People here don't have a plan/regimen

Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
Reaction score
People here don't have any actionable plan.

How they're gonna open, generally what they're going to say to girls, flirting, etc. They don't, they just sit and type about it.

It's crazy for ppl here to even think of themselves as SS PUA guys, meanwhile bein a dark-dwelling gremlin trolls who's eyes only work because the screen keeps them workin.

If you're actually do pickup what's your plan? I'm talking specific things:

- What's your plan for opening?
- What are your metrics?
- How do you consider problems/how to improve?

Instead of thinking, what plan do you actually use for what you're gonna do?

Real ones will offer concrete resources/action steps


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
People here don't have any actionable plan.

How they're gonna open, generally what they're going to say to girls, flirting, etc. They don't, they just sit and type about it.

It's crazy for ppl here to even think of themselves as SS PUA guys, meanwhile bein a dark-dwelling gremlin trolls who's eyes only work because the screen keeps them workin.

If you're actually do pickup what's your plan? I'm talking specific things:

- What's your plan for opening?
- What are your metrics?
- How do you consider problems/how to improve?

Instead of thinking, what plan do you actually use for what you're gonna do?

Real ones will offer concrete resources/action steps
Yeah, you're right. I was like that for a long time. I think a lot of people struggle with motivation


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
One thing you have to understand: Women speak on levels and things we don't normally process consciously as important and they know how to find and access each other.

I used to write long threads here about the important of access, it's what we all have a purpose for, simply to gain access. For example, fit people are generally more liked and respected than unfit people, this type of predisposition can be leveraged very easily, some of us guys struggle with that, but if you ever have a chance, watch a guy simply raised by a single mother interact with women and it's like a different thing, they just respond differently and because of that, a lot of these guys get access that we don't.

We do have a plan, but the plan is to simply have access, by any means for some of us, I'm more willing to employ dark triad stuff than some others here so I don't openly talk about it or make threads on it anymore, even though when you examine a lot of the common things said here they track exactly on dark triad.

For some men here, here I mean anywhere, having the interaction be organic is almost tied to their morals in this strange way, they refuse to plan because it feels wrong to them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
Reaction score
If you go in with a predetermined idea of what will transpire you will be disappointed when things don't pan out as you thought. Say you approach with a wooden circle in hand, the girl you fancy turns out to be a square outline, you're screwed and it wont fit. Going into social exchanges with this formulaic mindset will more than likely fail you. Pook wrote about this, worth a glance.

- What's your plan for opening?
Depends on the girl, the place, the time, the everything. I think it best to approach these things with broad strokes. Have maybe a simple goal of just conversing with that person or trying to get a general positive exchange. Once things start moving in a social interaction (if you have good social skills) things will progress fairly naturally and you should be able to adjust on the spot.

- How do you consider problems/how to improve?
Self reflection

Instead of thinking, what plan do you actually use for what you're gonna do?
Real ones will offer concrete resources/action steps
Having step by step concrete plan of action involves a lot of thinking prior to a potential exchange. Seems odd to say "instead of thinking" while asking for posters to give their thoughts on what they may "do". I think you'll find a lot of the real ones will say not to overthink, analyze and plan in advance. Rather to have a goal in mind, shoot your shot, be okay with potentially bombing and reflecting afterwards and making actionable change.

Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
Reaction score
@Hamurabimbi @IamtheAlphamale @CAPSLOCK BANDIT @Stanley @corrector It's one thing to be too rigid - I ain't talkin about trackin everything a girl's sayin to you like data.
I'm talkin about some basic scope of a method and a plan.

For example:
Many people used to have a regimen - XX # of opens a week, etc. ; starting out, try A, B, or C as an opener, learn, keep going, etc. and then they'd report back with a field report.

Where are the plans - goals?? I just see theory and talk, no plans, no goals, little field reports
If I'm wrong, someone throw out some action/practical/opener oriented stuff


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
@Hamurabimbi @IamtheAlphamale @CAPSLOCK BANDIT @Stanley @corrector It's one thing to be too rigid - I ain't talkin about trackin everything a girl's sayin to you like data.
I'm talkin about some basic scope of a method and a plan.

For example:
Many people used to have a regimen - XX # of opens a week, etc. ; starting out, try A, B, or C as an opener, learn, keep going, etc. and then they'd report back with a field report.

