Please help. Anger problems.

Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
I've been trying to pick up chicks for over a year now, and have been learning things from this site. Although I've had some slight improvement, I am still withotu a girlfriend.

I used to be depressed at this, but now I'm much better. However, I realized I have an underlying anger towards the female race in general. Sometimes, this anger can lead me to do rash things.

Can anyone of you help me with this?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
You're gonna have to give more details mate.

Why were you depressed at not having a gf?
You say it doesn't bother you now and that you're much better...what happened to change this?

Can you be more specific regarding the anger towards women?

What exactly do you mean by rash things?

Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Yea bro.

See, I was depressed cuz here I was workign my butt of to get a chick, and when I approached them, they would act like *****es. I got angry. What the **** gives them the rite to act like prissy princessess, while I"m working my butt off?

I'm not depressed anymore cuz I realized it doesn't help, and I've gotten alot better at my social skills.

But sometimes a chicks still pisses me off. Like this one time, some chick just came up and started putting dirty **** on my shirt, and I got pissed.

I mean, is there a way to treat this whole pick up thing withotu getting angry? Is it natural?

Thanx bro.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
But sometimes a chicks still pisses me off. Like this one time, some chick just came up and started putting dirty **** on my shirt, and I got pissed.
Huh? This has to be a joke right. Just in the off chance it isn't, I'll give you some advice. It's okay to be pissed in a situation like that. Don't ever let a woman disrespect you.

See, I was depressed cuz here I was workign my butt of to get a chick, and when I approached them, they would act like *****es. I got angry. What the **** gives them the rite to act like prissy princessess, while I"m working my butt off?

Well first of all if you think of approaching women as work, you've got the wrong attitude. It should be fun. No wonder women act pissy towards you when you have such a bad attitude when you approach them.

Secondly, they have every right to be *****es if they want to be. Just like you have every right to act how you want to act. Don't get angry at them for doing what they feel like doing. Just walk away and find nicer girls.

Third, dude you have serious anger problems when it comes to women. You need to deal with that before you can play this game.

And finally, no it's not natural to get so angry at women. It can be frustrating yes, but you are way to angry here.
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Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Thanx ever onward.

You said don't let a chick disrespect you. If they do, what do you do? I've heard that if a chick tries to hit you, just take her hand and hold it down, then : "hey, i don't appreciate that, okay?"

And about approachign chicks, see, somehow I think its wrong. I think its the way I was brought up. If someone finds out I approach chicks, I get nervous like I made a big mistake or something. Then I get angry at being nervous, like, wtf? I have my rite to approach chicks too. Why am I nervous?

And thats really where it becomes like a vicious cycle, and in the end, the anger gets directed towards females in general.

Lol, yeah, its a problem, I realized. Its just that Im looking for a new way to think, a new way to view this whole game, a way that won't make me feel angry.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Down South
Don't worry about it man. Dued, i got the same problem you do. Sat. night when i talked to this girl for a while then she was about to leave with her friends. i asked for her number and she was holding her cellphone and said "i don't have a number", total fvckin *****!!!! I mean i still have been pissed off about it. Cuz it kinda happened where a couple of my brothers were standing, and i still havent heard the end of it from them, bastards.

Having a gf can't be the best thing in the world. I mean im no expert because i'm 20 and still never gotten anywhere with a girl except for a hug. Don't let it get to you.
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Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
You said don't let a chick disrespect you. If they do, what do you do? I've heard that if a chick tries to hit you, just take her hand and hold it down, then : "hey, i don't appreciate that, okay?"
Just walk away. A lot of guys stand there and take disrespect because they are afraid if they leave the girl they will never find another. That is not true, girls are very replacable.

And about approachign chicks, see, somehow I think its wrong. I think its the way I was brought up. If someone finds out I approach chicks, I get nervous like I made a big mistake or something. Then I get angry at being nervous, like, wtf? I have my rite to approach chicks too. Why am I nervous?
YOU think it is wrong. That is YOUR limiting belief. You have no idea what the girl thinks or what anyone else might be thinking. And I say to you who cares what anyone else thinks? All you can control is what you think and if you want to approach girls, do it.

Everyone gets nervous it is only natural, you're human aren't you? But just force yourself to do and it will get easier. Just don't let the fear control you. I find that I'm more nervous right before I make a move than I am when I'm actually talking to the girl and putting myself out there. It's just a matter of getting past "the moment you have to act".

But seriously, do everyone a favor and lose the anger in the meantime.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
Anger fuels you to perform better when doing cold approaches, or at least, it helps me to stay focused. I find that when I don't care what the outcome is, whether she lives or dies, I'm able to focus past the painful chest feeling I used to get as an AFC.

Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
yea, thanx everyone.

I realized this anger aint constructive, but with things like this, its hard to get rid of it overnight.

See, my anger does fuel, but not in a good way. I guess Im angry cuz Im not seeing any results.

Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Today, I was just chillin in class, and this chick came up to me and started wipping dirt on my shirt.

So I went up to her: "Yo, what the hell do you think you're doing?" and she ignored me.

So I ignored that. Five minutes later, she comes right in front of me, so I ask her again. Again she ignored me. Now I'm pissed, cuz these other guys are watching too, so I picked up some dirt and wipped it on her shirt.

She starts *****ing and slapping me.

Now Im pissed, so I sock her.

I hate these chicks that think they can get away with anything. I know I got a little rash there, but when im pissed, I get really pissed. Especially at these prissy little girls.

Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
hey, if I make a mistake, I'm man enough to face it. I really didn't know what to do in the situation. Hitting someone is wrong, yeah, but I guess its a learning experience.

What should I have of done instead?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
You socked her?!

Does that mean you hit her?Like a punch?In the face?

If you did...not cool......really not cool:down:

If you didn't,please clarify.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
go talk to your family dr.
if he thinks your depression and anger can be helped thru some meds, try em.
take the edge off and level out all the ceretonan levels in your head .
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
The girl was wrong to wipe dirt on you. She crossed the line by slapping you. Unfortunately you responded in COMPLETELY the wrong way. Next time, do yourself a favour. If a girl starts slapping you, you grab her hands, hold them still for a second or three with a smile in your eyes that says "I'm way above this" then turn around and walk.

Hitting her is weak, its as if you genuinely consider her a threat to you on a physical level.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by sexual_intellectual
The girl was wrong to wipe dirt on you. She crossed the line by slapping you. .

she did this? wtf is wrong with this chick ?
she needs to speak to a dr

no one should disrespect someone else by this type of crap.

Outer Influence

Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
I back handed her across the face, not very heavily, but yeah, it was physical, and I realized it was wrong after I did it.

But you guys know when you're angry, you don't think straight, especially after some chick I don't even know starts wiping dirt and slapping me out of the blue.

Sexual_intellect, I like your suggestion. I should've done that, if I wasn't so fuming.

Penkitten, thanx for your response, but I don't think I need to see a doctor or anything. Its human to be angry after some random chick comes up and disrespects you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
A backhand across the face?


I can understand you must've been mad and perhaps a little embarassed if all this went on in front of your friends,everybody looses it sometimes.

The important thing is you recognise that physically lashing out was wrong and next time you'll know how to handle it better.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
You guys this is just a troll who used to call himself JoeCollaPappa, do a search on him or his famous "girl fight" saga.
