Playing up the exotic factor and dealing with unusual hairstyle


New Member
Feb 18, 2015
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Hi all,

Need some advice here:

1) Is there a way to play up the exotic factor if I naturally have it? A lot of people I meet for the first time mistaken me as from another country, which I'm not. When I was young, I found this irritating but it might be a way to get girls?

2) Do any of you guys here have hairstyles that are deemed a bit unusual in the area that you live in, and get stares whenever you walk down the streets etc? Currently, my hairstyle looks like this:

However, because few asians have this sort of hairstyle, I get stares all the time nowadays and it's starting to creep me out and make me feel conscious. I'm not gonna change the hairstyle cos' I personally believe in living for oneself. So I'm curious if anyone here has similar issues (e.g: you are too handsome and get stares, or your hairstyle looks like it's from DBZ).

The only upside is that girls keep staring at it, which is good, but well....


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
That hair style looks kind of nerdy. I know movies like Never Back Down depicted the guy who couldn't fight/got beat up, he hosted the Beat Down, with that type of hair style. But you could also be killing it with that style, you did not provide enough information on that.

I know most Asian guys either grow out their hair to some exotic length and style, kind of like Korean pop guys, or just cut it short.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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1&2) NO identifying feature exists that is going to "get" you girls...however, there are things that can help.

1) Maybe try and go places where women find that type attractive?

One thing that I'm reminded of again and again is being playful towards women.

People think you're foreign? Pretend you're a foreigner and see how far you can get until she figures out. Or play a "game", give her clues of what country or city you're from (even though you're not) and only give her a number of guesses.

2) Think of something humorous to respond with if your hair is mentioned...but you MUST be able to vibe with women and have a conversation.

It something so many guys on here fail to understand (not referring to you op), as they keep thinking women must find a guy physically attractive. It's one thing having a woman interested in you it's a TOTALLY different thing having chemistry with her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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Its of absolute waste if you have something that is good or helpful but not putting it to use. Its like for eg an attractive guy feeling uncomfortable about his looks and not using it for his benefit. If it gets gets attention become comfortable with it and use. Sounds like you want to get rid of it so you fit in and be one of the sheep. Being a wallflower will not get anyone far.


New Member
Feb 18, 2015
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@ Frayzer: Yup, it's something like those kpop type of fanciful hairstyle LOL
It's what westerners would call "foppy hairstyles" or fop, but well, I did try those "tough guy" hairstyle but the look just seems very weird, I think it has to do with the facial features (am asian) which I admit mine are a bit feminine by birth.

Guess I'll just take the advice and use it, and if people keep staring at it when walking past me, I'll just ignore it and look straight ahead.

only upside, as mentioned in my previous post, is that say, when seating at a table that include some girls (friends of friends etc), I would notice them looking at my hair and when I look back, they would immediately look away LOL one of them said she wanted to touch it
I wish it was my face they're looking at, but well, better than complete ignorance.