Once you are unplugged....


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Actually you can still move forward. Maybe on your way deeper to the rabbit hole you will realize you were not so 'all seeing' and actually that feeling of "superiority" or superiority deluded you. And you will realize that 'Now you know that you actually don't know and that you can never know.' People change or don't, universe is based on chaos but regaining balance. What a mess.
But now you can see that without your head hurting truing to come up with answer. Acceptance that there is no definitive answer or formula.
I totally agree with this.
Perhaps this is what Pook meant when he said at some point you have to outgrow PUA stuff, and that it will seem ridiculous when you look back on it.

DanelMadr said:
Matrix was just inside our head. Created by our ego protecting mind. Make sure you don't treat one Matrix for a slightly different version....where for example all women are *****s and most of males losers.

In the v.1 you were the special one, because others were Jerks.
In the v.1.5 you are the special one because others are clueless.
And I totally agree with this. This is one of my biggest problems with the whole "matrix" concept. Guys who read a few pickup theories seem to think they're Neo or something, and in this new universe they've created for themselves, everyone else is chumps, and they're the only ones granted the super powers needed to attract women, and the only ones who can see that women are just people and not, as Nutz alluded, Disney creations.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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Being a DJ isn't about picking up women it's about understanding your role as a man, which in turn women pick-up on and are attracted to if you are being a man.

Isn't not so much of getting unplugged as it is getting away from crap that undermines being a man. I.E. force fed media tripe and other shaming mechanisms.

Everyone is at different levels of self-actualization and each person has different ceilings for development.

The whole point here is to point out to guys when you're not owning your crap and when you aren't acting how men act, and in doing so you are causing social acceptance of male bashing, feminization of men, etc.

Being man is not mutually inclusive with hating women.

It's a matter of questioning the complicated and not being passive when action is needed.

All these tricks, tips, etc are useful but only once you understand that they for the most part comprise the behaviors of men you integrate them and you don't need advice, you just live life.

Embrace the I don't give a F mentality as much as possible in an active way mind you. Saying I don't give an F and then doing nothing is a womanly endeavor.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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The_411 said:
Being a DJ isn't about picking up women it's about understanding your role as a man, which in turn women pick-up on and are attracted to if you are being a man.

The whole point here is to point out to guys when you're not owning your crap and when you aren't acting how men act, and in doing so you are causing social acceptance of male bashing, feminization of men, etc.

Being man is not mutually inclusive with hating women.

It's a matter of questioning the complicated and not being passive when action is needed.

Embrace the I don't give a F mentality as much as possible in an active way mind you. Saying I don't give an F and then doing nothing is a womanly endeavor.
You nailed it. If there were more "men" in this world, we wouldn't have the issues we have. Too many puss bag men have allowed women to get away with the immature selfish behavior. Its gone on for so long that its almost socially acceptable.


Nov 4, 2010
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Howiestern said:
You nailed it. If there were more "men" in this world, we wouldn't have the issues we have. Too many puss bag men have allowed women to get away with the immature selfish behavior. Its gone on for so long that its almost socially acceptable.
acceptable? its pretty much the law now

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
Planned obsolescence

Remember that the matrix is not only about women, but the "social conditioning" others try to impose on us, it´s included economy, lifestyle, relationships, etc.

See The Lightbulb Conspiracy on you tube to know the other side of the matrix...


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Blue Phoenix said:
Remember that the matrix is not only about women, but the "social conditioning" others try to impose on us, it´s included economy, lifestyle, relationships, etc.

See The Lightbulb Conspiracy on you tube to know the other side of the matrix...
There is one big disadvantage to 'everlasting things'...huge price.
And another thing....lack of technological progress.
Would you be happy with microwave 20 years old? Maybe. Would you be happy with 20 years old laptop or mobile phone etc.? I guess not.

Actually manufactures got the drift and are selling prolonged warranties in some cases.

The materialistic nature of people....the need for having new things...is lame, I agree. People think new things will make them happy and indeed it is a good feeling to have a new shoes or haircut....however it does not last, because it is artificial.

In case of the 100 years lightbulb...I bet it was very expensive, not so powerful and it was rarely switched off.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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Isn't that a part of understanding your role as a consumer and knowing that you can participate but should do so in a wise fashion?

Companies are smart they build things that have a limited use/shelf life and force consumers to buy new products to keep up with the Joneses so to speak.

