Number closed for 1st time but forgot her name, she's expecting a


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys. I'm still a beginner at all this. I number closed a HB7 after a cold approach for one of the first times, but I forgot her name. I know that she'll probably flake, but I still really want to get it right this time. It's really important to me since it's one of my first number closes. Plus, the DJ Bible makes no mention of how to send texts. Hold my hands through this once please lol

With that said, when and how should I send her a text? Some background info:
>after she gave me her number, she said "send me a text!" as she was leaving
>i forgot her name. i'm 25% sure it's dina
>today's Saturday, and I met her yesterday on Friday late afternoon
>My ideas for a first date are basketball (my passion) or iceskating (something new i'm willing to try). im certainly open to other ideas from you guys
>she goes to a different school that is right next to mine but she doesnt know this yet. i approached her on her campus, not my own, so one of us would have to sign the other in if we go to a school gym for example. but there are outside basketball courts we shoot on on her campus. the ice skating rink is shared by both our schools

Our conversation:
HB7 with earphones on. as she saw me approaching her, she took her headphones off expecting me to say something. it was an empty area
Me: Hey. I thought you were really cute and I just wanted to say hi
HB7: oh ok
Me: What’s your name?
HB7: __
Me: Nice to meet you__ Where are you from?
HB7: Turkey
Me: Oh really!
HB7: yea
Me: so you’re just here for college?
HB7: yea I also lived in California for high school
Me: Oh cool. So you were in turkey until high school right?
HB7: yea
Me: so what do you like better? turkey or here?
HB7: I still like turkey better
Me: oh really
HB7: yea
Me: so youre going back to turkey after college?
HB7: um actually no im going to stay here after college
Me: so let me get this straight. you like turkey better but you want to stay here? (looking at her in disbelief and confusion in sarcastic way)
HB7: haha yea
(then we talked about California, music, and jersey shore)
Me: I gotta get going but let me give you call sometime. whats your phone number?
HB7: ok it’s __
Me: got it. it was nice meeting you
HB7: give me a text!
Me: will do

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
thechosenone2190 said:
Hey guys. I'm still a beginner at all this. I number closed a HB7 after a cold approach for one of the first times,

thechosenone2190 said:
but I forgot her name.
This isn't a problem actually. Give her a cute lil nickname that can become a personal joke between the two of you. Being that's she's from Turkey. You can call her one of the following:

a) Turkey b) Turk c) Connie or Stan from Constantinople former name of Istanbul d) Stan from Istanbul or my personal favorite Otto from the Ottoman Turks.

This is some powerful sh*t, giving a chick a nickname and having her answer to it. It's frame control like a muthf*cka and is straight alpha. My boy, "The Insect," had a Mexican chick answering to the name Chiniqua. If you don't like any of the names I suggested, give her a nickname that's reflective of how she looks or smells, maybe even the day you met her. If you assert yourself, she'll answer to her new name, it bring raise her attraction level and build comfort.

Or you can disqualify yourself as a suitor and learn her name by doing the following:

thechosenone2190: Sup?

Otto:Nothing much. What's going on with you?

thechosenone2190: I just got finished having eating a friend of mine, SHE treated me to a meal. You want to mention a female to show that other chicks are attracted to you. Women are attracted to men that pull other women. I'm going to Barnes and Noble later. I would buy you a cheese cake. If you weren't so rude.

Otto: What do you mean I'm rude. I'm nice.

thechosenone2190: No you're not. You never told me your name. Only rude people refuse to properly introduce themselves and I'm not buying cheesecake for people I don't know.

