Plate got pregnant, how to proceed?


Jan 8, 2015
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Social_Leper said:
way2smart, nothing to add to this thread except to say I 100% agree with your position.

Ignore the moralizers and the shamers. "I have zero respect for a man who would do such a thing!!!!"

As long as you make it clear you have no desire to be in this woman's life or to be a father you need have no regrets. If this chick then chooses to bring a child into the world knowing that the father has no desire to be in the child's life then the consequences are on her head.

It's amazing how all these slvtty women suddenly find Jesus and believe abortion is wrong. It's like..."b*tch you swallowed my j*zz on the first date and now you suddenly developed morals?" Come now.

This is the MGTOW way. Bang a chick and if she gets pregnant go your own way avoiding your responsibility as a father. The kid grows up without a father teachng him how to be a man or his daughter grows up to be screwed up in the head. Then MGTOWS want to whine about how bad society is and how bad women are today when MGTOWS contribute to the decay with their actions. Just have to shake your head and laugh at their hypocrisy.

Social_Leper said:
Her body, her choice, as women such as yourself like to aptly remind us.
Typical MGTOW response. Insulting the poster for not following the MGTOW narrative, avoiding the true issue, blaming somebody else not taking responsibility.
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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Octogonal said:
Be smart about this Head Lights. Any guy who fvcks a chick and blows a load into her should be fully aware of the risks of her getting knocked up. He wanted to have sex with her and only he is to blame for not protecting himself. Any guy who would let a chick hoodwink him going against his better judgement is a beta idiot. Now he wants to blame her and run from his mistake like a coward? Sorry dude, but that is beta a fvck.
Ok, but your post makes it sound like the woman had NOTHING to do with it? She's the one receiving the load, so to speak and she should be taking her own precautions.
If she did this with the intention of getting pregnant and without his consent then he shouldn't have to give a damn.
See, even though a guy should take precautions and I agree with you there, have a look at the consequences a man will face if he acts against a female's consent. Abuse is emotional as well as physical and I will never believe, in principle, that a female should get preferential protection under the law in these circumstances, because of her gender.
Consent is consent and it certainly seems as though she had the intention to get pregnant. Without his consent. How would you like that if it happened to you?


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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HeadLightsOn said:
Ok, but your post makes it sound like the woman had NOTHING to do with it?
I didn't know there was any confusion with the clarity of my post. It takes two to tango, so of course she had something to do with it.

HeadLightsOn said:
She's the one receiving the load, so to speak and she should be taking her own precautions.
I would never rely on a chick to take precautions for me. When you rely on somebody else like a woman to take precautions for you, that's putting your life in somebody else's hands. Always take your own precautions, so you know you're protected without having any surprises. A lot of chicks are flakey and are not reliable. I would never trust them to be on top of taking pills or being clean as they claim, taking precautions for my health or preventing unwanted pregnancies. I take my own precautions to make sure I am protected myself. not2smart should have done the same.

HeadLightsOn said:
If she did this with the intention of getting pregnant and without his consent then he shouldn't have to give a damn.
The problem with that is will he know if she did it with the intentions or not. If he protected himself from the start, he wouldn't be in this mess.

HeadLightsOn said:
See, even though a guy should take precautions and I agree with you there, have a look at the consequences a man will face if he acts against a female's consent. Abuse is emotional as well as physical and I will never believe, in principle, that a female should get preferential protection under the law in these circumstances, because of her gender.
All he needed to do was refuse to have sex with her if she was making a big deal without using protection. That right there tells you something is wrong with the picture. He is the man and should tell her how he wants to have sex and if he wants to use protection. Under no circumstances should he allow her to dicate the terms of the sex. Letting a woman hoodwink you is being a pushover beta. When he was careless like he was, he should own up to his mistake. He deserves what he gets in that regard.

HeadLightsOn said:
Consent is consent and it certainly seems as though she had the intention to get pregnant. Without his consent. How would you like that if it happened to you?
LOL. Sound like you don't know the first thing about the birds and the bees. Mistakes can happen anytime you have sex. Didn't you know that? A woman doesn't have to give consent to get pregnant with a mistake. It happens all the time with broken condoms etc. That's the risk you run having sex or in his case unprotected sex with a risk to his health.

It won't happen to me because I'm not stupid to blow loads inside a chick expecting her not to get pregnant if something goes wrong. I take precautions for myself by using condoms. If it's a chick I know well, I will pull out before I blow my load and blast her t1ts instead. The rest of you guys should do the same.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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Octogonal said:
It won't happen to me because I'm not stupid to blow loads inside a chick expecting her not to get pregnant if something goes wrong. I take precautions for myself by using condoms. If it's a chick I know well, I will pull out before I blow my load and blast her t1ts instead. The rest of you guys should do the same.
Spoken like a true champion :p


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Maximus Rex said:
After she's had the abortion, take her to McDonald's, pay her an Egg McMuffin, and leave her there.[/b]

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

This cracked me up, honestly this should be a convo you have before you dicc a girl down. I honestly know what's most women I deal with are on birth control and I ALYWAYS use rubbers. If there not on BC, make sure to have this convo before so that way BOTH know the deal


Feb 5, 2015
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Look at the postive side, if you told her at the beginning that if she was to get fat that would be a you have your 'out'. :up:

Anyway speaking of abortions....They say it's a woman's prerogative to decide what she does with her body....:cuss:

But I say.....if I'm paying for it ......

....Just kidding.....

