Oh My God!!!!!!!! Guys Any Advice.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
So for those of you that havent been following my story. Its been about 5 months since ive been on this forum.

About 8 months ago my finace left me. She was muslim I was chritian, enough said.

Now ive been moving on with my life, currently about to finish my Masters.

Yesterday I get a call out of the blue from her. I answer it, and she immediately starts to shout at me. Basically saying how could i do this, I wish you were dead, that im such an *******.

She accused me of calling her family and telling them that she had an abortion with me. And apparently i did this so that they would kick her out of the house so she would run back to me.

Guys im not a child. And family is more important to me than anything, why would I try and destroy someone who I respect and care for.

I said to her that it is illogical seeing as how we are friends that I would do something like that. I currently am casually seeing two women and am very happy.And she knows this!!!!!!!

I suggested meeting up with her to talk and see if there is anything I can do to help her. she said that her family would kill me.( They are very extreme)im in london by the way.) I said that If they kick her out I am more that happy to provide her with financial support until she gets on her feet.

Pls understand tha im not doing this because i am weak or have alterior motives. this woman broke up with me, and it was difficult for a few months but I got over it. I am offering her help because when I was in need, my parents got divorced she was there. I dont burn bridges.

Anyway the conversationended yesterday with me calling her an ungrateful childish naive *****, who should grow up. I also told her tha it was her who wanted the abortion not me. My biggest regret in life is that I will not see my first son. I had the abortion to protect her from her family, why would i go and **** that up.

I realise that i should not have lost my cool and thrown my toys out of the cot. how can i help her, and fix this situation. as I do not want to be looking over my shoulder as I walk down the street. ( She asked me to never contact her again, and told me that she hates me, that all well and good. but i had nothing to do with this situation...




Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Perhaps it's time you started "burning bridges". Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned as they say.

In reality, what is continuing this "relationship" doing for you other than making you fear for your life?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Try not to worry about it..its not your fault that her parents found out about this mess. It is not your responsibility to support her in any way either. ****t happens and that's it. Its as simple as that. Leave it all in the past and learn from your mistake. Do not contact her and don't answer her calls. She will only cause you problems if you talk to her. Her problems with her own family is something that they will have to solve for themselves and you will only make the problem worst by volunteering to help...... she will be alright....forget about it.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
Cheers for the info.

It pretty much what i was thinking. My only concern is that if I do not address this situation head on by confronting her brothers and family, i will always have too look over my shoulder. ( WE LIVE IN THE SAME AREA...)

Pls bear in mind that the only members of her family that have met me, are her younger sister, who is a sweetheart, and her eldest brother who is also cool.

The problem stems from her extermist, unyeilding **** younger elder brothers, 3 of them.

In fact, just recently her counsin got arrested for attempted murder and kidnapping and assult ith a deadly weapon.( ALL BECAUSE SOME GUY ON THE STREET LOOKED AND SMILED AT HIS GIRLFRIEND.)

This is the kind of level these guys are macking at.

****, rock and hard place.

any more advice or critique on the situation would be greatly appreciated.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
get the hell away from these people man. just leave it. you know what you did and didn't do. State the truth and move on. She left you. Her life is her responsibility no yours. Offering to help support her makes you look more guilty not less. To hell with that captain save a ho shyt!


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
dalton said:
Cheers for the info.

It pretty much what i was thinking. My only concern is that if I do not address this situation head on by confronting her brothers and family, i will always have too look over my shoulder. ( WE LIVE IN THE SAME AREA...)

Pls bear in mind that the only members of her family that have met me, are her younger sister, who is a sweetheart, and her eldest brother who is also cool.

The problem stems from her extermist, unyeilding **** younger elder brothers, 3 of them.

In fact, just recently her counsin got arrested for attempted murder and kidnapping and assult ith a deadly weapon.( ALL BECAUSE SOME GUY ON THE STREET LOOKED AND SMILED AT HIS GIRLFRIEND.)

This is the kind of level these guys are macking at.

****, rock and hard place.

any more advice or critique on the situation would be greatly appreciated.