Where are the plans - goals?? I just see theory and talk, no plans, no goals, little field reports
If I'm wrong, someone throw out some action/practical/opener oriented stuff
Okay, I do have a default plan. Sit a few tables away from a girl in an isolated lunch room, try to open her and say anything that comes out of her mouth. If it fails badly, then just turn around and forget it.

It so happens, I attempted to talk to this girl, it appears either I couldn't hear her that well and kept saying "what?" and the interaction just tanked.

However, I connected with another lady just afterwards who recognized me from a few months ago and said hi with me so I was not able to write-off the day with the "all women here think I'm sub-5 and it's too much of a risk to attempt an interaction so just stick to work and fvck it."

There are some ladies there that I wouldn't trust being alone with in an elevator and others that I've just recently introduced myself. So, it's in such a way that I can't say that I'm feel connected with everyone, but I don't feel paranoid like every women is toxic to interact with either.

I find putting on an n95 mask also helps me zone-out socially with people. (ie if you are in an elevator with a group of people, and put on an N95 mask on while they are all there, then it sends a message).

The plan is to initiate an interaction with three women. If they are three consecutive nasty interactions then I'll just close the file on that place and reward myself with porn/OF/possibly visit an escort/buying a lottery ticket, etc.. in November for trying. Any positive interaction with a woman within the same day may cancel out the negative interaction so it won't be counted for purposes of that "reward" idea. Under that metrix, don't have a negative interaction that has remained on file to build that type of case.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
Okay, I do have a default plan. Sit a few tables away from a girl in an isolated lunch room, try to open her and say anything that comes out of her mouth. If it fails badly, then just turn around and forget it.

It so happens, I attempted to talk to this girl, it appears either I couldn't hear her that well and kept saying "what?" and the interaction just tanked.

However, I connected with another lady just afterwards who recognized me from a few months ago and said hi with me so I was not able to write-off the day with the "all women here think I'm sub-5 and it's too much of a risk to attempt an interaction so just stick to work and fvck it."

There are some ladies there that I wouldn't trust being alone with in an elevator and others that I've just recently introduced myself. So, it's in such a way that I can't say that I'm feel connected with everyone, but I don't feel paranoid like every women is toxic to interact with either.

I find putting on an n95 mask also helps me zone-out socially with people. (ie if you are in an elevator with a group of people, and put on an N95 mask on while they are all there, then it sends a message).

The plan is to initiate an interaction with three women. If they are three consecutive nasty interactions then I'll just close the file on that place and reward myself with porn/OF/possibly visit an escort/buying a lottery ticket, etc.. in November for trying. Any positive interaction with a woman within the same day may cancel out the negative interaction so it won't be counted for purposes of that "reward" idea. Under that metrix, don't have a negative interaction that has remained on file to build that type of case.
Have you ever taken off your N95 mask in an elevator to talk with a woman? You push her against the elevator wall and press the emergency stop, "I want whatever sickness you got honey" and French kiss her.

Just kidding, don't do this


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Here is a pook quote for this thread.
Although I think flirting has its place. Especially in the eyes but the point is. Don't wait too long to get to the punchline.

"BAD: Hi, I’m FlirtyBoy! (Touch Touch) You look SO cute in that outfit! You must get compliments all the time! (continues to flirt)

RIGHT: Hi, I’m Mr. Right. (Some small talk). What's your number?

A guy does not flirt with chicks

A guy ASKS out the chick to show he’s interested"
this is true. But you do need to build interest first (quickly) and then number close.


Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
Thats because this forum isnt a pua forum. If it was in the past it has changed and been influenced by the red pill and feminists which share a common thought:
Attraction cannot be made. ( which i dont agree with )
Other forums are better for specific technique and real pua knowledge and effective tactics.
Dont try searching them in google though, they have been shadowbanned from search results as google has turned into another mainstream source with politically correct info.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Have you ever taken off your N95 mask in an elevator to talk with a woman? You push her against the elevator wall and press the emergency stop, "I want whatever sickness you got honey" and French kiss her.

Just kidding, don't do this
You have missed the meaning of that post. I put on an N95 mask in an elevator when it was clear the ladies on there were not taking me on and I was mogged by another guy. Yes, it was crowded with two ladies and another guy there and was a valid reason for putting on the n95 mask as it was actually crowded in there. I don't wear an N95 mask all the time, but if I feel uncomfortable, such as there being a number of people in a confined situation, then I'll put it on.

