Nothing yet since updating my latest online dating profile...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
You guys are making this much more difficult than it really needs to be. All the extra flash is overkill. Yes, you want to get their attention but you want them to see the man, not his stuff. A good personal photo, a catchy headline and a non-cliche profile that is conversational in style is what you need. Stop marketing to every woman online and focus on selling to the type of woman you're attempting to attract.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
GtarPlayr73 said:
As for sitting behind my computer, well, that is who i am. I don't apologize for it. I work in IT for a living (but am far from "the IT look". I'm just good with technology and communicating to people about it). Is it fucking OK to be an indoorsy guy?! This is really pissing me off now, with this whole get-out-into-the-world bias. I get out during work, during work breaks at cafes, at the gym, cycling around my town, errands, band practice. So i get out. I'm not now, nor will i ever be, fucking Indiana Jones. I'm an artist, a musician, and an intellectual. That is who i am and the second i change that is the second the right women for me will fail to see any value in me. America is goddamned outdoors, sports, bars, and clubs-oriented. That's not for me. OK? Nor was it for Da Vinci, Cezanne, Einstein, John Paul Jones, Michelangelo, or Camus...
Da Vinci was out trolling for c0ck when he wasn't inventing and reinventing the world, John Paul Jones was on stage in front of millions of people (when he wasn't fvcking women with fish or selling his soul to the Devil), Camus was, well, just a wierd dude all together.

So I don't buy your argument that you can't meet women in the flesh. I think you're a scared little kid who desperately craves validation from women any way he can get it, though preferably online because it lasts longer.

You know, it's incredible. I read a number of women's profiles and they are so simple and unpretentious. I'm such-and-such personality. I like to do such and such...". They are not trying to "paint a picture with words". Then i read the guys and it's night-and-day different. It's so obvious they're all trying to be the funny guy, the witty guy, etc. It's blatantly fake, blatantly put-on, blatantly trying to entertain. I say fuck that. I'm not going to be one of those guys trying, trying, trying.

Surprise brother, you ARE that guy.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Karma, i luv ya buddy. No hard feelings cuz you write a funny post. Yeah, Da Vinci was a bender, Camus was weird. But JPJ never shoved a fish up a woman's pune. It was Bonham, the old drunken nutter. JPJ was the introvert of the group and was noted for NOT joining the rest of the band in its chemical-induced, tour-weary hijinks. He preferred to be by himself, the quiet, more cerebral one.

Let me clear up a little thing on my previous profile. I said "I love getting lost on mysterious tropical islands". It was a pun on the show Lost. It was my way of covertly admitting that i love the show, but it got past most of you. I only mention this because a number of guys thought i was clumsily referring to travel. Guess i was being too oblique.

Karma, it's easy to get a picture of what someone is like when you don't know them face to face. Sure, i've done some AFC things in my time, but I'm not a scared little kid. I actually get off on taking chances with women and asking them out. My issue is not balls, but opportunity. I just don't get out. I'd have to go through hundreds of random encounters and approaches to get the kind of specificity i can get online. I don't have to guess a woman's age, background, education, interests, availability. It's all done for me BY THEM. And as so many others have said a million times here, you still have to meet these women face to face. But you're already ahead when you do. Like the other poster said, the real world is the real world. I prefer not to guess. I will cold approach. I actually want to. But why pass over the effieciency of online dating? The picking isn't face to face, but everything else, including the sex, is...


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
GtarPlayr73 said:
Karma, i luv ya buddy. No hard feelings cuz you write a funny post. Yeah, Da Vinci was a bender, Camus was weird. But JPJ never shoved a fish up a woman's pune. It was Bonham, the old drunken nutter. JPJ was the introvert of the group and was noted for NOT joining the rest of the band in its chemical-induced, tour-weary hijinks. He preferred to be by himself, the quiet, more cerebral one.
Luv ya back, which is why I'm working so hard on you. If I didn't give a sh!t I'd be hitting up the looks threads.

