Progress report on HBWorkoutGirl


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Well...maybe a "lack" of progress report is more suited...

After a week or so of not seeing HBWorkoutGirl. I finally ran into her today.

I had things up in the air of whether or not to go straight for the number, or use the opportunity to take my time with her. There is both good and bad for each I decided when I saw her to simply go for it.

I figured I'd strike up convo, and somewhere along the way ask what her plans were for the week. no matter what her answer was, I decided I would tell her I wanted to take her for a drink...and maybe leave a weeeee bit of a pause between "wanting to take her"...and "for a drink"...ha! Actually I opted not to do the pause...but thought it would have been funny!

I decided to go for the diss, as opposed to going for the kill. And if she did diss me, it would at least give me some experience in doing a follow-up, and how to respond to a diss...

Anyway, I approached her as she was walking out, and started with asking her what her plans were for the week...and...

It was pretty much nothing like I planed... HA!

We ended up getting into a fairly long convo...

The crazy thing is that she looks so unapproachable and uninterested in anything...but as soon as I talk to her..BOOOM, she glows, starts to smile, and is MAJORLY friendly.

Anyway, she's been here for 2 months...she is a mix of Hawaiian, Filipino and Chinese. Her body is a MAJOR 10, with legs up to her elbows. Grad student, studying History/Film...and NOT an actress!!! Thank GOD!!! Jesus, finally met a girl in LA who is not into the acting scene (like myself), who knows nothing about it, and "hopefully" does not have all the issues I have experience with every other model/actress i have been with.

She does not have many friends here and she actually seemed very nervous, which made me feel VERY GOOD, and more in control of the convo. She was playing with her hair every once in a while, but I really don't think that was a sign of anything as I really don't believe a lot of the whole pupil/hair playing stuff as a sign of interest.

But...after about 5-6 minutes of chat, ****y/funny...for WHATEVER REASON, I TOTALLY avoided my plan, and told her I was going for lunch in about 30 min., asked her if she wanted to come...

NOT what I wanted to do.

The idea of me telling her I wanted to take her for a drink, leaves it open ended. it leaves HER having to answer something other than "yes", or "no".


That did not happen...

it was a closed-ended question. She answered by saying she just ate before her workout (which is probably true). But then she asked where I was going, and we chatted about the place as she really likes it...

I changed the subject so as to not dwell on it, and we talked or another few minutes.

She actually seems like a real sweetheart...but...did not get her number. "real" progress, but it did give me more info about her, and as I felt fairly in control, i feel like I will pretty much have NO ISSUES chatting her up next time I see her.

But...not sure where to go from here.

thinking about making fun of the fact that she would not go to lunch with me (next time i see her), and ask her for dinner instead...




Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
ya, go find something interesting going on in the next few weeks in your town and then next time you see her bring it up.

if shes interested in you she will show interest in it. then ask her out.

if you f*ck around too much with all this yibber yabber she's either going to

1) lose interest
2) start seeing you as a potential new 'friend'
3) get hit on by some other guy and will be 'taken' by the time you get around to asking her out.

you've made great progress and props for approaching an hb10 who seems stand offish (most guys would simply not even try).

you've run a good marathon but now you gotta run the last mile and ask her out. don't be one of those guys who says 'you know, i enjoy running so much i think i'll turn around and run the course in reverse. i dont feel like crossing the finishing line yet.'


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
A couple of comments -
"She LOOKED so unapproachable "- I guess that this is a good lesson in NOT judging a book by its cover.

SEcondly, A HB9/10 is very aware of her appearance and her 'presentation'.
Asking her out on a lunch date had a very LOW chance of success for at least one reason - because she was maybe thinking :"I am all sweaty and not dressed right and not made-up OK. SHe is also aware that you are in Hollywood and she possibly feels that she needs to do the whole dolled -up thing because all the other women do it.
Women like to PREPARE for dates -especially the first one. It is a HUGE deal for them ..However you have made significant progress ..
Plan your 'next move' strategy to ask her again the next time you see her.
If you do not strike on the next meeting she will think that you are not interested and that will drop her interest level.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
"What's your number?"

"What's your number?"

"What's your number?"


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Asking her out on a lunch date had a very LOW chance of success for at least one reason - because she was maybe thinking :"I am all sweaty and not dressed right and not made-up OK.

Women generally won't be seen very many places while they are in workout garb. And "in a restaurant on a date" usually isn't one of them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Great job. Was this a pickup after the gym?