Plenty of Fish: Imma show you how to do this sonny!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Haven't posted here in a while..Still banging out my messages on Plenty like an A.D.D afflicted chimp.

Remember. Only use online 'dating' as a tool. NOT the end all be all. Most of the chicks on the Plenty of Fish cuckoo bird mental aviary are complete whack-a-doos..etc. That is a GIVEN.

1) I'll post my new profile I use throwing the same B.S women type in their profiles back at them from a mans point of view. Remove yours and copy and paste mine in your profile. Chicks have AUTOMATICALLY responded to it without me even sending my template first email.

2) Have your BEST pictures up. If you have a shirtless one at the beach and work out..USE IT. They are even MORE LIKELY to respond to 'the goods'. All the nonsense of them NOT responding to 'shirtless pics' is complete B.S. Try not to use shirtless bathroom pics as you may get deleted. Beach pics are best for shirtless.

3) I've updated my Plenty of Fish template message and it works even better than the first one..As "dumb" as it may come off on here...I'm telling you it works..Just spam it out to all the hottest chicks in your area..

***After you send the first email template***

4) If they 'call you out' on what you 'liked' about their profile after they respond...Then read it and pick something out of it. Only READ their profile AFTER they respond. The site may be 'free' but your time ISN'T. They GIVE a response to your first email template..THEN you read their profile and respond.

5) If they 'call you out' on how many chicks you send your email to? Tell them: "I swear to sweet baby Jesus you are only the 1,234,698th person." They STILL reply back. Never had one not reply after I wrote that back to them.

6) Go into normal conversation afterwards: "How's this silly site treating you so far?" "Take any vacations this year?" "What are you going to be for Halloween?" "Any good plans for the weekend?" and a few other questions about them...Space out questions in conversation...Not all at once...If conversation goes stale etc. Sometimes they will reply in a few days...Just keep on spamming the template to new chicks.

It's TOO easy to get replies off there. I've gotten 85...YES. 85 in a month. I had so many I got bored talking and responding to these chicks. Got numbers given to me without asking or after a few exchanges tell them: I'm not on here much just use the site to pass the downtime. Give me your number and I'll text you mine/call you sometime etc..

Again. USE YOUR BEST PICTURES. Shirtless at the beach as one of them. They WILL reply even more to the 'goods'. Don't let them fool you.

I'll post my new updated template email to copy and paste and spam out to chicks in the next reply...

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Here's my new and improved Plenty of Fish Message. Silly as it may sound it works like a charm.

Title: I'm a silly little penguin!


I may be a silly little penguin…But that's beside the point..Congratulations are in order here! If I ever meet the owner of Plenty of Fish I’m going to demand to him that you be paid for your profile. For a free dating site, yours is THE greatest profile ever written in the history of online dating!

I swear I’m going to print it out and post it on my fridge to admire…FOREVER..

Keep up the good work you adorable heavenly blessed lil cutie! :banana:

Ciao bella and have a great day. =)

The :banana: dances on the email when you send it out..

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Here's my profile. I throw the B.S they spew right back at them and they LOVE it. Chicks write to me WITHOUT me even sending my template. Copy and paste it as your profile and see for yourself...

********* Warning!: My "profile" is not for the faint of heart.

****Mirror Imaged my profile off of numerous womens 'requirements' though flipped to a 'mans' point of view. VVV***Now ask yourself in all seriousness..Would YOU message or respond to a guy who's profile reads like the below??****VVVVV

“First off, I am NOT here to play games, so if you are NOT interested in sex, then I highly suggest you hit the back button now”.

Also :

IF YOU ARE TALLER THAN 5’3 THEN PLEASE HIT THE BACK BUTTON NOW !! I like my women on the petite side. Sorry if I sound like a douche, but that’s just how I feel.

With that said, I am looking for a woman. NOT a girl, but a woman. I want a woman who talks like a woman (not a man).

Oh yes, and you MUST have a tattoo on your lower back. That is a turn on for me. If you do NOT have a tattoo on your lower back, then you are NOT date-able.


