Online dating?


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Alright I decided to give online dating a try as a way of having more lures in the water.
I met a girl and we have been sending messages back and forth, she seems nice- but don't they all at first!
This online attempt at dating is new for me, is there any tips you guys have?

Yeah I know watch out for the shemales!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
What? Do you mean like The Sims online or something?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Search the forum, there's already tons of threads about this.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
I've tried alot of online dating before (have posted on the subject here before as well) , but after all of my experience with it, I can say that ultimately , IMO at least, about 95% of the time, maybe MORE , it doesn't work for sh*t quite frankly.

You may go on a few random dates, or first-time "real time meet ups" here or there, if you've got at least some looks going in your favour (& don't let anybody tell you that it's really all about the profile; w/online dating women are shopping the same way men always shop - they either like your looks right off the bat or they just keep browsing). You may even get laid a time or two, or three, if you meet the right girl at the right time.

If your goals are to go on a few random dates, that more than likely will never get off the ground or progress up to or past "date #2", and possibly ( and I do stress possibly) get lucky once in a blue moon, then by all means pay 29 bucks a month or whatever it is to keep a profile active. You'll probably get what you're looking for eventually, IF that's all you're really looking for. BUT, if you're looking for real love, or for a real g/f, again IMO at least, online dating just doesn't work for sh*t. Why? Well, honestly, I just feel that two people "connecting" via computer profiles is just ........ well......... NOT how it's really done. There's something to be said for the "old fashioned way"; the tried and true methods. It hasn't ever been done via computer "matching" in the past, in the whole vast history of humankind BEFORE the advent of online dating. And the majority of successful relationships you see around you are (most probably at least) NOT people who met "online". So , to sum up, and you can take my advice if you want or discard it if you want ( I do , unfortunately, have years of "field research" under my belt w/just about every kind of online dating scene) , my advice is if you're just looking to goof around and kill some time, MAYbe get a date or two here or there, then do the online dating thing. When you're done f'ing around and you're ready to play in the majors full-time, dump the lame-ass online scene entirely and redirect any energies you were previously putting into crafting profiles towards full time real time action.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Online dating only works for the very confident or attractive people.

If you're neither of these, don't even try.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40

Most people come out of on-line dating pretty jaded. I agree with much of the above post. I think part of the problem is that Net dating makes people instantly replaceable. As soon as one side gets on another's nerves even slightly, it is easier just to meet someone new than to put effort into a relationship where the newness is beginning to wear off.

Some tips, imho:
The pic is very important - hi-res, quality, smiling, action pics are good, creepy bedroom no-shirt self-pics are bad.

You like dancing and cooking. Really, you do.

Mostly, the women who pay an on-line service are old and/or fat. and are free. I have also met HBs by replying to the ads on pay sites where the girl sneaks her email into the text of the free trial ad. The bonus with these is that the site admin will not leave it up forever, so that reduces competition.

Have low expectations for the quality of the people you meet. Net dating is not great. Many people use old pics and lie in their ad (don't). But it is better than not dating at all, and mostly it is a chance to practice your skills so that you are "so suave" when a quality woman comes into your life.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by DinoCassanova
I've tried alot of online dating before (have posted on the subject here before as well) , but after all of my experience with it, I can say that ultimately , IMO at least, about 95% of the time, maybe MORE , it doesn't work for sh*t quite frankly.

You may go on a few random dates, or first-time "real time meet ups" here or there, if you've got at least some looks going in your favour (& don't let anybody tell you that it's really all about the profile; w/online dating women are shopping the same way men always shop - they either like your looks right off the bat or they just keep browsing). You may even get laid a time or two, or three, if you meet the right girl at the right time.

If your goals are to go on a few random dates, that more than likely will never get off the ground or progress up to or past "date #2", and possibly ( and I do stress possibly) get lucky once in a blue moon, then by all means pay 29 bucks a month or whatever it is to keep a profile active. You'll probably get what you're looking for eventually, IF that's all you're really looking for. BUT, if you're looking for real love, or for a real g/f, again IMO at least, online dating just doesn't work for sh*t. Why? Well, honestly, I just feel that two people "connecting" via computer profiles is just ........ well......... NOT how it's really done. There's something to be said for the "old fashioned way"; the tried and true methods. It hasn't ever been done via computer "matching" in the past, in the whole vast history of humankind BEFORE the advent of online dating. And the majority of successful relationships you see around you are (most probably at least) NOT people who met "online". So , to sum up, and you can take my advice if you want or discard it if you want ( I do , unfortunately, have years of "field research" under my belt w/just about every kind of online dating scene) , my advice is if you're just looking to goof around and kill some time, MAYbe get a date or two here or there, then do the online dating thing. When you're done f'ing around and you're ready to play in the majors full-time, dump the lame-ass online scene entirely and redirect any energies you were previously putting into crafting profiles towards full time real time action.
Yes, it can be this difficult if you don't know what you're doing.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonJuanMonk
don't even try.
These three words should be banned from the forums.

Don't listen to him. Online PU is a perfectly valid form of sarging. Just be sure to make it about 25% of your overall time you spend on meeting women and not use it as an excuse to not approach. Many well known gurus, such as David DeAngelo, Design, and others, have met their current LTRs online.

Its all real as soon as you meet them. Don't get caught being a pen pal though.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Sargeholic
These three words should be banned from the forums.

Don't listen to him. Online PU is a perfectly valid form of sarging. Just be sure to make it about 25% of your overall time you spend on meeting women and not use it as an excuse to not approach. Many well known gurus, such as David DeAngelo, Design, and others, have met their current LTRs online.

Its all real as soon as you meet them. Don't get caught being a pen pal though.
I agree. It's enough to be tainted and bitter from your on past experiences but it's sad when it blinds you not to acknowledge that it can be done by guys that are more capable.

Defeatist attitudes are becoming more and more prominent in AFCs. Are there any RAFCs in this forum anymore? It's as if your are either a DJ who gets it or a AFC who keeps putting it down. Does anyone want to learn anything?