probably the most pathetic story you have ever heard


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
DISCLAIMER: This is really long. I'm halfway posting this for advice and halfway to vent....because I'm pretty sure I know what the advice will be.

First off, hey everyone. I'm a 20 year old college student, and I have been trying to erase the past 20 years of being a punk-ass AFC. Its a work in progress as you will see..

Anyways, I am visiting some friends back in early January right before school is about to start back up. My buddy's girlfriend is coming over and she's bringing over her friend with the intention of setting the two of us up. Let's call this girl Lisa.

I got trashed the night before so I'm taking it easy tonight. A few beers to be social but that's it. So in comes my friend's GF with Lisa - a GORGEOUS tall slender brunette. Just my type. She's really shy and she didn't know anyone there so I took that into account and made sure to adjust my game a bit to make her feel comfortable. Both of us know the deal, our friends are trying to hook us up together. So I go up and talk to her, introduce myself, the whole shabang. We get to talking for a little bit, I'm teasing her, she's hitting me playfully, etc. etc. Long story short, we end up outside making out later on. Due to the situation there wasn't much opportunity for anything else, but that was fine with me, because I really liked this girl and figured I would see her again.

Here's the rundown - her hometown is where I met her that night. She was home for break and she goes to school 4 hours away, about 3 hours away from where I go to school. She's a freshman and she doesn't have a car . So as you can see this is going to be tough.

I'll fast forward a few weeks. We had been texting every day, talking online, etc. We talked on the phone a couple times but she seemed to shy away from that so most of our contact was through computer/texting. She wants to see me soon, I want to see her soon. She tells me to come up and stay with her for a weekend. Valentines day weekend. I oblige. A few days later she thinks we're moving too fast and changes her mind. She tells me that she doesn't want to be in a relationship and if I came up there for Valentines day then that's probably what it would end up as. She tells me that she didnt want to hurt me because when she gets drunk she hooks up with dudes and she didn't feel like our relationship was strong enough for her to control herself. She tells me she cheated on her last boyfriend for this same reason. I later find out that she lost her virginity a few months ago but has gone wild since then. But like a little ***** I pay no mind.

So we call it off, slow down a little bit. A week or so later, she comes crawling back saying that she wants to see me on Valentines Day, and that she's going to try and get a ride home so we can meet up with our friends and hang out with them for the weekend. Turns out she can't get a ride, so me being the AFC that I am offered to drive up there, pick her up, take her home, and hang out with her for the weekend while I stay at my friend's place. This is a 7 hour trip for me. Each way. Yet I agreed because I really liked this girl and felt like I'd regret it if I didn't pursue this and I didn't want to look back and wonder 'what if'. A.K.A. I am a little *****.

We keep talking every day, we're both excited to see each other. She's telling her friends all about me, etc. etc.

So last Friday was the day. I got my stuff together and drove 3 hours to go get her at school. I met her roommate and a few of her sorority sisters who were conveniently in her room. Passed those tests and we headed out. Everything's going well. Its a 4 hour drive and this is only the 2nd time I have ever seen this girl before, so i thought it would be tough to sit in a car for 4 hrs together, but it wasn't. For the first hour or so.

Then, it happens. My steering column locks up and my engine light starts flashing.

My car breaks down.

On the side of the interstate.

2.5 hours from our destination.

There's no way we're going to get home, so she calls her friend from school who picks us up and takes us back to where we started. I was gonna stay the night there, and hopefully my car would be fixed by the next morning.

The next 48 hours featured one of the most epic collapses I have ever seen. Nothing went right. She started acting uninterested, her friends pretended I wasnt there, it was just miserable. Keep in mind, I know NONE of these people and even though I'm trying to be social and have fun with them when we went out, something just wasn't right. She kept saying she really didnt want to be there, she wished she was at home, etc. because she didnt want me to feel uncomfortable. We went to some parties, she wandered off, and I was left on my own.

The whole weekend was a blur. She eventually told me she was just getting a 'friend vibe' from me, and we didn't hook up or anything. SHe was being really touchy feely and kissed me a few times, but I chalked that up to sympathy. She ****ing felt sorry for me. But i continued to be a little ***** and buy her dinner, gave her flowers and a nice card on valentines, etc. etc. I left last Sunday about $400 poorer with nothing but a broken ego and a peck on the lips goodbye.

I was so confused. I kept asking her what changed, she tried to let me down easy by saying that she 'wasn't ready for a relationship' and that i was a 'great guy' and she 'wanted to see where things would go' when we could hang out more over the summer. I talked to her roommate and all she told her was that she didn't see me as 'boyfriend material'. That's all I could get out of her. We haven't talked in about a week and from what her friends have told me she hasn't said a word about me.

Here's the kicker - I STILL want this girl. Even after all that, I still like her and I am miserable right now. Next week she's coming home for spring break. I'm going to be in her hometown for my friend's birthday and they may stop by. Part of me wants things to back to how they were, but since that probably won't happen, I at least want her to feel like a ***** for completely ditching me.

