Official bootcamp thread starting 9/16/04

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Turbo -

As I originally stated when I started this bootcamp, I wasn't looking to date a ton of women. I said I would be happy with one or two. Well so far I've went out with two.

One of them wasn't so great, the other one turned out awesome!

All I know is before this I was settling for fat, ugly women with lots of baggage. Now I have an extremely sexy 20 year old who was naked on my bed last night letting me have my way with her. Plus she has a great personality :)

But before you go thinking she's a hoe, last night I found out she's a virgin. LOL. Damn, I am almost afraid of going for sex now. Lot of pressure.

I am going to keep up with the Bootcamp until the end of week 4. I want to continue to self improve. On that note, I got in a conversation with a HB at the gym today, her name was Liz.

I leave for Omaha tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to be done with week 3 by then but maybe I can get a few convos in this weekend and go for some rejections as part of week 4.


phone #'s: 2
dates: 2
rejections: 1
week 3 convos: 5

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

I broke up with my gf after 3 weeks. Can you believe this, she gave me the "it's not you, it's me" speech? She is head of the campus democrats here at my university and she belongs to 2 other organizations. She claims she felt she was neglecting me and doesn't have time for a boyfriend.

I think I was being too much of a wuss. I was getting too attached. When she broke up with me I was crushed. Damn, will I ever learn? I'm never gonna get another chance to lay another virgin. I should have just had sex with her and broke up with her the next day. Damn, I'm such a pu$$y!

I need some advice on this. Right now I feel like sh!t. All the confidence I had built up with BC is gone.

If I were to continue with Bootcamp now, I feel like I have no motivation and I'll just puss out. Should I start a new bootcamp? If I start from the beginning I might be able to stick to everything exactly, just like I did before.

The problem is that might be repetitive for me and for you the readers....

But honestly right now I feel like crap. I don't even want to leave the house. I'm handling this breakup pretty well considering how devastated I have been by other break ups...with depression and all. I don't feel the depression this time, I'm just really disappointed and really drained.

Any advice?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
EDIT: Didn't see page 10, lol. I'll edit this post again after I read it.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Seraph -

I don't think you read my post. She broke up with me!

I was going to do like you suggested but I got so involved with her and now I don't feel like doin' sh!t


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
EDIT: Ok, I've caught up now. I didn't know there was a page 10 until after I had posted, but now I got a better grip on the situation.

EO- It sucks that you got dumped, but at least you realized that your problem- you got too attached too quickly. As long as you recognize the problem, you can improve in that aspect and hopefully won't fall prey to it again.

We all have tough times. I can't say I've been where you have, (only had 1 gf, and I dumped her because she got clingy and boring) but I do know the feeling of hopelessness that you might be dealing with. Sure, you may feel down but are you going to let this destroy all that you've done, wash away how far you've come, or are you going to grab your balls and go back for another round? I think our character is not only determined by how we may act out in the real world, or how many brave and couragous acts we accomplish, but how we deal with the setbacks in life, whether or not we give up when the pressure becomes too great, or whether we stand up and keep going, no matter what the odds.

You might have wanted to get a girlfriend through this bootcamp, I totally understand that, but you have to realize that this bootcamp is about improving yourself, going out there and realizing that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, not just for picking up women. Look at what you've done so far, look at the experiences you've had while dealing with bootcamp. Do you want to continue your life as it once was going, or do you want to see how much further you can go? How much higher up you can reach, how many more "once-in a lifetime" chances you can grab? We don't have much time on this planet EO, hell a cousin of mine died this morning. She wasn't even 10 yet, just look at quickly this can all be over. While you still have time, make the best of it mate. Don't let this, or any rejection or break-up stop you from becoming the best man you can be. Set your goals and let nothing stand in your way from reaching them! Do so knowing that others here are going through the same motions, feeling the same heartache and triumph that you feel. Life has it's ups and downs, but are you going to let those tides control you, or will you become the master of your mind and ride them out until the end?

I’m not going to die, I’m going to see if I was ever alive.