More like rock and 3 mother****ers...

Damn man !
I've never met anyone or heard about anyone that extreme; lol although the irony is hilarious !:crackup: "...AT HIS GIRLFRIEND"
My dad always told me if i'm not cool with having it done with my mom or sister i shouldn't do it with other girls

Anyway...about the physical harm thing you should include more info about yourself (martial arts background, can street fight or not,..etc) before asking for advice but by no means do i recommend taking security measures (packing a gun or such); it'll fuel your anxiety and you'll be even more scared than without it. But tell me the info i said above and we'll see what you can do

About the girl:
It's ****ing complicated for a guy who haven't even had a girlfriend before but when it comes to women freaking out on you then (after she's done blaming you) they probably are doing this as a SOS for someone with cool logical head to sort **** out so step up if you want but NO sorting HER **** out with HER family; most muslims aren't really warm with someone who banged their blood no matter how sorry they are; that's the cliche but just to be careful

I'd say take another shot & sit with her to try and come up with a better place to take this situation to, if you know what i mean

I'm sorry it ain't much but i felt for ya and wanted to give it my best shot
Peace bro ;)


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score

Thank for the reply mate.

My background, from a physical aspect is as follows,

I am 6ft 2, 195 pounds at 9 percent body fat. I gym 5 times a week.

I must admit however that I have no interest whatsoever in getting physical. Her cousin was going to kill someone mate. I dont care how big you are you cannot win a fight against a knife.

As warrior suggested, **** the save a hoe ****.

she however is a good girl and was nothing but an upstanding girlfriend and fiance whilst we were together.

The other irony of this whole situation Dstructor is that her mother is cheating on her father with her previous husband.. Go figure.

Caveat emptor- let the buyer beware I guess. I suppose my mistake was buying the stock in the first place.



Don Juan
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Pffffffffff LMAO !!! :crackup:
Her mom is...? this just keeps getting better and better. I seriously wish i just had a clairvoyant eye for who cheats so i can see how often women do it (and men) especially in my holier-than-thou society

I know you're not interested in getting physical, i'm not but there's a thing between not being interested and not wanting to face getting physical

That's for you to decide not me and also for you to decide where you wanna be but take my word for it: My uncle used to be in the police and went through some covert spec-ops **** (he has a leg injury now) and believe me when i tell you...
The power of the sword comes from the skill of the samurai and most times those who are skilled with their bodies win fights against a gun !
Take some Aikido and to get you started on bending joints and manipulating momentum

And on that last part you said; the stock maybe bad but you're reasons for buying it are always (most of the time) good so make sure you know them separate how the stock turned out to be

Stay fly ma man :up:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
DO NOT tell people they could face an armed opponent. Sorry, dude, but you seem to have no idea of REAL knife attacs.

I do not say that there is NO chance. If there is no other way - like running, getting an improvised stick or whatever, of course I would fight. And if you're lucky you might get out of that alive. But don't dream, This is life and not the movies.

Sorry, just got upset about that.

Fight against a gun :trouble: Let's do that, you're invited. I get the gun...


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Don't take any threats, black mails, or any disrespect from your ex. She is out of your life now. Don't let her try to come in and ruin what you got going.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score
this chick just sent me a txt.

' I hate you, I wish you were dead, you are the worst miskate in my whole life, i will never ever hold my head high in front of my family. I WISH YOU WERE DEAD.

that is her txt above.

WTF :)

Im in a good mind to go to her work tell her to come the **** outside and speak to me like a ****ing adult. I will state the truth and then leave.



Don Juan
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Nah, **** her

Have a beer and go bungee jumping or some other hot **** you like to do :up:


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Dalton, please stop saying "she's a good girl"...no she's not, she's got issues, and so have some of her family.

I hate to make sweeping generalisations but she is a product of Islamic societies that are now in the MASSES in Britain.

Just burn the bridge mate, I dunno why you'd want any further contact off a girl who apparently wants you dead. In fact I'd be fvcking worried about what her stupid ass brothers might do.