Also, I would not go in an elevator alone with some women from that office because I don't trust them (ie false accusations). As I've mentioned, unfortunately, I seem to be having more of a sub-5 guy type of experience (ie I may even say worst than a normie) in that office as I probably look a bit older than most of the people there and have 40% bf. The only saving grace is I can't say JBW, because I'm mogged by other ethnic guys and the whole office is very diverse.

Therefore, from what I can surmise, in the final analysis, It's best for me to stick to myself and focus on work, but be cordial with people since, of course, it does no one any good to feel pissed off, especially if the type of work itself lends it self to having "bad days" in its own right where you could feel pissed off at that. Worrying about how xyz is responding with me or taking me on would just spoil a great day and make a bad day even worst. I'm currently (at least up to today in an absolute senses of the idea) on no-porn/no-fap (but the no-fap part is hard and I've broken that) and that's making things feel even more harder.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
You have missed the meaning of that post. I put on an N95 mask in an elevator when it was clear the ladies on there were not taking me on and I was mogged by another guy. Yes, it was crowded with two ladies and another guy there and was a valid reason for putting on the n95 mask as it was actually crowded in there. I don't wear an N95 mask all the time, but if I feel uncomfortable, such as there being a number of people in a confined situation, then I'll put it on.

Also, I would not go in an elevator alone with some women from that office because I don't trust them (ie false accusations). As I've mentioned, unfortunately, I seem to be having more of a sub-5 guy type of experience (ie I may even say worst than a normie) in that office as I probably look a bit older than most of the people there and have 40% bf. The only saving grace is I can't say JBW, because I'm mogged by other ethnic guys and the whole office is very diverse.

Therefore, from what I can surmise, in the final analysis, It's best for me to stick to myself and focus on work, but be cordial with people since, of course, it does no one any good to feel pissed off, especially if the type of work itself lends it self to having "bad days" in its own right where you could feel pissed off at that. Worrying about how xyz is responding with me or taking me on would just spoil a great day and make a bad day even worst. I'm currently (at least up to today in an absolute senses of the idea) on no-porn/no-fap (but the no-fap part is hard and I've broken that) and that's making things feel even more harder.
Bro what are you doing about being 40% bf that is crazy, by the health standards you are "Morbidly Obese" keyword morbidly


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Bro what are you doing about being 40% bf that is crazy, by the health standards you are "Morbidly Obese" keyword morbidly
I am using noom diet app. Foods are monitored and logged in. Water and exercise is there as well.

Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
Reaction score
Thats because this forum isnt a pua forum. If it was in the past it has changed and been influenced by the red pill and feminists which share a common thought:
Attraction cannot be made. ( which i dont agree with )
Other forums are better for specific technique and real pua knowledge and effective tactics.
Dont try searching them in google though, they have been shadowbanned from search results as google has turned into another mainstream source with politically correct info.
“Attraction cannot be made.” Yeah that’s a bleak thought.

What are the websites?

People don’t feel loose with lines and when things get challenging they disassociate from the idea that maybe they’re the problem which is just throwing in the towel on learning deeply or overcoming.

We should always be flexible. But we don’t curse and abandon the process because we haven’t improved.
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Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
Reaction score
Here is a pook quote for this thread.
Although I think flirting has its place. Especially in the eyes but the point is. Don't wait too long to get to the punchline.

"BAD: Hi, I’m FlirtyBoy! (Touch Touch) You look SO cute in that outfit! You must get compliments all the time! (continues to flirt)

RIGHT: Hi, I’m Mr. Right. (Some small talk). What's your number?

A guy does not flirt with chicks

A guy ASKS out the chick to show he’s interested"
That’s an understandable response. I mean to indicate “escalate/create interest” like @Stoic clarified. FlirtyBoy’s definitely cringe, and counterproductive.

Vero Della Rosa

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2023
Reaction score
It says a lot that a man gets called a troll here if he asks for people who: have a general plan, try things/do things in real life, record some results, come back here for feedback, and pick some things to work on.

You do not improve well what you can’t track.

Instead of a community that pushes each other to ascend in dexterity/skill, I get a “stay on our level” vibe hoping to claw me down instead.

“stay home, sons, i’ll teach you and keep you warm forever” -devouring mother, SoSuave 2023

Good on you guys who have goals, do FR’s, and look to grow your game.
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Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
I dont think im allowed to post other forums in here
Vero della Rossa