Don't ever give up.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you Seraph. That really helped. I know exactly what you mean, life is too short. Doing the Bootcamp really helped change my attitude about a lot of things. I need to rethink my goals like you said.

I think I should start the Bootcamp over. I don't feel I'm ready for week 4 now. I don't care if it's repetitive. I need the practice. I'll think it over for a few days and then decide.

If you Seraph, or anyone else, has advice on if I should start over or not, please let me know.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
Although I don't think you need to start over from the begining, you must do what you feel is right. Maybe a week or two of convo's and nothing else will get you back into the mood? If you think it's too repetitive for this thread, just post them in mine to save space. Whatever needs to be done, so long as you don't quit on me now :D

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I do agree that this thread has outlived its usefullness. I was thinking of starting my own thread or posting in someone else's. I would hate to use yours because you'll be done soon and it has been all you. I was thinking maybe posting in move your asses thread or the mature man thread, that is if I don't start my own.

I don't know what to do. I know that I was only successful with the bootcamp because I followed the first few weeks to the letter, even when I didn't feel like it. If I just do my own thing like you suggest I'm sure I'll just puss out.

I'm going to really think it over in the next two days. I think doing the bootcamp again would help me keep myself occupied and not dwell on the ex gf.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2001
Reaction score
Dallas, Tx
Sorry to hear that EO, and also to Seraph about your cousin.

EO, maybe you should consider doing an approach journal. I think the bootcamp is flawed, because one week your just talking to girls then soon enough you have to have 10 girls on your roster.

You pulled some sick approaches in boot camp, they were money. I'd like to see more of that.

Don't let that girl get you down, just a month ago she was a stranger. At least she will never forget you because you took the V card.

There are tons of chicks out there waiting for yall, thats all they can do. Because they don't approach.

Yall will be hearing more from me so don't punk out.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I didn't take her virginity, sorry for the confusion. There were times when she was willing but I pussed out. I'm tired and it's late so not much of a response right now...back at u tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2001
Reaction score
Dallas, Tx
Well I didn't know that, you know why, because you didn't tell me. Now I look like a jackass. lol

There some party going on across the street, they are keeping me up late. I have to go to work early in the morning. They are older people or what I call "mature porn"(the ladies).

I said hello to some women dress like some animal, but it was dark and I was heading out with a friend somewhere. Other wise I would of got in where I fit in. Damn, her legs were hot.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
As far as an approaches journal....I don't feel like approaching anybody right now. That's why I think I should redo bootcamp, I need to get back to the place where I was. I was so confident that I could walk up to any woman (almost) and start talking.

Right now I feel isolated again and bitter. Bootcamp will give me the discipline I need to take action regardless if I'm feeling down.

I did make some ballsy approaches though, didn't I? I have the balls I just need the social skillz.

Also, part of me keeps thinking "what if my ex-gf realizes she screwed up and it's too late because I'm already dating someone else?" Pretty afc way of thinking right?

I'm leaning towards restarting Bootcamp, I'm going to decide tomorrow.

Any other feedback???


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ever onward

Also, part of me keeps thinking "what if my ex-gf realizes she screwed up and it's too late because I'm already dating someone else?" Pretty afc way of thinking right?

Any other feedback???
Sucks to be her. She shouldn't expect you to wait for her to change her mind, you have other prospects and aspects of your life to deal with . Just do whatever you think you need to do to get your confidence up. If you do start BC over, at least don't write about the eye contact, and if you do, smash all 50 into one short pargraph.Like, an overview of how it went throughout the time you spent getting eye contact.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

Posting about my experiences is the only to hold myself accountable. I've tried doing Bootcamp before without posting what I was doing and I didn't stick to it.

If you or anyone finds my Bootcamp repetitive, you don't have to read it....

Ughhh I have no enthusiasm right now...But I'm going for it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
I didn't say I was tired of it, you just sounded like (in your previous posts) you wanted to avoid posting it over again. Tht's the spirit, never give up.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

Damn I was such a pimp for awhile.....

You can almost spot the moment I reverted to an AFC.....AND there it is....


It was a lot of fun though