So back to the lightbulb conspiracy it's seemingly applicable to just about everything as there's no profit in making stuff that lasts forever and doesn't need a replacement as that cuts into profit margin.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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The_411 said:
Isn't that a part of understanding your role as a consumer and knowing that you can participate but should do so in a wise fashion?

Companies are smart they build things that have a limited use/shelf life and force consumers to buy new products to keep up with the Joneses so to speak.

So back to the lightbulb conspiracy it's seemingly applicable to just about everything as there's no profit in making stuff that lasts forever and doesn't need a replacement as that cuts into profit margin.
I argue that the price for 1 machine then lasting 10 years was more than todays price for 5 lasting 2 years warranty. Also you had to have some maintenance even for everlasting products. In case of breakdown the damage (price for buying new) was far grater and now you have the benefit of improved product.

I agree in most cases it is just new design, nothing significant but I guess then you should apply your reason...not to buy just because it is new. But I'm glad people do that....it lowers the price when I wanna buy it :)


New Member
Feb 16, 2012
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The reward of ignorance is always suffering, and that's how many learn their lessons--once your ignorance hurts you, you discover why you were hurt and you discover that blissful awareness is much preferable.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
Has The Rise Of Women Turned Men Into Boys?

The_411 said:
Companies are smart they build things that have a limited use/shelf life and force consumers to buy new products to keep up with the Joneses so to speak. So back to the lightbulb conspiracy it's seemingly applicable to just about everything as there's no profit in making stuff that lasts forever and doesn't need a replacement as that cuts into profit margin.
There should be a middle ground. Companies want to maximize their profits, so where in the scale do you believe they´re going to be? :woo: (What about Apple´s Iphone?)

Btw, guys have you seen this book? It assumes that boys become men when they marry. :yawn:


Interview with the writer and people´s opinion on when you get into adulthood (strongly recommended): http://pd.npr.org/anon.npr-mp3/npr/totn/2011/02/20110228_totn_03.mp3?dl=1

This interview might help you unplug yourself (if you haven´t already).
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Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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got another link for that mp3? I'm getting a file not found error.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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** "It's not unusual for people to do each other favors after breaking up because they may have learned to rely on each other."

You and I both know that for most guys, it's not usually a situation where he does favors for her and she does favors for him. It's usually very one-sided or if favors are done on both sides, for some "mysterious", "unknown" reason, the scales are somehow "magically" tipped in the woman's favor. Meaning if she does any favors, they usually pale in comparison to the favors she is receiving from the male ex.

In this case, I believe both parties are wrong. The woman for expecting this guy to be her chore-boy and manservant, and the man for allowing it. Many women are like Kim Jong Il with tits. I'll explain. Kim Jong Il was told, since he was born, that he was god-like. That he could do no wrong. That he was to be practically worshipped. He basically spent his whole life being appeased, sucked up to, and having his every little whim catered to. And I'm sure instead of correcting him when he acted like a total douchebag, that his subordinates just let him get away with ridiculous and spoiled brat behavior.

You can apply this to any similar situation. Think royalty. Think kings, queens, princesses. Pharoahs. Now, onto lesser extremes, think the spoiled brat that never gets corrected by his parents and gets everything he wants. So now let's think about women. The average woman is a spoiled brat. Women are taught to believe that 1/2 of the population (men) are supposed to cater to their every whim when it comes to romantic relationships. He's "supposed" to pay for EVERYTHING and do ALL of the physical labor and he's supposed to help her cook and clean etc etc etc. Not only should he pay ALL of the bills, he should also take care of all of HER responsibilities.

Realistically speaking, I understand that a man is more physically capable than a woman. He's stronger and has more endurance. That being said, I understand that the workload could never be 50/50. You have to account for the physical limitations of a woman. The problem I see with the average woman is a lack of appreciation and a sense of entitlement. This isn't just something that goes on in the US or western countries. This is a worldwide problem. Men are just as much at fault. They stupidly perpetuate the lie that women must be bought and paid for and that they have so much more to offer than the man. The whole paradigm is fVcked because on one end you have men who devalue their own worth and on the other you have women with an overly-inflated, false sense of self worth, which gives birth to a spoiled brat mentality and feminine snobbery.