Of course she'll then tell you her name and accept or decline the "date." You'll want to say this in a playful tongue in cheek kind of manner OVER THE PHONE!!!!!

thechosenone2190 said:
I know that she'll probably flake,
Or she might come over to your house, make you a falafla, and give you the meanest head you've ever had in life. Think happy thoughts. If you you feel she's going to flake, that's even more of reason to holla at more chicks. This improves your game. Not all of them are going to flake.

thechosenone2190 said:
but I still really want to get it right this time..It's really important to me since it's one of my first number closes
Why? Dude, it isn't the SAT. Your life isn't predicated on effin' some random chick you just met. You're putting too much on this. Being that this is one of your first number closes, you're more than likely going to eff this up. Don't let that discourage you. You'll get better with more time in the field. Arrange a date, pratice game, be willing to fail, learn from your mistakes and make note of the things you do right. Those are the only thing you want to take away from this. Women compliment your life, not complete them. Keep chicks in their proper prespective.

thechosenone2190 said:
Plus, the DJ Bible makes no mention of how to send texts.
First of all, I'm VERY PROUD of you. YOU'VE ACTUALLY DONE THE READING! Second of all, The DJ Bible was written about 8 years ago, before texting became prevalent in our society.

thechosenone2190 said:
Hold my hands through this once please lol.
No. Tell "Otto," to hold your hand.

thechosenone2190 said:
when and how should I send her a text?.
You don't. ANY AND ALL COMMUNCIATIONS BETWEEN YOU AND TARGET TAKES PLACE OVER THE PHONE IN CONVERSATIONS THAT DON'T LAST ANY LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES. The phone is tool. It's purpose is to arrange person-to-person contact sometime in the near future. Assuming that you can't bounce her to another location in the initial meeting.

thechosenone2190 said:
Some background info:
>after she gave me her number, she said "send me a text!"?
Here is where you should've established frame control. You should have told her. I don't text, but if you prove yourself worthy, I might call you.

thechosenone2190 said:
i forgot her name. i'm 25% sure it's dina!"?
Again, not important. If you don't remember her name; give her one.

thechosenone2190 said:
My ideas for a date are basketball (my passion) or iceskating (something new i'm willing to try) im certainly open to other ideas from you guys
Basketball doesn't facillitate rapport and comfort building, )unless she plays herself,) you want a date that will allow you to initate kino, build attraction and comfort. Iceskating is expensive. You want to keep the date under $40.
QUOTE=thechosenone2190]HB7 with earphones on. as she saw me approaching her, she took her headphones off expecting me to say something.
Y should've aske why she took her headphones off. It would've been a great opener.

thechosenone2190 said:
Me: Hey. I thought you were really cute and I just wanted to say hi.
Never again open a woman with compliment. It telegraphs too much interest and puts you at a disadvantage. You got really lucky.

thechosenone2190 said:
What’s your name?
Never ask a woman her name. If she wants to know it she will tell you. For her to ask for you name or tell you hers is an IoI.

thechosenone2190 said:
Me: Nice to meet you__ Where are you from?
HB7: Turkey
Me: Oh really!
HB7: yea
Me: so you’re just here for college?
HB7: yea I also lived in California for high school
Me: Oh cool. So you were in turkey until high school right?
HB7: yea
Me: so what do you like better? turkey or here?
HB7: I still like turkey better
Me: oh really
HB7: yea
Me: so youre going back to turkey after college?
HB7: um actually no im going to stay here after college
Me: so let me get this straight. you like turkey better but you want to stay here? (looking at her in disbelief and confusion in sarcastic way)
HB7: haha yea
(then we talked about California, music, and jersey shore)
Here you should have initated kino, build rapport and comfort. You next time your in this situation, bounce the chick to another location. Then number close. Is she's willing to go with you to another location, she trusts you and you're no in the comfort stage of the seduction. This is when you number close because the number close with be more solid.

thechosenone2190 said:
I gotta get going but let me give you call sometime. whats your phone number?
I wouldn't of said "let". It's not of as assertive as "I'm going to call you. Considering that this was one of your first number closes, I think you did quite well. You just need to work on building rapport and comfort. Since you're willing to read, I suggest you take a look at "How To Succed With Women, by Ron Louis and David Copeland. "The Game," By Neil Strauss and "The Mystery Method," by Mystery. These books will show you how to build comfort. Good luck.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the long winded advice Maximus Rex. much appreciated. love the "otto" nickname lmao


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
lol call her turkishdelight XD , its a candy