Online dating: Feast or famine depending on looks.

May 23, 2006
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wayword said:
Maybe not 100%, but a VERY high % nonetheless.

Remember, due to diverse demographics, attractive women get bombarded by guys wanting to stick their kawks in them. This makes it a very close race and the women must become super-picky.

I'd say online, looks, race & height become extra-important. So, a decent-looking White guy can definitely make a killing.
Exactly the point of this thread. So, it's like all those BS products out there are nonsence. Take net2bed-net2wed for example, the product I got my refund on, here's a product that has a dozen e-books full of BS about online game, but when you look at the author, he has the looks, a White guy with the right hight, similarly to the other guy that posted on enotalone - then I saw, yeah right, that system only works because there are looks to back it up.

It doesn't matter what you are writing on the profile or what messages you are sending, all that maters is looks, and if you are relying on game to compensate for looks, it sounds like a brutal uphill battle just to even get one bite if you are lucky enough - which will all the likely go nowhere.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
South Africa
When I first tried online, I could not post a pic as this would be pointless, if I was trying to see if this was my problem with getting girls interested IRL [plus I look really bad in photos!! I mean really bad!!]

I got a handful of dates off of it despite this. Interestingly they all resulted in rejections. I don't know of course if it was becuase of looks or other, but seeing as they already liked my personality and chose to meet me soley on this [they never saw what I looked like till the first meeting], well ... the conclusion could be that you might as well post a pic 'cos they are going to use looks as a deceiding factor either way.

Of course [I guess this depends on the site tho] a large pecentage of women a indicate that a photo is a non-negotiable requirement to be a match, evident then of how important looks are to them [at least initially qualifiying by looks before proceeding to perhaps more important (if you pass the looks test) things like personalit/income/etc]

btw, during this time I found this site, read the bible, etc and started applying concepts to my dates, so afaik my approach to interactions improved owing to this [and my outlook on life/relationships in general], but still no change in the outcomes.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
when you look at the author, he has the looks, a White guy with the right hight, similarly to the other guy that posted on enotalone - then I saw, yeah right, that system only works because there are looks to back it up.

all that maters is looks
There is definitely some statistical truth to this. Some guy recently wrote a book called "Freakonomics" where he analyzed online dating. The results are pretty stunning - in measuring just how much looks/race/height matter to American women.
Women tend to prefer height, income, and attractiveness. Men tend to prefer attractive, shorter, underweight women.

how many more replies more attractive men and women received looked very similar with one exception. They were both fairly straight linear graphs except that the top 5% most attractive men had a very sudden jump in the number of replies they received.

the ugliest 10% of guys would need $186,000 more income per year than the median income (around $62,500) in order to receive as many replies as the top 10% most attractive men. A man who is 5'8" would need around $138,000 more per year to be on a par with the average man who is 3.5 inches taller.

All of this was done based on data from online dating in the Boston and San Diego areas. They found that while there were some statistical differences between the pool of online daters and the general urban population, they measured no statistically significant differences between online daters and the general internet-using population.
White women overwhelmingly preferred or sought out White Males while online dating (97% of the contacts made by White females was to White males).

An unattractive male had to earn $150,000 more than an attractive male to be on an “even playing field.”

Hispanic male had to make $77,000 more than a White male to be on an even playing field with regard to getting responses from White females.

Black males had to make $154,000 more than White males

Asian males had to make $247,000 more than a White male to be on an even playing field with regard to getting responses from White women.
The thing about the US is that everyone is in complete denial about the huge impact that these discriminatory variables actually make.

Remember, according to women...they just want a "nice guy with a good sense of humor." :crackup:

Well, I guess if you're ugly, an unfavored minority or better make a shytload mo' money!