This is the general underlying pattern I see. If a stranger who isn't interested in a woman does a kindness for her, it's a kindness and is really appreciated. If it's a man that has a romantic interest in her or who she's in a relationship with who does a kindness for her, then she's entitled to it, he's "supposed" to do it, and his time and efforts aren't appreciated. Of course there are exceptions to the pattern. And of course, there are extremes. Think, the loser, deadbeat dad or the female breadwinner and stay-at-home dad. Also, think about the good woman who appreciates a good man. Unfortunately, what seems like common courtesy, when it comes to relationships, isn't so common.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Julius_Seizeher said:
There is no such thing as "blissful ignorance". The reward of ignorance is always suffering, and that's how many learn their lessons--once your ignorance hurts you, you discover why you were hurt and you discover that blissful awareness is much preferable.

In any issue, it is your evasion of reality that hurts you.
True statement. The truth is always uglier than the fairytale. I have been unplugged so to speak for some time, but still have to cope with how things are from time to time. That being said, I still wouldn't go back even if I could. Having the right kind of perspective seems invaluable. For example, you can listen to all the young co workers at my job talking about the 'one' or the 'love of their life'. They are balls deep in their fairytale. Than when you have older co workers who have been through ugly divorces, and the younger guys look like deer in the headlights...denying the truth even with evidence right in front of them.

As a follow up, I have to say that I have been much less 'down' on the prospect of the dating world. I accept women for being women and don't fault them for their shortcomings. As a result, my dating/ sex life has been pretty good since the original post.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
around the time i went into rehab earlier in my life i started dating a girl name Crystal. I liked Crystal, i really did. she was not super hot.. she's cute, but she is a horse girl,s he's funny, she is very down to earth, and she loves to have sex. she likes to have a good time also.

She even stood by me while i was in rehab. no questions asked. she liked me too. even worse, she didn't even know i had a drug problem utnil i went into rehab; very few people did. lol imagine that phone call.

anyway, we started dating around the first of april. We go strong through the summer, Thanksgiving comes up. Her mom lives is Southeast Louisiana not far from BR, she wanted me to go meet her momma. she's a bad momma's girl.

I can't remember exactly what came up, but something came up that prevented me from going down there with her to see her momma with her, and Crystal is a Type A diabetic. She ate too much bad **** and had to be taken to the hosptial where she had to stay for like 6 days. she was in really bad shape. I eventualy went down there to be with / see her.

I knew when i got down there **** had hit the fan. she just had this attitude. i thought well **** if i almost died i'd be pretty pissed too lol so I cut her some slack. she gets out, she comes back home, and she lets me have it; apparantly, me not going to louisiana is the reason she ate too much and got sick, so she didn't want to date me anymore.

at first, i was actually pretty hurt and i tried to reason with her. then after a few days i said you know what.. i'm not in the wrong here. I mean it sucks you got sick, but this **** isn't my fault. you know you are a Diabetic you are older than me i'm not your damn father. I said you know, okay you want to move on, you can do so. I let her go.

I wasn't mad at her, i mean, she seriously almost died, and i have never been that close to death, lord knows how i would come out of it acting and who i would be mad at, so I wasn't mad at her, but.. i had moved on but we still talked from time to time.

she realized the error of her ways rather quickly, about a month and i knew her well enough, she knows how to flirt with me and act cute, i know when she acts like that she wants something, i.e me. she kn ows how much into into hores racing and whens he started just coming over to watch **** with me for no reason i knew what the deal was.

i told her crystal, you really aren't a bad girl. and i'm not mad at you, but what happened happened i'm done. by now i had plates and ****, that **** was a distant memory.

the more this went on the more she realized, i wasn't playing. she tired just about everything.

i say that to say that even to this ****ing day, she still wants to date me. she moved to kentucky and she's works at a breeding farm. when i bought a mare and a yearling from an owner in PA and had it shipped to kentucky guess who i called lol and got a kick ass day rate that no other farm could remotly come close to touching. she manages all the borading of the mares, lol they can't possibly be making any money on me. at least from that aspect. i'm breeding the mare this breeding season, i got her to call in a favor with another farm so i can bred the mare to a stallion i really really like, that wasn't available beucase he was over booked, that she got to be made available and not only that, i got a discounted rate.

all beucase she still in her eyes thinks she can make it up to me. she wont' come out and say it but the older the gets.. she was 24 when we broke up she's 30 about to be 31 in 2 months. the more she realizes just how bad she ****ed up. the more i use that to my advantage,.

and i don't even really feel bad about it. the game is the game. you use whatever advantages you can.

plus ****, you never know. what if something were to hapepn to my wife. she really wasn't a bad GF, outside of that one issue we ****ed like rabits, she is pretty and she loves horse racing, and her momma has a **** load of money.