Player vs DJ Reloaded

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
To all you aspiring Don Juans out there!

Tell me, why did you come here? Was it your heart, breaking once again, because of some silly girl who didn't see the good in you? Was it this thirst for sex, torturing the virgins mind every single day?

The Nice Guy, on his way, he might well exclaim: "Oh promised land! In darkness, my life was hidden, I wandered arround aimlessly for centuries it seems, but now, the holy sun of Don Juanism cast it's rays upon me! What wonders this world holds!"

Yes, it seems like we finally found paradise. But make no mistake, dangers don't just lie hidden in the dark. Blinded by the light we might find ourselves in their presence.

I have a friend who is a natural, as natural as someone can be. He beds woman after woman, he has one relationship after another, and all people watching him, they find themselves trapped between jealousy and awe. But myself, his best friend, I know what lies beneath those glorious conquests.

He became addicted. One week without sex and his spirits drop. He has to go out. He can't spend an hour with his friends, without talking about women and sex at some point. Women are his drug. They take his time, affect his career and other hobbies.

Dear Mr. Nice Guy, you didn't come here to get women. You came here because you thought women would make you happy. You thought they would make your pain disappear.

"But Al, this pain, wasn't it there because of the absence of women? So if I can get them my life will be complete!"

A happy and confident person, with lot's of hobbies, interests and fun in life, has NO PROBLEM GETTING WOMEN. You are reversing cause and effect. Your pain isn't caused by the absence of women. The absence of women is caused by your pain. You see no worth in yourself, that's why you try to find it in some girl. You think you can drench your thirst by diving deep into this ocean of feminity, of Dionisus. Rest assured, while the land will take your bones one day, the ocean of feminity will take your name if you don't escape it.

The road to Don Juan is a paradox. We try to learn how to get women, yet we only become DOn Juans if we can learn how to drop this desire. When we learn how to hold EC, we don't become more Don Juan like because we can now attract more women. We are more confident, making us a stronger person in all aspects of life. When we learn how to approach strangers and hold conversations, we might do it because we want to get women. But in the end, the ability to be more social, get to know more people, this is what really turns us into Don Juans. We better ourselves in all aspects of life, even if we don't realize it at first.

I once went to a party, and there where many people and some pretty girls. Alas, the girls were taken! So I thought to myself: "Let's steal them. Let's try some techniques to overpower the other guys." So I went in. It was like a battle. In the end the girls went away, being pissed of because of us.

Another time I went to another party, and there where many people and some pretty girls. Alas, the girls were taken! So I thought to myself: "Fine, let's socialize a little." So I went in. I met tons of new people, having a fun time. In the end, I ended up with several girls, on accident it seemed. Which was fine with me.

A Don Juan is a state of mind, not a list of methods and tricks. The real battle is overcoming your desire for women.

Does a Don Juan make chasing women his priority?

Of course not! He is busy, working out, improving himself, gaining new skills, getting to know people, following his dreams and passions.

Is a Don Juan like a hunter?

No, he's a warrior! Challenges make us grow and become more confident. I don't approach a woman just because I want her. How would I know? I don't know here, I just know what she looks like, and looks aren't a priviledge. I approach here because of the fun, I approach because of the challenge.

Does a Don Juan spend his time being a ladies man?

Hell no, he INVESTS his time bettering himself. Women are a BYPRODUCT. I can't stress this fact enough.

You have to unravel this mindset of the Don Juan if you want to become one. Why do you worry about attraction? Assume they are attracted! Don't think about it. LEAD the group, create enjoyable experiences. NOTICE how women become attracted to you but keep walking on your path.

Women should be seen as relaxation. Why would you relax, if you didn't do anything? We have to aim high, we have to fly high towards the appolonien sun, dropping down towards the ocean of dionisus every once in a while to cool our wings so they don't start burning. Fly high and far. Lift people into the sky to show them what the world looks like from above.

The seducer and the Nice Guy are like two alkoholics. One has got money, one hasn't. This website isn't supposed to give you the money to get drunk.

The more we think about something, the more it becomes a part of ourselves. Endlessly worrying about getting women leads to a life revolving around chasing chicks.

The sexual ones get the girls. And in the end, sexuality is about being a man, being free.

Once I aimed for women. Now I aim for my goals. And in the evening, when the light is dim and my body is tired, people gather around me, listening to my stories of a brighter world, of a life of fun and excitement. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
READ THE MASTER PU ARTIST OATH CONTRACT.......print it out and sign it.........then search the 10 commandments of a PUA.

then START LIVING IT!!!!!!!!!

NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
"Hell no, he INVESTS his time bettering himself. Women are a BYPRODUCT. I can't stress this fact enough."

Indeed, only a real don juan will realize that women are merely by products on your journey to success.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Doing dialog in a post with an exclamation mark at the end is so 2001.

Just kidding :).

Really, working out and stuff is fine, but I myself in all my humbleness try to strike a balance between bettering myself, and considering and hanging out with other people.

The value of meaningful relationships can't be measured.