opinion: The Atmosphere of the ‘Manosphere’ Is Toxic


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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It’s as if an entire self-help industry decided the best cure for one form of dysfunction is simply a different dysfunction. Replace passivity and hopelessness with frenetic activity, tinged with anger and resentment. Get in the weight room, dress sharper, develop confidence and double down on every element of traditional masculinity you believe is under fire.
my opinion: The first order of business for a man is securing a sexual mate. Whereas in the past that was so easy that it was just presumed for any man that was moral & hard-working, now it is a task that seems to be completely orthogonal to being moral & hard-working. Without that secured sexual mate, a man does not have the motivation to "get with the program", and when a critical mass of such men have checked out, society collapses.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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A lot of it has to do with members that have been a part of this space for years and years, like Red Pill Self Development is a very short term association if you are taking it seriously, the idea being that you'd be out enjoying your life after rather than peddling vitriol.

I find part of the manosphere toxic particularly when monetization is involved, like for example it could be argued Rollo Tomassi went on to take the ideas of other people, posters from here and monetize that information which in turn inspires others to seek that same monetization, usually with the exact same information since these same peddlers usually don't have the credibility, certainly when they are under fire from the media.

The major problem is we have people trying to monetize red pill, instead of monetizing their lives using red pill


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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my opinion: The first order of business for a man is securing a sexual mate. Whereas in the past that was so easy that it was just presumed for any man that was moral & hard-working, now it is a task that seems to be completely orthogonal to being moral & hard-working. Without that secured sexual mate, a man does not have the motivation to "get with the program", and when a critical mass of such men have checked out, society collapses.
One argument I used to have with a former homeboy was exactly about this.

He said he had no motivation of there's no women in his life. My counter argument was that: eventually you will do those things that women /society expecta from you. You dont wanna work untill you meet a woman? Well here ya go a woman. Now you're running around like a chicken without a head to fix shyte that you should've been doing loooong time ago.

If you really want a legacy/family, take a imprest on the future. A pregnancy takes one minute and nine months.

Why are you willing to do what you should've been doing only when there's a woman? It basically means you're already dating out of your league , and the type of womem who'd accept your pig like lifestyle will indeed be one of MUCH lower smv.

Gotta change the inside and the outside will follow and be solid...


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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First, let’s consider the source. A Liberal newspaper and an author that is probably a male feminist. Another attempt at shaming men for coming together. What the author fails to recognize is that these traits in the book he calls out and the advice from our forefathers is now seen as “toxic” and “patriarchal.”. Those virtues listed are honorable and used to be the basis of society. The “manosphere“ did not hijack masculinity, it’s a collection of shared experiences. Some of the space takes advantage of desperate men thru monetary means while other spaces do not. I’d say society as a whole is more toxic than Andrew Tate, Jordan Petersen and Joe Rogan. Funny how when men “talk” it becomes toxic. Parts of society gets scared when men start sharing experiences and come together. Anyone creating a following must be shut down and removed. How about pandering to homosexuality and confusing children with what it means to be a man or a woman? if you can’t recognize basic biology, how are you going to recognize evolved traits and behaviors? I’d consider that more toxic than the manosphere. The manosphere is also a place to share chaos experienced by men dealing with women. Once again you cannot hold women accountable for their actions, that is misogynistic.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Without that secured sexual mate, a man does not have the motivation to "get with the program", and when a critical mass of such men have checked out, society collapses.
So what? Let society collapse, for all I care.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
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Miami fl
So true that's what that's why i'm so glad this site is still around.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I had to look up "orthoganal." It must be over for us non geometry cels.
The concept has a much deeper meaning than for basic geometry, but is best understood with basic geometry.

I guess it's a word that does a great job of keeping a woman's panties on, LOL.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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A lot of it has to do with members that have been a part of this space for years and years, like Red Pill Self Development is a very short term association if you are taking it seriously, the idea being that you'd be out enjoying your life after rather than peddling vitriol.

I find part of the manosphere toxic particularly when monetization is involved, like for example it could be argued Rollo Tomassi went on to take the ideas of other people, posters from here and monetize that information which in turn inspires others to seek that same monetization, usually with the exact same information since these same peddlers usually don't have the credibility, certainly when they are under fire from the media.

The major problem is we have people trying to monetize red pill, instead of monetizing their lives using red pill
To Rollo's credit, he has done some critical analysis on Red Pill, and is a regular content creator. He & Aaron Clarey are the only ones in the Red Pill Zoo that I can regularly stomach.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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This seems to be the general feeling at our brethren site, incels.is.
That's because they're nihilists.

If a society is strong, it won't collapse. If it's a weak / sick society, it should collapse. After the collapse, the weak will die off and a strong society will start up because the sheeple need law and order to live.

I'm not a nihilist, I'm a survivor. If this society collapses, I'm not worried about the ensuing chaos. Sure, the weak and useless members of society will probably die, but we have too many people anyway.
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Mar 6, 2017
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A pregnancy takes one minute
Now I know why your ex girlfriends call you "The Minute Man"

Ahhh just messin with you bro


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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To Rollo's credit, he has done some critical analysis on Red Pill, and is a regular content creator. He & Aaron Clarey are the only ones in the Red Pill Zoo that I can regularly stomach.
I don't think he's a scam artist or anything, but if he is viewed as a somewhat credible figure based on the things he's saying, all others have to do to attain that credibility is say the same things, which in turn makes me look at Rollo critically, like where was his education gained? Well it seems it was gained here and this is just a conglomerate of knowledge over the years and for him to represent all this knowledge as his own isn't entirely accurate... It's hard to seperate him from this place and by extension all the creators parroting his points


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
The manosphere is a community of men who got broken somewhere along their path in life, no wonder it's toxic. It's broken men teaching other broken men how to succeed, with wildly varying degrees of success.

I've never been a fan of the manosphere, the red pill or the PUA crap. Pretty early in my own process I realized it's not about evolving from the sh!tty place I was, it's about devolving all of the sh!t that had piled onto me through life. Revert to my natural self and take it from there.

I don't follow those ideologies, it would be like patching the roof of a house that has a crumbling foundation. It's not fixing anything, it's just making the disorder manifest in a different way.

The toxic elements of the manosphere comes from men who think they have it all figured out, but in reality they just patched the roof of a sh!tty house. They haven't learned sh!t, they've just delved deeper into their dysfunction, added another layer that needs to be broken down before any real positive change can take place.

As time goes on I want less and less to do with anything related to the manosphere or red pill culture.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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It’s as if an entire self-help industry decided the best cure for one form of dysfunction is simply a different dysfunction. Replace passivity and hopelessness with frenetic activity, tinged with anger and resentment. Get in the weight room, dress sharper, develop confidence and double down on every element of traditional masculinity you believe is under fire.

Yet success ethics are ultimately empty, and our children feel that emptiness. If they fall behind, they feel panic and dread. But even when they succeed, their success doesn’t fill that hole in their hearts, at least not for long. Virtue, however, is different. Perfection is impossible, but virtue is a purpose all its own. And it’s that pursuit of virtue, not mere achievement (and certainly not resentment), that ultimately defines who we are.


My thoughts:

Let men double down on traditional forms of masculinity and sleep with as many hot women as possible before women turn 30. Once women turn 30, THEN men can chase virtue.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
It’s as if an entire self-help industry decided the best cure for one form of dysfunction is simply a different dysfunction. Replace passivity and hopelessness with frenetic activity, tinged with anger and resentment.
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: