Picked up girl on Train


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
  • You didn't ask her out on day one when she said that she'd like to get together with you
  • You called her the next day
  • You sent emails to her the same day
  • You called her on the weekend when she was busy

You're saying that you don't remember any of that? C'mon, you need to pay attention to what you're doing.
She emailed me her # the same day, so all i did was reply. Is that stil bad?

Well doesn't matter now u and a couple oithers were right this biatch never called me back. I still dont think it was me, it was def her. She just changed her mind or chickened out. I dont feel like i was afc on this one at all. Just one of those things i guess.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
This thread is like watching chicks talk and overanalyze men. Nothing wrong with that, it's good for us to educate ourselves (as women do all the time).

Still, it's pretty funny.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Oh yeah, one story.

I was in the metro in Paris (siggghhhh, so many hot women everywhere, oh how I love it). One time, this cute girl sat down right in front of me. The seats are set up so that you sit right across from strangers every day. I looked her in the eye, she looked me in the eye and smiled... and I just froze. Oh God what a horrible moment, I felt so ashamed and embarrassed. We made eye contact about three times interspersedly, and her face seemed to say, "so why isn't he talking to me?" I wanted to smile back, I wanted to say bonjour, I wanted to be confident. And I wasn't. I seriously hid my face in my hands and pretended to be asleep. It was awful. I hated myself. The fear, the anxiety began in my stomach and moved into my chest. I couldn't take it anymore. If I didn't talk to her, I would hate myself, if I did I was sure I would fail. Then on the next stop I walked right out of the car out onto the street. I never looked back. At the moment, I was the biggest fool in the world.

I cannot describe to you the infinite self-hatred and disappointment I felt. I had gone through a year's effort to build real social skills, and I watched it all get flushed down the drain in a heartbeat.

Good for you that you actually approached. I made a few friends on the train since that day. But O what could have been!

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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Let me just assure you that this girl on the train wasn't SUDDENLY turned off just because you called the next day, or some ridiculous detail like that. Seriously think about it: "I really like his guy, but he called the next day so I'm going to ditch him."....uuhhh I don't think so.

There was not enough attraction period to begin with. Think about those ridiculous new years resolutions and how in the beginning people are all excited about making them and then January 4th they already broke half of their resolutions. The problem was that they were not THAT interested in the new years resolutions to begin with and/or the resolutions were not that fun when actually trying them.

Same thing with this girl. It's not the details you need to get worked up about. It is how all the interactiions come together. People say not to call the next day, not because that specific detail turns girls off mysteriously, but because getting the urge to call the next day signals that you MIGHT be AFC and blow it quickly.....but you could just as easily be suave and nail it the next day too....

Just don't want you to delude yourself and blame the details (you'll get nowhere besides remembering 2 million stupid rules) and not your overall self which needs improving.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Let me just assure you that this girl on the train wasn't SUDDENLY turned off just because you called the next day, or some ridiculous detail like that. Seriously think about it: "I really like his guy, but he called the next day so I'm going to ditch him."....uuhhh I don't think so.

There was not enough attraction period to begin with. Think about those ridiculous new years resolutions and how in the beginning people are all excited about making them and then January 4th they already broke half of their resolutions. The problem was that they were not THAT interested in the new years resolutions to begin with and/or the resolutions were not that fun when actually trying them.

Same thing with this girl. It's not the details you need to get worked up about. It is how all the interactiions come together. People say not to call the next day, not because that specific detail turns girls off mysteriously, but because getting the urge to call the next day signals that you MIGHT be AFC and blow it quickly.....but you could just as easily be suave and nail it the next day too....

Just don't want you to delude yourself and blame the details (you'll get nowhere besides remembering 2 million stupid rules) and not your overall self which needs improving.

So it's basically just a mystery why she lost interest then. There's some things u just never get answers to in life, its annoying. I think she prob just didnt feel like goin trhu with it. I doubt i didnt anything wrong looking back. Like u said callin the next day shouldnt have mattered, i wasnt dorky o the phone. Oh well who cares, im on to the next one got a date at 2 pm today.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Let me just assure you that this girl on the train wasn't SUDDENLY turned off just because you called the next day, or some ridiculous detail like that. Seriously think about it: "I really like his guy, but he called the next day so I'm going to ditch him."....uuhhh I don't think so....
Women do this all the time with guys they just meet. It could also be something as nondescript as something he mistakenly says, something that he is wearing or a way that he comes across at that particular moment in time. The younger women are the more fickle they seem, especially with someone who they don't have a solid relationship with.

Besides, we all know that women will give a guy her number to get rid of him. Finally, the only way to tell if a woman truly likes a guy is by her actions, not what she says. Has she gone out with him on subsequent dates or does she avoid returning his phone calls? That is how you begin to determine whether she's interested or not.