

Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Had a previous thread but thought of an easier way to say it haha.

If a girl that was well pretty much already shown affection towards you such as the naming of girlfriend and boyfriend and just general stuff like that. anyway she has kind of stopped showing affection, as in if on MSN or txting she won't start a conversation anymore just kind of stuff like that, but they kind of dig into me. Anyway what exactly should i do??

At the moment i'm going to stick with the idea that you gotta give love to get it, and give her more affection and see if i get it back?? so in other words is it a **** test and to pass i'm meant to show affection myself so she can test me??

Or is she just being a snobby ***** which i should next (and i'm keen to next her if it is this) I just wanted to get some of your guys opinion before i do anything stupid because i do like her.



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Don't start being more affectionate if she's currently acting like a cvnt to you.

You want to train these broads through subtlety and how you do that is you wait until they do something you love/enjoy whatever and then you reward them by doing something you know that they would like to see from you.

Also if you ever change yourself for a woman during a relationship that is when you fail the sh!t test.

The most awful sh!t test a young AFC who is trying to become a DJ finds himself tested by is the test that begins the moment the girl gives herself to him as in you are now both boyfriend and girlfriend and she's into you.

Then you as an AFC trying to be a DJ but still struggling with scarcity mentality and fear of losing her start to act differently because you think it is necessary to keep her with you.

You might change your schedule or behavior with her drastically such as calling too much showing affection too much or wanting to be with her too much etc but the point remains you fail the sh!t test the minute you stop being the guy she initially fell in love with.

The minute you start acting a different way or become complacent and lazy in the relationship is the beginning of the end for you.

You have to maintain and keep who you are a constant in the face of all sh!t test's women throw at you.

It is what a man does.

That means if say you were actually wrong in an argument and hurt your girls feelings in the just getting to know eachother stage you apologize to her the same way you did before you and she became boyfriend and girlfriend officially.

In other words under the same scenario but as her official exclusive boyfriend this time you don't suddenly get all profusely apologetic with your apology you keep it on the same level as it was before. You don't overdo it or change who you are to keep your woman.

She either loves YOU or she doesn't.

And how can she love YOU if you stop being the man she fell in love with and go AFC sappy on her?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
Now, i see where you coming from with your post, what your obviously saying is that i'm scared to lose her so i'm acting differently which is a fair enough observation, but i'm not worried about this and i understand this. she's not acting like a cvnt to me and i'm not going to change.

But your right i do have lack of Dj prowess when it comes to an actual relationship, but what im really trying to say and i suppose this is a different question but more or less part of it. What do i have to change when i enter a relationship and i don't have to watch out, what do i have to do differentely??


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Well the things you have to keep in mind while in a relationship is if you are not having fun get out.

Contrary to what the feminists will have you believe relationships of any kind do not require work to maintain.

The best relationships be it with friends or lovers that you will ever have in life are those that seem to flow effortlessley.

So remember that.

Also the only real thing you'd have to change in a committed relationship is say giving up going alone to certain meat market hook up spots and that goes for your girl as well.

There will be no girls night out at the club for her in the future but if she wants to spend time with her friends at her house or their house or go to a movie or festival thats fine but again no meat markets where guys are looking to hook up while loud thumping music plays in the background and if you ever find out through the grapevine she violated this rule you and she are done.

You and she must go over the do's and don'ts with eachother in the beginning of the relationship and you must walk away at the first sign of deviation from these rules which would be an indicator of massive disrespect and disinterest on her part or its a sign of a false sense of confidence in that she thinks she has you no matter what so she can start doing undesireable things and have you still stick around putting up with her sh!t.

A woman who realizes you let her get away with something bad will continue to up the ante until she realizes she's wearing the pants in the relationship now at which point you will be on borrowed time until it is over.

So always walk away when the bad behavior starts should it ever start.

Other than that maintaining competition anxiety in a relationship is key towards keeping your woman with you and desiring you.

This means keep yourself physically fit, be cool, charming and interesting as possible always or whatever you did to get her to fall for you in the first place and what all of this does is show her that you can easily move on and will easily move on should she get out of line or let herself go.

Like say by you keeping yourself up to par she will get the message that she'd better do the same or else she will lose you.

You can even kindly tell her that at the beginning of the relationship as you build your winning frame moving forward.

Let her know that she's got to stay in shape and keep a certain look about her that you like (if a certain look is really important to you ie clothes, hairstyle whatever) and thats the way she keeps you.

Any deviation from that you go find another girl thats actually with the program and worth your time.