pulling celebs


Don Juan
May 31, 2003
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For me this would be the ultimate conquest...to pull a celeb...I was just wondering if any of you guys have first ever tried to pull one and second if any of you have succeeded.

This presents the biggest challenge to any Don Juan as they must get hit on constantly and know that even if they are not that good looking that they can have their pick of the men because of staus alone...even low down the celeb scale. What strategies would you use to approach and make contact and how diiferent do you think it would be from just pulling another girl?


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
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What strategies would you use to approach and make contact and how diiferent do you think it would be from just pulling another girl?

Pulling celebs are no different strategy from pulling an ordinary girl. The worst thing you can do is treat them any different from any other girl.

I have ever only had one opportunity to pull a B-grade singer (she had a couple of albums out). We went on a day 2 and that was as far as it went.

It didn't go anywhere because I wasn't of any value to her. I am a lawyer, and she is a singer. She couldn't gain anything except having fun by being associated with me. However, if I was a lawyer with influence within the music industry, it would have turned out VERY differently;

What you have to do in order to f-close celebs, or have one as a GF is to be IN with their social circle. Celebs just don't hang out with "no-bodies". Social proof is KEY. You must be in a circle of influence and power relevant to the celeb.

eg: If you are trying to pull movie stars, then you must be in with directors, have power over directors or casting agents. If you want to pull rock stars, then you must be hanging out with producers and have influence over them.

KEY THING is not to ACKNOWLEDGE that they are some sort of celebrity. Once you do, you are FINISHED.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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I have pulled a couple of famous models and actresses.

Not the ones from the US, but ones here you see on TV or ads in Australia.

I knew them through friends, so its not like I just pulled them from cold approaches.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2004
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i have snuck into a Hollywood party and it isn't that hard to approach people. I was at one Hoolywood party and saw Maria Menounos at the bar talking to the owner of Girls Gone Wild. I knew I had to make a move before she left so I tried to make eye contact but she wouldn't look in my direction. I sat back and watched this GGW chump talking to her and the guy had NO game at all. He was trying hard to be funny but she wasn't interested in him so I grabbed my balls and walked right in between them and asked her to dance. To my astonishment, she said"sure" and we danced a few songs together. I used that time to run my hands over her thighs and waist and she didn't seem to mind. While we were dancing, I chatted her up and she is really cool. I askd about any boyfriends and she said she didn't have the time for one etc. I then told her that we should get together sometime and she said I was cute but too young for her and told me that if i were about five years older, she would be "all over me". So she went ot the bar to get another drink and goes off with her friend for the rest of the night and leaves me in shock and disbelief about what just happened. I danced with a greek goddess who is on my tv everyday. DAMN! How many people my age(21) can say that? As the party ended, i was heading towards the exit and she tapped me on the shoulder and said "bye,it was nice meeting you" and left. It was a pretty awesome night and if someone tells me how to post a picture, I can share the pics I took with my cell phone.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
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Shes the host of that celebrity gossip show... I think it's called ET.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, that's the one. For some reason I can't upload the pics. Maybe I can send them to someone else's gallery. I can't believe you can't post pics on this board. Or can you?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
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Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by ruen_rage
Anybody that has the power of pulling in a celeb would not be spending his minutes on this site.
Word to that; there are more advanced lounges for higher level game. I've gamed a couple of celebs, but no one A-list.

And yes, there are a few subtle differences when gaming celebs.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, that's her. I ran my hands all over her waist and legs and a little of her ass and she didn't seem to mind. It was awesome!
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