Opinions, please


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
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It is rare that I post here regarding my own personal circumstances, but this one is funny to me and I wanted to share. I met this chick about, say, three weeks ago. I had known her from before when I used to work with her while I was in college (about 3-4 years ago). We talked, I noticed her appearance had dramatically improved from the last time I had seen her. Anyway, I mentioned at the time that I was taking a trip down to Foxwoods (casino) within the next few days and she begged me to tag along, so I agreed. We ended up having a hell of a time down there-- I came back home up about $1,000 and I won her a little money too (I'm killer at the tables). This was a late-night endeavor, by the time we got back it was morning, so I just dropped her off and went home for sleep. She told me she would call ... but we all know how that goes.

I took the initiative and called her maybe a week or so later. She works nights, I called at about 1 in the afternoon and she was all groggy and sh1t talking about how she'll call me back later because she just woke up. I didn't expect a call back and I didn't get one... until yesterday, a whole 2 WEEKS LATER. When I talked to her yesterday I told her that I had already written her off (in a teasing manner) and she apologized profusely for the fact that she's been "busy" and never called. She asked me out for last night, but I told her she's not the only one who's busy and declined. I said I would give her a call and we could possibly set something up.

Question: do I let sh1t slide and forgive her rudeness for not calling me back for two weeks? Or should I take this as a sign of things to come?

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Maybe she has a boyfriend, but who cares. If you offer and she refuses no counter then write it off. If she is cool and goes out with you then take the enxt steps in Djing her.



Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
.Question: do I let sh1t slide and forgive her rudeness for not calling me back for two weeks? Or should I take this as a sign of things to come?

It sounds like she's interested in you but is not sure how far she wants to go. The fact that she apologized was a good sign and I think you played it well by saying you were busy when she wanted to go out with you.

I'd give her a chance but play it cool and raise her IL higher than yours and take it one step at a time


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Zossima
I'd give her a chance but play it cool and raise her IL higher than yours and take it one step at a time
To be honest, my interest level is not very high. We used to call this girl "clam roll" back in school, but she has really turned herself around drastically. Definately f-buddy material but nothing more than that (at least for now). When we were at the casino she showed very high interest, including resting her head on my shoulder at one point while I was playing blackjack. I don't know what her issue is-- maybe she does have a boyfriend, or maybe she really was busy. I'll give her a call tomorrow on my day off unless someone else can convince me why I shouldn't. :confused:

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
How about this for making you change your mind....

By your own admission you say you would like to have her only as a f-buddy. Well ask yourself this, when was the last time you got laid? Ok suffice? If she is only going to be a clam-roll f-buddy then no need to apply all the antics to this one. Do what you can and that's it.


Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
By your own admission you say you would like to have her only as a f-buddy. Well ask yourself this, when was the last time you got laid? Ok suffice? If she is only going to be a clam-roll f-buddy then no need to apply all the antics to this one. Do what you can and that's it.

Well put. If that's all you want then go for it and let the chips fall where they may. You have no chance of turning her into a fvck buddy if you write her off.

It may be a sign of things to come but if she's just gonna be a fvck buddy who really cares?