Also, I only date women who are fit. You must work out and have at least a set of “C’s”. Anything less and you will be deleted from my inbox. Sorry if I sound like a **stard, but I know what I want.

Also, if you wear pants, I will NOT date you. You must wear a skirt. Wearing pants is ghetto, and I do not date ghetto.

Oh, and I don’t like girls who watch soap operas, chick flicks, and Sex in the city. If you do, or have, we will NOT get along.

Okay, now that I’ve cleared all of that up, let me tell you about myself :

I like music and I love going to restaurants (with you paying of course). I am the sweetest person you will ever meet. My family means the world to me. I’m very down to earth and I'm an open-minded individual. I like to meet all types of people. I love to laugh! If you think you’ve got what it takes and can handle me, then send me a message!”

And yes, that’s my parody.
Does my parody sound absurd ? Yes, it does.
But what is even more absurd is that a good number of women on this silly P.O.F site have profiles similar to my parody. In SOME cases, it’s not as severe (despite some female profiles being MUCH worse than my parody) but they do mention most of the stuff I've wrote about.

Now THAT is absurd! :rolleyes:

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
****Remember ONLY use online 'dating' as an extra tool to meet women. NOT the end all be all. Just have fun with that nonsense. I use it to kill downtime...AND I tell them that. The stories are true. Those chicks are using online dating for a reason. ****

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
For First date this is what I wrote. Copy and paste it.

First date? I don't know what we'd do...Nitpick? Argue? Get disappointed with each other?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Here's my profile. I throw the B.S they spew right back at them and they LOVE it. Chicks write to me WITHOUT me even sending my template. Copy and paste it as your profile and see for yourself...

********* Warning!: My "profile" is not for the faint of heart.

****Mirror Imaged my profile off of numerous womens 'requirements' though flipped to a 'mans' point of view. VVV***Now ask yourself in all seriousness..Would YOU message or respond to a guy who's profile reads like the below??****VVVVV

“First off, I am NOT here to play games, so if you are NOT interested in sex, then I highly suggest you hit the back button now”.

Also :

IF YOU ARE TALLER THAN 5’3 THEN PLEASE HIT THE BACK BUTTON NOW !! I like my women on the petite side. Sorry if I sound like a douche, but that’s just how I feel.

With that said, I am looking for a woman. NOT a girl, but a woman. I want a woman who talks like a woman (not a man).

Oh yes, and you MUST have a tattoo on your lower back. That is a turn on for me. If you do NOT have a tattoo on your lower back, then you are NOT date-able.


Also, I only date women who are fit. You must work out and have at least a set of “C’s”. Anything less and you will be deleted from my inbox. Sorry if I sound like a **stard, but I know what I want.

Also, if you wear pants, I will NOT date you. You must wear a skirt. Wearing pants is ghetto, and I do not date ghetto.

Oh, and I don’t like girls who watch soap operas, chick flicks, and Sex in the city. If you do, or have, we will NOT get along.

Okay, now that I’ve cleared all of that up, let me tell you about myself :

I like music and I love going to restaurants (with you paying of course). I am the sweetest person you will ever meet. My family means the world to me. I’m very down to earth and I'm an open-minded individual. I like to meet all types of people. I love to laugh! If you think you’ve got what it takes and can handle me, then send me a message!”

And yes, that’s my parody.
Does my parody sound absurd ? Yes, it does.
But what is even more absurd is that a good number of women on this silly P.O.F site have profiles similar to my parody. In SOME cases, it’s not as severe (despite some female profiles being MUCH worse than my parody) but they do mention most of the stuff I've wrote about.

Now THAT is absurd! :rolleyes:
+1 Rep for this.

Naughty Ninja, as someone who used to be successful with online dating and then lost it in an LTR, I see exactly why this works. Also from being a psychology student & a senior DJ, I have learned that having high standards with women is GOLD.

