, GREAT body, dark skin, and a big personality. Sarcastic and funny, This chick is actually funny as hell...HB7 up to HB9. Not a girl i can see myself with...but a girl I would TOTALLY nail.
Well, um, who COULD you see yourself with?


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Tantric said:

I don't know if the is just LA, or what...but since moving her 5 years ago, I found that most of the women I meet are really not that interesting...
I disagree. I moved to LA 6 years ago and think it is fantastic. I noticed in your bio you are an actor, so you must hang around and live near industry people which I do agree are shallow and the worst of LA. I don't do any of that LAX/Mood scene etc. I came here for grad school and ended up staying...most of my crowd are non-entertainment professionals and I meet great girls all the time. I'm not saying i get laid every night, but we SoCal guys are very lucky to live here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Tantric said:
A Russian model moved in beneath me, saw her a few times at a distance, easy HB9...but when I was actually closer and said, "hi", she looked up at me made eye contact, and took a drag of her cigarette. Didn't even bother responding...
Typical Russian chick for ya. I for one, would know, as there's plenty of them here in NY.

Tantric said:
Cute blond I introduced myself to some weeks ago is nice and smiling one minute, but then distant and sad the next. One of the most naturally pretty blonds I have seen...nice body, great smile, and an amazing fashion style...but there is something odd - saw her with her anorexic bandbanger heroin addicted BF yesterday and was wondering WTF she is doing with THAT guy! Even though I have managed to seduce many a girl who had a BF, I was just mentally nexted her as I could IMAGINE all the issues she has. Odd though...her BF and roommate look like polar opposites of the type of people she would hang out with. Wierd...
Once again, proves, if you have the right game, you can get ANY kind of woman of any style/fashion. That means looking like the polar opposite of the type of people she would hang out with. Seems like this rocker's got it...the right game that is.

Also too, there are quite a few women out there who are attracted to the opposite of them. I can definitely attest to this, as a longhaired, black-attired, Metaller, as I often hook up with "trendy"-attired chix. Actually, I'll be quite honest with you, I seem to hook up with trendy looking chix more than I hook up with metal/goth chix. I'm sure Desdinova can tell you the same.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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Last Man Standing said:
"Quality" begins with her virgin state - a non-virgin female cannot be described as "quality"!!!

Dr. P. I'm starting to have doubts about the whole virgin thing.

I went to a party and made out with a 21 year old virgin all night.

I just met her too.

She had a huge f***ing attitude to match.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2001
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you should come to the UK, alot of the women swear, drink pints of larger and fight one another!.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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people like to think that things have always been this way. but the truth is they haven't.

over the past 40 years we have entered a state which mankind has never experienced before - a state of mass communication.

at all other points in history the individual was HIGHLY valued. family meant everything. friends were cherished. life was hard and those people meant everything.

today we all feel as though we are living in this 'global' village. we pretty much rely on no one but ourselves (there are maybe 3 people in this world that would pay my rent for me if i needed help). we are swamped with marketing messages and noise that deconditions our social nature and ecourages us to think self centeredly.

in terms of standards of living with regards to the basic necessities, water, food, lodging, etc. - we've never had it better.

but in terms of social constructs, community, interpersonal relationships, morality, etc. - we've never been more lost and confused than we are in today's society.

the ones most effected have been women however. women are bombared with messages of 'be your own woman' 'be independent' etc. - which unfortunately are being taken the wrong way by most women as 'be a self centered b*tch'.

males have been less effected, because at the end of the day they are still going along doing what they have always done - working and providing.
but men have still been affected.

how many metrosexuals are there today? guys shaving their legs and armpits? guys spending more time in front of the mirror than their women? guys who will sell out their friends just as assuredly as a woman will?

don't fool yourself, yes the quality of women has gone down overall, but so has the quality of men. people no longer are living in fairly close knit communities - with each community living by its own standards. people instead of are buying in to 'global' trends that they see on sex in the city, oprah, dr. phil, etc. - and judging themselves and others by global mass media standards. the result is a bunch of morons who are living in a fabricated notion of reality.

but all that said, there are still REAL people who are grounded and have their head firmly on their shoulders - both men and women. just takes some time to bump in to them.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Quality of humans has gone downhill. I saw a Youtube post where people off the street where asked simple questions:

1. Name a country that starts with a "U." They said Utah, u-topia, and other places. Hmm, ever heard of the United States?