How do I get back at her? This is immature as hell but I want her to want be back and regret letting me go the way she did.

(dont bother telling me how sad this story is...i just read it and it was like reading someone else's writing...i can't believe that i let a girl i have only known for 6 weeks turn me into such a *****)
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Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
first of all i cant believe it either, you were going to drive 7 hours there and 7 hours back for a girl you've only met once? are you fvcking kidding me. also when she left you at the partys why didnt you use that as a chance to speak to some other girls, nothing makes a girl want you more then to see you with another girl.

personally i would give yourself some space from this girl and let her chase you for a bit, if you give it a bit of time you can maybe start things up on your terms.... then cheat on the cheater :p mind you pay no attention to me


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
scribblec said:
first of all i cant believe it either, you were going to drive 7 hours there and 7 hours back for a girl you've only met once? are you fvcking kidding me. also when she left you at the partys why didnt you use that as a chance to speak to some other girls, nothing makes a girl want you more then to see you with another girl.

personally i would give yourself some space from this girl and let her chase you for a bit, if you give it a bit of time you can maybe start things up on your terms.... then cheat on the cheater :p mind you pay no attention to me
honestly, looking back there are so many things i would have done differently. but the situation was kind of thrust on me and being pretty unexperienced i kind of panicked and didn't have my head together. i just went all AFC on her and with it being valentines day i bought her flowers, a card, paid for her dinner etc. which is not stuff i would normally do but it gave off a bigtime AFC vibe.

she currently has no interest in me whatsoever and i've got oneitis like a ***** now so it sucks, but i have no doubt that i'm going to come out better because of this.

i have been told i am a good looking guy, i work out a lot and take care of myself, but i still have low confidence and i don't operate well on my own. when i'm around my friends in my comfort zone, my confidence is sky-high (in fact this is when i met the girl). but i dont have a ton of friends up here at school and the ones i do have aren't popular so im not around girls a lot. i try and get out but its a cycle...i feel uncomfortable up here so i don't go out, by not going out my confidence gets lower, etc. etc.

i know exactly what i have to do now. shut the girl out and meet some more. hopefully this will motivate me to grow a sack and start approaching women when i'm on my own and out of my comfort zone. either way it'll be a good situation. i'll get past this oneitis and step up my game, and maybe this girl will come crawling back once she sees that i am living well without her.

my question is - how do i act around her if i see her next week? im not going to completely give her the cold shoulder because that just makes me look like a prissy b*tch. hopefully i can get in good with a couple girls before i see her so i can stay distracted.

honestly there were so many red flags i got from this situation that i feel dumb for pursuing it this far. she sluts around when she's drunk and she is emotionally immature. i guess its just because this is the first hot girl that was really affectionate toward me and i didn't want to screw up.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
I'm still looking
usscrum said:
She's really shy

when she gets drunk she hooks up with dudes and she didn't feel like our relationship was strong enough for her to control herself. She tells me she cheated on her last boyfriend for this same reason. I later find out that she lost her virginity a few months ago but has gone wild since then.
Do you really want yourself with a girl like this? Shy my ass.


usscrum said:
How do I get back at her? This is immature as hell but I want her to want be back and regret letting me go the way she did.

Act indifferent towards her. The worst thing you could do is show her that it bothers you. Don't give the b1tch the satisfaction.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
If you were clueless then I'd be able to have more sympathy, but you know every single thing you could have done wrong before it even happened, yet you did them all anyway. Ain't it a b!tch when you know the rules and break them anyway? Hopefully this immense regret will drum this all into your head so you don't go all soft next time. Half the reason you're hung up on her is because she isn't interested anymore and because you invested so much so fast.

Again, I'd list all the things wrong with what you did here, but I think you could probably make the same list yourself. You basically smothered her before you even knew anything about her. There is nothing for you to "get back at her" for. You screwed up, not her. You pushed her away. Take it as a learning experience.

If you see her again, don't even sweat it. The best thing you can do is have another, more attractive woman on your arm the next time you see her if you're actually still concerned about her at all, but you shouldn't be. I know I put this all bluntly, but we've all been there at least once, just make sure you aren't a repeat offender. If everybody kept their absolute cool when dealing with attractive women, they wouldn't need sites like this.


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Do you need a hug?

If you waited for a better time and wouldn't have tried to rush things, than it might have worked out differently.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Dannyrt34 said:
Do you need a hug?

If you waited for a better time and wouldn't have tried to rush things, than it might have worked out differently.
i think this is what bothers me so much. if we weren't put in that ****ty situation then we'd probably still be talking. then again if i had handled the weird situation better we'd also still be talking. that's what i am beating myself up over so much...the fact that she went from really really liking me to having no feelings for me at all in a matter of about 24 hrs.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Kick this b*tch to the curb. Things arent going to get ANY better from here. Its over. Trust me.

Just let it go bro


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
eaglez1177 said:
Kick this b*tch to the curb. Things arent going to get ANY better from here. Its over. Trust me.

