Ok, how do you make new guy friends?

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Yes little curve from the normal topics on here but, every one of my friends is in a committed relationship thus meaning they're 99% of the time busy doing relationship stuff and I've been finding myself filling free time with random girls.

That's all fun and all but lets face it most of them I don't want to see on a regular basis and some I'd rather never see again.

I realized I don't necessarily know how to just make guy friends at this point? I'm so used to gaming I don't want to just walk up to random fellas and use pick up routines lol

Plus I'm not a club/bar person so how and where would I even find single cool guys that could potentially become good close friends?


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
I am finding myself in the same boat. I'm watching this thread to get some insight myself. It was a lot easier before marriage, children, divorce, etc..
My day is filled most of the time and when I do get some down time, I just want to rest. I was never one that had dozens of friends. I usually had just a few close friends. Also, being in a small town doesn't help. I wasn't born here and it's one of those places that even if I lived here another 20 years, I'd still be a "stranger". Odd place to be at my age.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Spend time with guys doing things and don't be too obnoxious or weird.

Usually I am pretty verbose but that's really all you need to know. Spend time with dudes at dude places (gym, bar, basketball court, shooting range, ren faires, Civil War Reenactments what have you) or work. If you are more or less cool and normal you will make at least one or two friends to spend time with.


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
tryst type said:
Yes little curve from the normal topics on here but, every one of my friends is in a committed relationship thus meaning they're 99% of the time busy doing relationship stuff and I've been finding myself filling free time with random girls.

That's all fun and all but lets face it most of them I don't want to see on a regular basis and some I'd rather never see again.

I realized I don't necessarily know how to just make guy friends at this point? I'm so used to gaming I don't want to just walk up to random fellas and use pick up routines lol

Plus I'm not a club/bar person so how and where would I even find single cool guys that could potentially become good close friends?
Form new guy habits and run into new guy friends.

Friendships tend to develop organically as a result of what and where you're doing what it is you like - not as a result of you making a deliberate effort to 'find a friend'.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
Reaction score
FairShake said:
Spend time with guys doing things and don't be too obnoxious or weird.

Usually I am pretty verbose but that's really all you need to know. Spend time with dudes at dude places (gym, bar, basketball court...
I agree.

Take classes for anything and chat people up, volunteering is always good.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Most of my close guy friends are meat heads... So I met them at the gym. I think one the keys to having good guy friends is mutual interest, and healthy respect for each other. Meat heads don't respect you if you're pu$$y pencil neck dude who curls and benches for his entire work out.