Please review and give input - being orbited it seems...


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, short version:

Met a girl online. Dated her a week and a half ago. Date was pretty awesome. She invited me to go to another place for drinks after the first place we were at. We were having a great time, started talking about food and stuff and I asked her if she had been to this particular place, and then asked her if she wanted to go there with me sometime. ( I virtually never ask a woman out again while on the first date ) She said yes, she would love to. After I walked her back to her place, she mentioned going out again, asked me how I liked to be contacted, etc.

She said she was going to visit a friend for a week ( I thought I remembered her saying she'd be back on the 4th ) and that she would have a small window before her parents were in town visiting her. At the time she seemed down for trying to fit it into the window.

I didn't message her at all after the date, since I had already asked her out and she had already said yes. I did get a very very brief message from her while she was on vacation, and I responded later that day by text with a very brief message. After that, radio silence on both ends.

So, yesterday, being the 6th, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with her. Is she back yet? Are we still on? I dated another woman while she was gone, but I really wanted to know where I stood, so I could figure out my schedule.

I decided to text her briefly and see if I could get some information. What I ended up getting back was not a lot to go on really.

Me: Hey __ I hope you made it home safely! I'd still like to go to ____ with you. When would be a good time?

Her: ( 20 hours later ) Just got back. Had an intense time! Yes, I would like to go out with you again, also. ( as she had already told me -> ) My family is visiting me from the 10 - 20th and then I'm back to Europe for a week before I'm back here. So anything before Sep 10th will be tight I guess. Have a nice weekend!


Ok, so, what's happening here? There's a bit of mixed signals happening. Yes, I want to see you again, but making this window is going to be tight ( I guess ? )

Translation, I doubt I'd be able to see you again before I get back from Europe in three weeks. Read between the lines: I have some free time before my parents get here, but you're not my priority. However, I want to keep you on the line as an option if my other date (s) this weekend don't pan out.

She didn't really answer my question directly "When would be a good time?"
So now I'm left sort of hanging again.

What do you guys think here? And what would you do next?
Do I:
A. Press for a date before the family arrives.
B. Reply later with a simply reply ( not even sure what yet )
( AFC = Oh, gee whiz, sorry I can't see you before the 10th, I'll be waiting for three weeks, hoping that you'll want to see me and that you'll contact me when you get back. )
C. Blow her off now and go NC and wait and see if she contacts me down the line.
D. ?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
like2jam said:
Ok, short version:

Met a girl online. Dated her a week and a half ago. Date was pretty awesome. She invited me to go to another place for drinks after the first place we were at. We were having a great time, started talking about food and stuff and I asked her if she had been to this particular place, and then asked her if she wanted to go there with me sometime. ( I virtually never ask a woman out again while on the first date ) She said yes, she would love to. After I walked her back to her place, she mentioned going out again, asked me how I liked to be contacted, etc.
Online chicks are just straight up flaky due to having so many options. You said you virtually never ask a woman out again while on a first date but yet you did? Stick with what you use to do and NEVER talk about a second date on the 1st.

When I nail it with a first good date which I usually do, I leave it up to them to plan a second. It's rare for me that they don't initiate a 2nd, if that's the case then date 1 just wasn't all that enjoyable for them and they are not all that interested. But hey that's what works for me.

Yeah she might be blowing you off nicely I suppose. 7th to 20th her family is here and she can't take 1-2 hours out of her schedule?

Meeh option C----read some threads on here about online woman. It doesn't matter what site it is the info is pretty much dead on.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I'd drop this hore like a rock...please, Europe? she must have money out the ears, she don't need you..


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Poonani, nah, she's just moved here, she has a job. She's not super loaded. And besides, I don't want a woman who needs me for money. And I don't assume that women only get with men for money.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
I don't like the whole 'Have a nice weekend!' at the end there. Seems a bit iffy. It might be option C is your best option.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Red Scorpion - yes, I agree. That whole bit turned me off. It made it feel more like a good bye or a brush off. Definitely more like a - I won't be seeing you this weekend so have a nice one - sort of thing.

So her whole 'I guess' bs is just weak. Flakely and weak. Women, I've experienced, have a very difficult time being direct. Instead of saying, hey, I won't have time after all to see you before my parents arrive, she sort of waffles.

I'm definitely leaning towards option C.

Keep in mind, however, that English is not her primary language. Although I think she has enough command of it to know exactly what she's saying.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
If she had true interest, she would've jumped through hoops to see you again. She wouldn't be confusing you if she was really into you. Sounds like your not a high priority to her many options.

I'd definitely go with C and wouldn't even bother if she were to contact you again down the line. You're better off without her. Because she's going to wash, rinse and repeat doing this to you over again.