Just let it go bro
Appreciate it...This is exactly what I was expecting to hear, exactly what I needed to hear, and exactly what I would tell anyone else in this situation. Its crazy how a single belt slipping off track on my engine ended up completely taking me out of my comfort zone and turned me from an alpha to a beta. I lost control of the situation and reverted back to my old AFC ways for the next 48 hours. Looking back I can't blame her for losing interest in me. The further away I get from the situation, the more disconnected I feel from the guy I was being just a little over a week ago. That is a good thing I guess, but its very frustrating knowing that I screwed up.

I guess moving on is much easier said than done. I deleted her number and pretty much anything that reminded me of the past month or so. I didn't delete her off facebook because I feel like that's just immature, though it will be tough seeing her name pop up everywhere. Hopefully I can use it as motivation to become better and live well. If I see her this weekend I'm going to still be myself, joke with her, etc. but I'm going to try and focus on other girls with the intention of moving on, not making her jealous and wanting me back.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Trust me bro, delete her off your facebook. I know that may sound immature and sh*t but it will really help you forget about this entire experience. If I was you, I would wanna forget about this whole thing as soon as possible and just go back to bein an alpha like you were before. Don't even bother talking to her or seeing her at all cuz thats just gonna bring back even more emotions from this terrible situation.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
eaglez1177 said:
Trust me bro, delete her off your facebook. I know that may sound immature and sh*t but it will really help you forget about this entire experience. If I was you, I would wanna forget about this whole thing as soon as possible and just go back to bein an alpha like you were before. Don't even bother talking to her or seeing her at all cuz thats just gonna bring back even more emotions from this terrible situation.
I realize that this makes sense, but given the situation I think deleting her off facebook would be a little overboard. One of her best friends from home is dating my best friend and I'm around them a lot. I think that would make the situation more awkward than it should I feel like the fact that she will see how well I am living and that I have moved on will give me motivation to get out and meet more girls, something that is tough for me to do at school.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
The Knew Guy said:
usscrum.. Your problem runs deeper than this girl. Way deeper. You need to sort out your "inner game."

You can practice all the theories and tactics of this website, and other DJ/PUA material but until you sort out your inner game you will remain an AFC, and you will find yourself in this position over and over again.
Oh, I realize this. I have been an AFC my entire life and its something I am still trying to overcome. I'm almost 21 years old and I have never had a serious girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, there have been girls come and go, but they were not girls that I went out and attained on my own. They all fell into my lap, and none were girls that I wanted to seriously pursue.

I understand the DJ/PUA mentality completely but I am having trouble incorporating it into my life. I'm a good-looking guy and I am very funny around my friends, but I have always frozen up whenever I tried talking to a hot girl. The girl in this situation is the first legitimately hot girl that has been interested in me. The night we met I was on my game perfectly...but the long-distance thing brought my AFC instincts out. I was not confident enough to convince myself that I could pull a girl this hot again, so I got clingy.

The Knew Guy said:
But you had to know that driving 7 hours to see her would make her less attracted to you. You had to. If you didn't then you need to read some material on attraction. I recommend "Attraction is not a choice" by David Deangelo. If you read that book you would have predicted what would happen ahead of time.
Honestly, it crossed my mind but I was so wrapped up in the situation and so eager to see this girl ASAP that I never took a step back and realized what I was doing. I let her and my friends talk me into going to get her, and I didn't want things to die off between us. But now I realize that it was a terrible decision.

The Knew Guy said:
By the way... Unless the girl is nearly your girlfriend (or you just know her for a longass time), hanging out with her and [/i]her friends[/i] spells trouble. She needs to be on your turf so that you're in control. The easiest way to f*ck up a good thing is to hang out with a girl you're interested in and her friends on one of the first times you meet.
This was in the back of my mind the ENTIRE time. I was not in control of the situation and my game is not strong enough to overcome that. I was tagging along and that lowered my status in her eyes. That's why its so frustrating - if my car hadn't broken down things would have been fine because I would have been in my comfort zone with all our friends and we'd probably still be talking. But everything happens for a reason and maybe I needed something like this to happen to finally motivate myself to get rid of this AFC ****.

The good news is that I'm making progress, slowly but surely. I had always been a little bit overweight but over the past year I have been hitting the gym hard and eating healthy. I've started wearing nicer clothes and taking better care of myself. I have no doubt that now I am attractive to girls. I guess the next step is to actually get up off my ass and start talking to them. Nothing's holding me back anymore.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
get a good mate to punch you in the face a few times. That'll clear your head up. You know what's going on, deep down you really do. Your heads just too clouded with this BS to see through it all.


Don Juan
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
so this girl is apparently in a relationship now...less than 2 weeks after all this happened. that was enough to get me to delete her off facebook. so yeah, i'm done.

now i'm putting all my energy toward getting rid of this AFC bull****. i'm going out with some friends tomorrow night and i'm going to approach, approach, approach. i'll let you all know how it goes. thanks for the advice and everything.