2. They asked who won the Vietnam War. Everyone said the U.S. Hint: We lost.

It was stunning. TV, junk food, and a sick American culture has really ruined the quality of men and women. It's sad.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
"Quality" begins with her virgin state - a non-virgin female cannot be described as "quality"!!!
Ugh. I really wish putting someone on Ignore also blocked their quoted posts. You're a goddamn idiot, and for someone who constantly b1tches about women who aren't "quality", you're anything but. I don't know why you haven't been permanently banned yet. Your presence here- and I'd bet anywhere for that matter- is useless at best. You're a f*cking toddler trapped in an old man's body.

Quality of humans has gone downhill. I saw a Youtube post where people off the street where asked simple questions:

1. Name a country that starts with a "U." They said Utah, u-topia, and other places. Hmm, ever heard of the United States?

2. They asked who won the Vietnam War. Everyone said the U.S. Hint: We lost.
Hint: I'm sure that video was edited with an agenda.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
but in terms of social constructs, community, interpersonal relationships, morality, etc. - we've never been more lost and confused than we are in today's society.
That's why Europe is such an eye opening experience. You have the cafe's and pubs that bring people together day and night. America is just waking up to this, but it's gonna take some time before it's anywhere near as socially friendly environment in the states.

joekerr31 said:
the result is a bunch of morons who are living in a fabricated notion of reality.
I honestly don't know how some people get through life.

What would some of these people do without the ability to find a job that requires zero talent, zero knowledge, and zero people skills? I swear, half the people I encounter every day have a problem stringing two sentences together. A lot of the rest of them can TALK, but they are just plain WEIRD. As in, I have no idea how they could make friends kind of weird.

I agree, women today have it worse than men, and men as a result are forced to deal with it.

To the OP.....I feel ya. I don't tend to encounter people quite so snobby, but the whole big sunglasses/air kiss/look at MEEEEE thing is laughable. And I live downtown so it's EVERYWHERE.

And I agree that women aren't very interesting. PEOPLE aren't very interesting. But women especially so. It's like a pair of t!ts gives them an excuse to never have to grow up and become a better person.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
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joekerr31 said:
don't fool yourself, yes the quality of women has gone down overall, but so has the quality of men.
100% agree...

I hear more complaints about the quality of men from women than I can count. And no it's not typical girl venting about her problems...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
STR8UP said:
It's like a pair of t!ts gives them an excuse to never have to grow up and become a better person.
F**king PRICELESS !!!
I am laughing my a$$ off down here...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Tantric said:
100% agree...

I hear more complaints about the quality of men from women than I can count. And no it's not typical girl venting about her problems...
The BEHAVIOR of men has deteriorated , I agree - men still buy that old philosophy "Ya gotta keep the little woman happy ." And so now we have a situation in which women have assumed unearned and undeserved entitlements from life and from men ,and guys are just passively going along with the feminist scam to "keep the peace" .. Chumps !


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
joekerr31 said:
don't fool yourself, yes the quality of women has gone down overall, but so has the quality of men.
Yes, but the quality of women is far worse than the quality of men. And the reason predominantly why the quality of some men have gone down is because of the sh*ty quality of most women. Women have forced men to conduct themselves and behave in certain ways with women. Women cause their own obstacles and later complain about them. They complain about the same sh*t they do to men, then when it happens to them, they don't like it. What nerve.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
jophil28 said:
The BEHAVIOR of men has deteriorated , I agree - men still buy that old philosophy "Ya gotta keep the little woman happy ." And so now we have a situation in which women have assumed unearned and undeserved entitlements from life and from men ,and guys are just passively going along with the feminist scam to "keep the peace" .. Chumps !
And yet a lot of wives stay with them and look past the AFCness. Weird, because if it were me who acted AFC like that, my ass would be dumped in no time. It seems like everyone else can act AFC out there and keep their women, but if we all on this board were to do that, we'd be dropped. I don't get it. And if people are gonna say they do it for financial stability, that's bullsh*t, because there will always be some chump who they can move onto(especially if she's attractive) who's willing to give it to them.