Plenty of Fish/OkCupid: Make them an offer they can't refuse.


Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
In memory of the AFC Beta chump Naughty Ninja. R.I.P.

Plenty of Fish chicks. Make them an offer they can't refuse!

New idea that should work. Hasn't been tested. It's up to you to try it out if you're using POF/OkCupid to get side chicks.

You don't have to worry about spamming openers that someone else may've sent or thinking of new ones.

You simply make chicks offers they can't refuse.

Pick out the best looking chicks you can find and don't comment on them or their profile. You make "offers" to things in the pictures they've used on their profile.

Their pets, friends, objects etc. Anything out of left field.

Ex. Intro message making an "offer" to buy whatever thing you see in the picture: Tree fitty for the lamp. FINAL offer. No barganing! (Your real first name) =)

You can go back and forth for some fun exchanges and then tell them to give you their number to give them a call sometime to discuss your offer/purchase.

If you're having difficulty thinking of good opening messages or getting responses it may work to getting replies and numbers to which you call them to meet up AFTER you tell them you were just breaking their chops.

It may work for some. Not for others. But you'll never know if you don't say f'it and try.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
No a bad idea, assuming your target has a sense of humor (the odds of which are about 1 in 5 when it comes to online dating chicks). I can see some ho throwing a hissy fit when you offer her 50 cents for her prized purse rat. Should be good for some laughs.


Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
No a bad idea, assuming your target has a sense of humor (the odds of which are about 1 in 5 when it comes to online dating chicks). I can see some ho throwing a hissy fit when you offer her 50 cents for her prized purse rat. Should be good for some laughs.

Any kind of ridiculous trade that may have them think of a meetup.

I'll give you half a tiramisu and one lukewarm coffee in exchange for the dog.

Or I'll send you two tickets to see (some ridiculous concert or event) with the hottest guy on POF/OkCupid for a chance to plank on that couch.

The more idiotic the message is they'll reply. Depending on how good you look in your pictures of course. How good you look depends on how sexual/risque of the "offers" you could make.

After the first message (and if they reply) you immediately come off the humor and tell them you were breaking chops but to give you their number to call them up for a meet.

You simply have to not give a damn and treat the whole site as a troll experiment. Worse that can happen you get nothing. Best you get a few lays off of chicks you might not think would've ever replied.

DO NOT WIFE though.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hedonism II
haha.... worth a try. I'll give this a try later in the week and report my results back here.
Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
If you don't care period tell them you'll treat them to a cup of coffee for the chance to snort a line of their crushed to powder birth control pills. LMAO

Put your headline to something like: Voted POF's most HATED


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
This is not a bad idea. An element that I'm adding to my game is creativity. I rarely get responses from Ok-cupid. For me saying "hey" or "nice pics" doesn't work to often. Thinking of something original to say about their profile may get a response but no numbers or dates. I do better in the "real world". Maybe I need to change my profile and picture.