Another thing that works incredibly is friend-zoning them, especially the ones with huge egos. I, personally, tell them the sentence I put together one day in my teen years:

Me: "You are kinda cute. There are a lot of cute women out there though, what else do you going on for yourself?"
Target: "(Qualifying herself to me immediately)"
Me: "Woah, that is genuinely cool (if I actually thought it was. If not, then I would give them a comment, but not the cool kind.) You know, I get a feeling we'll get along well. It is just too bad you aren't my type. You do seem like someone I'd make friends with, though! ; ] "
Target: (most of the time)"Huh? :( W-why aren't I your type?"
Me: (in my mind) I have her by the vag :rolleyes:

I tip my hat to you, Naughty Ninja, not only because I know what your are posting here has great potential, but also because you are generous and empathetic enough to share it with the rest of us. Sure, many guy on here are just going to try to find holes in it and shoot you down, but no one is perfect and they sure are father apart from perfection than those of us who share our knowledge and pass it on.

I want to speak in behalf of those people who will never write you a response, and on their behalf and my own, I want to thank you and let you know we value the time you invest and each and every one of the results you bring back to this forum. Keep doing what's you're doing.


PS: I'm as straight as they get, so don't get any ideas--don't want you to be walking around disappointed later--just wanna make that clear. :cool:
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
I think that is all brilliant. I see why it works for the typical POF girl. Im not sure it would work on the more upscale dating sites.

By the way how do you spam emails to multiple women? What is the technical procedure?


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
some girl messages me back with "thanks babe love u"

what do i reply back with


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Wow, I have to say that my experiences on POF mirror the OP's perfectly. Except I don't have any shirtless beach pics :(

I use a template too, in fact it's a keyboard macro that automatically reads and inserts parts of their profile into it as it sends the message to make it look less spammy. Took me about 2 hours to make. I get a much higher rate of response than a total cut-and-paste.

I only look at their pics, their height (under 5'8), and their religion (no Catholics, preferably completely non-religious) before hitting the button to shoot out the auto-message. I don't even read their profile until after they've responded.

POF limits you to 40 new-contact emails per day, and I can shoot out that max in about 15 minutes.

Plus I have a pretty sexual profile up. Meaning that the ones who do respond aren't frightened away by it. This weeds out 95% of the women on there but the ones who do respond are DTF straight away (of course LMR happens as well as all the other female BS, but I'm experienced enough now that I know how to deal with it easily).

"No" doesn't bother me. "Maybe" is what bothers me. Because "No" doesn't waste my time and money. So I convert the "maybes" to yeses or nos as fast as possible. 75% of maybes turn into nos, but that's better than wasting precious time and $$.

some girl messages me back with "thanks babe love u"

what do i reply back with
These I generally delete, because it means either the girl isn't very interested, or she expects you to do all the conversation and all the work. Not interesting to me. If a girl only answers your questions and never asks any of her own nor tries to keep the conversation going, it's a bad sign.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
gaspipe said:
I think that is all brilliant. I see why it works for the typical POF girl. Im not sure it would work on the more upscale dating sites.

By the way how do you spam emails to multiple women? What is the technical procedure?

Simple. Look for the best looking chicks. They only choose to respond to the best looking pictures and the most unique emails so just spam it out. I have literally spammed half the friggin site. You may have to tweak a word or two so the filters don't pick it up or block you for spamming. Do it every 10 emails sent. Change one word in the template.

I've gotten tons of numbers after a few exchanges, 'pictures' etc.

Trust me dude. I'm on there and I've got people reading my profile itself and writing me and I haven't even been spamming chicks lately.

The mass dudes on that site are completely CLUELESS. I run circles around that site. Try the sh!t for yourself.

Make sure your BEST pictures are up. If you work out and have a shirtless beach pic of yourself. USE IT. THEY ARE LYING WHEN THEY SAY THEY DON'T RESPOND TO SHIRTLESS PICS. No bathroom. An 'innocent' shirtless beach pic is best.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Wow, I have to say that my experiences on POF mirror the OP's perfectly. Except I don't have any shirtless beach pics :(

I use a template too, in fact it's a keyboard macro that automatically reads and inserts parts of their profile into it as it sends the message to make it look less spammy. Took me about 2 hours to make. I get a much higher rate of response than a total cut-and-paste.