I never pay for it....

Honestly, some of these women think I'm made of coat hangers

Anyway, it doesn't cost anything to fall down the stairs. :woo:


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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My man NotToSmart got all dem bands. His own business, a lambo, and now a kid!

If I were you I would sit her down and ask her what she was planning to do. If she gives the wrong answer I would explain to her my reaction if she does not cooperate. Ie: not being there for the kid and ****.

Take one of those racks and take her ass to a clinic. After the procedure is done cut her out of your life.

Your smart enough to own and operate a successful business at 26, but you don't understand the consequences of shooting loads in females?


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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I'm not sure what you told her to get her in the sack, but you pretty much have to do the opposite from now on.

I've been in your situation, it incredibly sucks. It is quite obvious that you aren't ready for a kid, and neither was I. I had to go the manipulative route to convince her that was was a piece of sh!t and everything I told her was a lie. This is the easy way out, which I took. I convinced her that I would be a deadbeat father, getting my money from unemployment and don't even know if it would last. Since everything was a lie, I 'confessed' that if she brought this child into the world, I will absolutely not be there and perhaps my $400 a month will take care of everything. Basically, I told her that I was a piece of sh!t and that it's my fault that my seduction tactics worked.

I was an a$$hole and I still am, but a lot of me died when that happened. There's that part of me that knows I changed a life for the worst. Most likely to the point where I made a young women never trust again. Knowing that, I hate the 'alpha males' on this board to adopt the same mindset that I did. It's poison, it's a way to escape responsibility.

Do what is best for you. Understand that you fvcked up and make decisions based on your current lifestyle. No one here should judge you, it's your life.

Whatever you choose, life goes on. PM me if you need to.

EDIT: You can not convince her to have an abortion. You can only convince her that you are unfit to be a father.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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Stugots26 said:
I'm amazed by the number of other attorneys on this forum! Wow! I had no idea...
I'm more amazed at the number of posters that are respected as pvssy slayers and have never encountered this situation, given their responses. Jesus Christ SS, have some class!


Sep 11, 2013
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What kind of liberal hell hole do yall live in?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
We Have to End the Double Standard

backbreaker said:
with that said, i have zero respect for any man that gets a woman pregnant and is not man enough to step up to the plate and take care of the child they brought into the world. that's worse than being a "beta".
Does this lack of respect extend to women who leave newborns at fire or police stations, put their children up for adoption, or the millions of women who have abortions every year. Why is it that when women doesn't want to be a mother and either decides to kill her child or give the child away, not only is her decision not questioned, but she's often lauded for being "responsible and doing what's right for her life.

However, hypocrisy ensues when when a man decides to do the same thing. Why should a man have to endure an economic hardship and have forced dealings with people he doesn't want to have to be a part of his life? If a mother isn't forced into motherhood, then neither should a man be forced into fatherhood. Instead of questioning why men aren't being fathers to the children that they had no decision in whether or not having, the onus should be on the female as to why she wasn't on one of the eleven forms of birth control available to women? Why she wasn't making her partner use a rubber? Why she didn't use the morning after pill? Why she didn't have an abortion or put the baby up for adoption?

We as a society have to end this double standard in regards to "reproductive rights," and financing the raising of a child. After all, it's a part of the equality that women march in the streets and burned their bras for.

Peña said:
Bang a chick and if she gets pregnant go your own way avoiding your responsibility as a father.
Women do the sh*t everyday, but they're never accused of avoiding their responsibilities as a mother. Besides, how good of a father could he be to a child that he didn't want?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis

Ruler said:
Thought you were a liberal, king...
Whatever gave you that idea? I'm for consistency and for what's right. One some issues, (e.g. protection of the 2nd Amendment Rights,) I'm what would be labeled as a "conservative."

Ruler said:
Anyways, the way I see it, the man is a coward for running and never contacting again.
Is the same true of a woman who has an abortion and never contacted the guy again.


Jan 8, 2015
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Maximus Rex said:
Women do the sh*t everyday, but they're never accused of avoiding their responsibilities as a mother. Besides, how good of a father could he be to a child that he didn't want?
Lots of women are terrible mothers and it is no secret. You can easily become a father when you bang chicks. His case for not wearing a condom is no excuse. Being a man is being responsible. If you want to have sex you should accept you might have to be a father. Too many kids are born with parents not wanting them. Fathers cowadly run away from their duty and mothers neglect the kids while partying banging other men like crazy. The kid grows up being not loved and wanted having no direction in life becoming angry at the world and at men or women their whole life becoming feminists or MGTOWS. Then posters support that happening more and more in society with what they believe. That is why the world is all screwed up and people as you contribute to it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Peña said:
Lots of women are terrible mothers and it is no secret. You can easily become a father when you bang chicks. His case for not wearing a condom is no excuse. Being a man is being responsible. If you want to have sex you should accept you might have to be a father. Too many kids are born with parents not wanting them. Fathers cowadly run away from their duty and mothers neglect the kids while partying banging other men like crazy. The kid grows up being not loved and wanted having no direction in life becoming angry at the world and at men or women their whole life becoming feminists or MGTOWS. Then posters support that happening more and more in society with what they believe. That is why the world is all screwed up and people as you contribute to it.

exactly. i don't give a **** what women do or don't do. a man takes care of his kids if he has them

i'm holding / feeding my 2 month old daughter now. no way in hell i could ever leave her or not be there for her. I don't understand men like that at all.