Opener: ***** Shield Takedown


New Member
Aug 14, 2004
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Iowa City, IA
I consider myself to be a pretty charismatic guy and have gotten my share of female attention; however, I don't have too much experience in dealing with the dreaded ***** shield. I personally don't like the idea of neg-hitting, as I think it's a little too indirect, but I *definitely* like the notion of calling a girl on her BS.

Anyways, I haven't tried this approach yet, but it's worth submitting to peer review. I'm hoping to field test it in many situations so I can test how it fits in with different reaction scenarios.

The idea is to approach a girl mostly cold, after some eye contact to establish a minimal connection. Simply go up and say "Excuse me... Hey, you're real pretty; I'd like to get to know you." This should be said cheerfully, almost playfully, not in a deep James Bond type voice. This should not be viewed as an act of supplication, but as a matter-of-fact statement that ultimately gets overshadowed by delivery as a whole - cheerful, honest, direct, and confident.

If this gets a good reaction, great. Just chat the girl up. The real purpose of this opening is not to be an end in itself, but to hopefully bait some kind of *****-shield resistance. This is when you unleash phase II of the attack. Just say something like "Whoa, wait a minute. You don't need to blow me off. Listen, I know you've probably dealt with guys who come up and tell you they like your dress, or try to buy you drinks, and they think it'll make you their best friend in half a second. I'm not fishing for some cheap gratitude here. I just want to chat is all." This could very well take down the shield right then and there. Even if it doesn't, though, you've at least let her know you're not fazed by her coldness. Now follow up on it: "Most girls have to act kind of cold to guys at first because so many annoying guys try to hit on them that it becomes reflexive to shoot them down. It's not like the girl's being mean or anything; it's just a necessity. I mean, you're a nice girl, aren't you?"

Now what do you think she's going to say here? ;) Of course she's going to agree with you and say that she's a nice girl. If she doesn't, you've got a true ***** on your hands, so unload your full arsenal and bust her ego so hard her id gets bruised. But anyway, once she agrees, you can chastise her a little bit for judging you at a glance. Carry on the conversation like this: "See, I thought you looked like a nice girl." Now let her start to say something, and then cut her off. "Wait... You don't think you can just talk to me after judging me like that, do you? After lumping me with all the other idiots?" Say this with a smile that says you're teasing her now, and enjoying your revenge. "I think you should apologize." You could ask her to buy you a drink if you're at a bar or something, as a way of reversing a classic AFC error.

When she does, give her a final slap on the wrist: "Okay, good. At least you're not *totally* jaded." Say it teasingly, with a wink and a smile. Use this as an opportunity for kino, too.

Now you and her should be on a level with each other, and in knocking her down a couple pegs you showed that you were persistent, empathetic, honest, teasingly funny, and DIFFERENT. Even if you didn't knock her shield down, you filtered out a stuck-up ***** and, if you're like me, took a steaming sh1t on her ego, which is always a thrill.

I think I'm going to make use of this approach a few times to check its success rate as soon as I can... I might have to make a trip to the food court tomorrow. :)

Tell me what you think of this tactic!


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
You're using too much "kissing ass" and sucking up to get a woman's b*tch shield drop.

First, why would you waste your time with a woman who has her b*tch shield up. From experience, if the woman has a b*tch shield to begin with, THEN SHE'S A B*TCH regardless! Why waste effort on a woman like this. I'd rather put effort in a woman that shows interest initially.

And that's one critical part of DJing that many people on here miss, INTEREST LEVEL. If the woman has no IL what so ever in you, it doesnt matter what techniques you use to reduce her b*tch shield, she doesn't like you.

Just flip the script for a second. Let's say you have no interest in a fat 300lb girl that is infatuated with you. You consistantly give her the cold give her a male's b*tch shield. So she says you're handsome, runs the same tactics you described above, trys to assert KINO - it wouldn't matter how much DJ charm or attention she gives you...she may even bring down your b*tch shield...but...your interest level in her was non-existent initially..soo..regardless what she tries, there is NO way she'll be attractive in your eyes.

Also, a lot of what you are doing is pedistalling the girl. Give her attention, compliment her looks, supplication, explaining your situation, trying to convince her that she shouldn't have the b*tch shield reflex....its not a good way to PU. She'll automaticallyy clump you into the group of guys that ALWAYS try this stuff with her. If you have to explain anything, her IL isn't high in you.

Think about it for a second, A girl see's Brad Pitt and just wets per panties - do you think she's going to put up a b*tch shield? Does Brad Pitt have to go around explaining why he's the not like all the other guys? I know this is an extreme example, but, its all about HER INTEREST. Trust me, if the girl digs you, she'll give you 'buying signals'. You won't have to break down your game and explain to her why you're the man. If the shield is up, her interest isn't high enough in you for her to come off her high horse and give those 'buying signals'.

Girls with b*tch shields up = NEXT...

I'd rather find the woman at work, the nightclub, the mall, etc who has a smile on her face, gives me EC, and is welcoming my PU. She'll more likely be the type of woman you dont have to play too many headgames with and can naturally have fun with her.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Interesting. I guess if it works, good for you.

However, from my point of view, I wouldn't do it. If the girl is being cold to me, she's not worth my time. If it takes that much work for me to get a girl's ***** sheild down, I just go on to the next hot peice of ass.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Taio
bust her ego so hard her id gets bruised
Now THAT's funny :D

Not a bad tip, but it sounds a little supplicating for my taste.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I don't see why people deal with women who are b1tches. It's like running into a wall and trying to knock it down. I choose to walk around it, which is equivalent to ignoring them and moving on with my life onto equally or more beautiful women who do not have b1tch shields.

'nuff said.

Don't say it. I know I'm the fvckin man.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score

In my opinion that's a very good frame and I use something similar, it will prove to be effective for openings, however if this is a video game, this is only passing the first level - you have 3-4 more to go before getting laid.

Go try it, it will work but will not get you laid by itself. Go approach TONS of girls, you will get laid with some, run into some difficulties with others. See what happens and post back here!

P.S. Guys who never had a b!tch begging for your **** will never know how good it feels to destroy the shield :)