I only look at their pics, their height (under 5'8), and their religion (no Catholics, preferably completely non-religious) before hitting the button to shoot out the auto-message. I don't even read their profile until after they've responded.

POF limits you to 40 new-contact emails per day, and I can shoot out that max in about 15 minutes.

Plus I have a pretty sexual profile up. Meaning that the ones who do respond aren't frightened away by it. This weeds out 95% of the women on there but the ones who do respond are DTF straight away (of course LMR happens as well as all the other female BS, but I'm experienced enough now that I know how to deal with it easily).

"No" doesn't bother me. "Maybe" is what bothers me. Because "No" doesn't waste my time and money. So I convert the "maybes" to yeses or nos as fast as possible. 75% of maybes turn into nos, but that's better than wasting precious time and $$.

These I generally delete, because it means either the girl isn't very interested, or she expects you to do all the conversation and all the work. Not interesting to me. If a girl only answers your questions and never asks any of her own nor tries to keep the conversation going, it's a bad sign.

Most people would say delete it "no interest" etc. I say F, that. A SIMPLE way to get the to more likely respond after they send a one word/one liner response is:

So how's this silly site treating you so far? (Chicks LOVE to complain about how they are 'treated' on there.) then follow up with NORMAL conversation. "Take any good vacations this year" You can go on and on from there.."Any plans yet for Halloween? What are you going to be?"

DO NOT get SEXUAL with them right away EVEN IF THEY TRY TO INITIATE IT..FAKE THE FUNK. Act cool and non-chalant. Change the subject etc...When they feel comfortable and they just give you their number THEN after a few texts or talking on the PHONE can you slip in a few bits of sexual innuendo. Don't overdo it. They WILL test and try to initiate it. You want to possibly meet them and then work on hitting it.

KEEP SPAMMING. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN HOW HOT YOU THINK SHE IS. BE GREEDY. Keep getting more responses and more numbers in case one bails or flakes.

And REMEMBER. The stories are COMPLETELY TRUE. 99.999% of those chicks no matter how hot, average etc are using online 'dating' FOR A REASON. True Story.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Now for those wondering TRUTHFULLY how many out of all these chicks have I met in person?

Here's the TRUTH. NOT ONE OF THEM. Perhaps one day I'll decide to meet one but just like I barely post on here I just have too much sh!t going on doing my own thing and not relying on anyone to 'complete' me.

I meet enough people in real life to take online 'dating' seriously. I know for a FACT those women for the most part are using those sites FOR GOOD REASON. Do NOT use online dating as the end all be all. Use it to practice talking to people in NORMAL conversations. Don't come off as a jackass. If you feel you have to pry out conversation keep it moving and keep spamming. You may wind up meeting and having fun with a few of them.
or just practice B.Sing with chicks.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Robyn923b said:
I tip my hat to you, Naughty Ninja, not only because I know what your are posting here has great potential, but also because you are generous and empathetic enough to share it with the rest of us. Sure, many guy on here are just going to try to find holes in it and shoot you down, but no one is perfect and they sure are father apart from perfection than those of us who share our knowledge and pass it on.

I want to speak in behalf of those people who will never write you a response, and on their behalf and my own, I want to thank you and let you know we value the time you invest and each and every one of the results you bring back to this forum. Keep doing what's you're doing.


PS: I'm as straight as they get, so don't get any ideas--don't want you to be walking around disappointed later--just wanna make that clear. :cool:
Don't mention it. I haven't been on here in a few months. Too busy with family, friends, work, life, etc. I actually get bored of things after a while...Eventually I'll get bored over there and just leave.

It's just I KNEW before joining there what the deal was. And I made up a 'complimentary' to their profile with a unique headline that I couldn't believe myself it worked! When I started sending it and just saying F it let me see if this one works...And it wound up working like crazy...I was like: WTF?! This DUMB sh!t works?! Then I went and flipped my profile off the NUMEROUS things they don't 'like' or want in a guy...and threw it right back at them. And they LOVE that I'm on to the B.S!

As for whatever they write: "Only 6ft, Sick of the players, etc" I completely IGNORE it. I know what types of chicks these are. And it doesn't matter. Once you truly don't care and just keep spamming..You become immune to that nonsense.

So you either A) keep it moving or keep talking or B) decide to meet them and drain your balls while leaving with your sanity in tact.

Again. These chicks are on that site for a reason. Too many people know all too well. Just ignore it and use it for your own reasons. Fun, B.Sing, getting numbers, meeting these chicks, banging them. And NOT RELYING on it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Now for those wondering TRUTHFULLY how many out of all these chicks have I met in person?

Ok you lost me there. I don't understand why you'd bother if you're not banging them. Conversing online with chicks isn't IMHO like conversing with them face to face. Any more than the 6 o'clock news is like reality. You converse online in short, entertaining ways (like the news). Whereas when you finally get them face to face in a bar or wherever, you converse differently. Much differently. You're still entertaining but you're more human, less of a "profile."


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Now for those wondering TRUTHFULLY how many out of all these chicks have I met in person?

Even a mediocre profile will be able to induce conversation with women on POF. Perhaps my "I'm a really nice guy who likes to fix cars" profile yields results just as good as yours does.

Closing the deal is the major bridge to cross when it comes to online dating. It filters out which girls are on there for 5hits and giggles, and which ones are genuinely trying to find themselves a great man to date. The fact that your 'killer' profile and method has done nothing but lump these two classes of women together (or convert one to the other) makes it's promise of reaping results VERY weak.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Ok you lost me there. I don't understand why you'd bother if you're not banging them. Conversing online with chicks isn't IMHO like conversing with them face to face. Any more than the 6 o'clock news is like reality. You converse online in short, entertaining ways (like the news). Whereas when you finally get them face to face in a bar or wherever, you converse differently. Much differently. You're still entertaining but you're more human, less of a "profile."

Like I said. I use that site for kicks. I meet tons of chicks at my second part time job and going out in real life. Plenty of Fish is only a hobby for me. Trust those chicks online are riddled with issues, the neighborhood's 'first', runaways, fresh out of relationships, looking to upgrade, bitter chicks and so on. I don't need to run after or even meet them. Why the hell would I? I've got enough chicks in real life to deal with than worry about chicks online. If I decided to meet someone off there. I could...And STILL can. And if any of you use my method. I don't care if you copy and paste the entire thing and claim it's yours..Go out and meet them. I can't hold peoples hands on a meet. I'm the same way in person as online. Cool, calm, and don't rely on some chick to be my 'world'.

Use it. If people on here get results and do whatever. Good for them! That's why I posted the thread to begin with. No big deal. Peace!


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
2 facts:

1.) Hot online women will only respond to hot online men. Doesn't matter what you write in your profile. Photos are everything. Re-read my posts. Looks, money or fame attracts the most ladies. Period.

2.) Your post sounds immature. It is not reverse pyschology. I read it and rolled my eyes.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Parad0x said:
That template is nice and all, I use something similar, like I posted I can easily get about 20 to 25 replies out of about 60 initial messages I send... What I seem to struggle though is follow up conversation. How do you usually go from the initial reply?

Simple. The next question to any positive reply is: Thanks. Anytime. How's the site treating you so far? (chicks LOVE to complain how they are 'treated' on the site). Then either ask a question off their profile or just ask normal everyday questions: "Take any good vacations this year?" Etc. Keep spamming. and follow up with the same questions. After a few exchanges they'll either give up their number or you can tell them: "I'm not on here much. I just use the site to pass the downtime. Give me your number and I'll text you mine and give you a call sometime."