Pain endurance training


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Does anyone here have any techniques or can direct me towards any information about increasing pain tolerance. I see a lot of martial artists who develop this high pain threshold and it's something I'd be interested to learn about.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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Go in for martial arts / boxing, during sparring/ practising you're bound to get hit at some point, or your own techniques used on you, I guess that's where it comes from.
There's no real way of just "exercising" your pain tolerance like anything else in your body, you just get used to the feeling and it become not so much of a shock.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
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London, UK
This is one of those things you just develop over time. If you train in a good school, your partners will respect you as a newbie and won't push you too hard.

A good instructor will know your limits and give you as much as you can take. This is probably more than you *think* you can take. You need to approach this psychologically as much as physically.

Stand still and let a training partner you trust throw strikes and kicks to your body. Start out very light with little more than slap contact. You tell your partner how much to give you etc, to dial it up or down or stop altogether. Add this to regular sparring and contact drills and you'll gradually build up your pain threshold. You'll get to a point as well where you don't care as much if you get hit.

The human body is capable of handling a considerable amount of punishment.


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2005
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As silverfox said. And some fighters even kill their nerves (in their shins for example)....but that's not really pain endurance :p

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
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Interesting topic. Any more information on this? Any meditation exercises or specific martial arts that teach this kind of thing?


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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The are two aspects to pain tolerance. One being physical and one being mental.

It's been proven that when a person has no control over the pain they experience they have a decreased tolerance.

To mentally increase tolerance it's just a matter of *always* pushing yourself past what you thought was your breaking point, even if just a little. Run till you puke, lift ti you puke, hike till you puke, hold your breath till you pass out, etc. The mental aspect of doing this will increase your ability to withstand pain and remain in control. It's not easy and it may take years to develop the correct mindset. During this time you can never stray from the path of misery. Don't wear a coat when it's cold, get wet in the rain, take cold showers, walk when you can drive, wait to pee, run with that blister, don't eat when you're hungry. Everything. Always take the painful way out. Of course that don't mean be stupid and genuinely injur yourself or workout through a REAL injury.

The mental side is very important and you probably won't acheive it alone. People really can't force themselves to be miserable for very long.

The second aspect is the physical side. What I think you're after is called body hardening. Basicly it's nothing more than you and a partner hitting (whith force) different sensitive nerve ending groups, pressure points, and muscles.

These points correspond to where an oppenant will hit you and decapacitate ( a person without body hardening training), surfaces you use to strike with, and surfaces you use to block with.

This training is not fun. It is miserable and must be done on a daily, constant basis in order to work. The spots you harden are very sensitive and you must be struck with a good amount of force 1000's of times.