PumpNightmare Approach Journal


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
I went to the bar again tonight and actualy made some approaches for the first time, so I'm going to use this as my approach journal.

I'm 22 years old, 6ft, 165lbs, so I'm decent looking. Right now I'm trying to rid my fear of approaching girls. Most of my initial approaches are going to be in bar/club type places. I'm too nervous to cold approach in public, at least to nervous when sober. I open up a lot more with a little alcohol. I know I shouldn't use it as a crutch, but for now it's the best I have to keep my calm enough to approach. Because of my class schedule, once a week is all I can do for bars/clubs. I also go to the mall and arcade on Saturdays also, so I might try to find time to approach there. Although, my main purpose really is to play Pump It Up and In the Groove, dancing games, but I'll keep an eye out. Just need to be careful at those venues. Too much jailbait.

Arrived at Bullwinkles at 10:40PM. Was nervous like the last time, got myself a beer, sat down and relaxed to the music. Did this for about an hour, but I moved around to different places. I was sitting on a table upstairs and made EC with a HB7. It was crowded and she said I was in a good place (blocking her way, like everyone else). I looked at her and agreed it was a good place and she should have a seat and chat and to tell me her name, touched her shoulder lightly when saying this. She was still smiling and said she had to get to her friends and was off. Next I went downstairs and eyed a HB6 and 8, and the 6 was obviously drunk. Gave some eye contact smiled, they smiled back, I asked them how things were going. They're like fine. I asked if I could sit down by them and they're like sure. I asked for their names and they complied Then the HB6 said I should be them drinks (oh hell no! I think I read enough here to know what that means). I told her that she should be the one buying me a drink. She laughed and started insisting, and as much as I wanted to, I refrained. They got up and "went to the bathroom".
I moved on to the dance floor. I'm not going to list the girls I danced with, but whenever I saw a lone girl, or two...sometimes three, I tried dancing with them. Sometimes i asked, sometimes I just went up to them and started swaying my arms like I assumed they already wanted to dance with me. I had some good results. I got two girls to dance with me in the center a on three occassions. I tried ask them their names while dancing and asked how they were enjoying themselves, just to show I had some intrest. One HB6 I was able to grinding and she seem to be giving good EC and seem interested, and got close to her and complimented that her hair smelled good. Then she said she was there with a boyfriend Alright, still dancing and she said she needed to get back to her friends. Perhaps I wierded her out (love good smelling hair). I tried dancing with some other girls I just run into in the crowd, and sometimes they were with a friend.
Overall, a lot better then last week. I actualy made a few approaches and danced a little more. Next week I want to try to keep some of these approaches at a full conversation instead of saying "hi, whats your name? having fun tonight? which college you go to? etc."

Any constructive criticism on my approach and/or the journal is welcomed.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Alright. Tried Bullwinkles again last night. Really should try some other places, but kind of nervous to try out new locations, even though there are probably at least six other bars on that section of the strip. I tried approaching several girls, but to put a long story short, I couldn't keep their intrest for that long. Although I seem to have better results with dancing. It's easy for me at least. Just walk up to a girl, make EC (sometimes not), grab their hips and start grinding. Half the time they seem to go along with it, which works for me. But once I start a conversation, that just about does it.
Had fun for the most part, but kind of annoyed that I'm not getting anywhere. Maybe I'll just try the myspace thing. With my classes and work, Friday nights are really the only night to go out and try meeting women.
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Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
to get anywhere you want with completing a goal of being something great first you must set your priorities and as you will se they will change from week to week. What are the things that you are foucused on right now 1. Being the most important and 5 being the least. Where is talkin o the ladies on your list?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Read my jounral tips and do some things.

1. Write the date

2. like the guy said above, have goals

3. Push, ( you gonna beat fear )

Try apporaching at different places too. :cool:


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the input. Right now, these are my priorities:

1. To be honest my highest priority was to get intimate with a girl. Maybe it's being 22 years old and never even gotten a kiss that makes me somewhat anxious.
2. Just get used to being in a enviroment where I don't know anyone. I have two friends that are over 21, and niether drink or hit the bars, so I'm my own for these kind of outings.
3. Work on my conversation skills. Being a geek has its downfalls. I'm so used to hanging around other people like me. Either around the DDR/ITG/PIU/etc groups, gaming groups, what have you. Since I'm in these small groups, I'm used to talking in a quiet voice, which is a big no-no for club/bar enviroment with the ladies.
4. Improve my social skills. Like with 3, I'm not too socialable. I dropped out of highschool at 10th grade and lost out on valueable time to work on my social skills, which is part of the reason why my conversation skills suck.
5. Just have fun, which kind of goes with 1. Going up to a hot girl and grinding her is the closest I've ever gotten to a girl in all honesty.