Oh, and though JPJ was slightly more introverted than Jimmy Page he still wasn't asleep and partook of the various eccentricities and luxuries fame afforded. I think he q-barbed the damn fish after it was dislodged from that chicks cervix.

Let me clear up a little thing on my previous profile. I said "I love getting lost on mysterious tropical islands". It was a pun on the show Lost. It was my way of covertly admitting that i love the show, but it got past most of you. I only mention this because a number of guys thought i was clumsily referring to travel. Guess i was being too oblique.
As I'm the worlds biggest Lost fan, I caught it. Chicks won't even bother.

Karma, it's easy to get a picture of what someone is like when you don't know them face to face. Sure, i've done some AFC things in my time, but I'm not a scared little kid. I actually get off on taking chances with women and asking them out. My issue is not balls, but opportunity. I just don't get out. I'd have to go through hundreds of random encounters and approaches to get the kind of specificity i can get online. I don't have to guess a woman's age, background, education, interests, availability. It's all done for me BY THEM. And as so many others have said a million times here, you still have to meet these women face to face. But you're already ahead when you do. Like the other poster said, the real world is the real world. I prefer not to guess. I will cold approach. I actually want to. But why pass over the effieciency of online dating? The picking isn't face to face, but everything else, including the sex, is...
I don't down any brother getting ass in any way he can. I did the online love thing and was very, VERY successful at it. This is precisely why I gave it up when I was single: IT'S TOO FVCKING EASY! In no way do you progress as a man or DJ relying on E-harmony or to do the work for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
GtarPlayr73 said:
You know, it's incredible. I read a number of women's profiles and they are so simple and unpretentious. I'm such-and-such personality. I like to do such and such...". They are not trying to "paint a picture with words".
Of course women aren't trying to paint a picture with words....THEY DON'T HAVE TO!

Two t!ts, a hole, and a heartbeat and they are 90% IN. The other 10% is actually being attractive.

Women are not men. They don't think like men. They aren't attracted to the opposite sex in the same way as a man. That's why your profile can't look like a woman's profile if you want it to work.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
blueguy said:
I'd just care if he's hot, makes me laugh/fun to be around, makes good money, can show him off to my friends, etc.
If you're a shallow girl. And I don't think that's the OP's target.

Don Juan Montoya

Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
You must have some great pics of yourself, without it, they will just delete your email & not even read it...i had a profile on match & yahoo & i had a crap pic on it for 2 years...i finally bought a dig-camera & did the timer thing & took over 30 pics of myself wearing some cool clothes & a great background. I have got 3x the responses now. I have done match for 5 days & so far i got 4 numbers from cute girls.....its all about the picture.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
^^^Yeah, in real estate they refer to that as "curb appeal". You can put in granite countertops, new hardwood floors, crown moldings, all those fixings on the inside, but if the outside doesn't look top notch, people will drive right by and not even bother to see the inside.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Give enough to show who a tiny peak as to who you are, but not enough to learn much. That is what the email and the dates are for


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Rule #1: Don't try to impress. Make it evident they need to impress you.

I bet if a guy did an out-and-out parody of some profiles (i.e. have a picture taken in front of a banged-up junk car, etc.), he would probably do pretty well. Women must be sick to death of guys trying to impress them, and turning out far short of the previews.

Rule#2: "Edgy" can be effective. Don't censor "edgy" ideas, but do get rid of anything that can be construed as sentimental or "fruity." Quite frankly, a few of those lines had me imagining gals going "eeewwww" while reading them.

BTW, I liked your original write-up better. Simple& unpretentious. Maybe not great enough to get gals writing you (unless they love your pic), but good enough to get write-backs, if indeed your pic is that good, and you send a message that's OK.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Since posting the latest write-up (after changing the headline a few times) four days ago, i have gotten 1...ONE...view! It can't be the pics because they have been independantly verified by unbiased women as HOT. I fucking have no idea what the problem is. I know i have to make the contacts; that's not bothering me. What's bothering me is the obvious lack of interest (profile views). I subscribed to Yahoo Personals last year and got more interest than i'm getting now on Match. Women were contacting me. Maybe i'm more of a Yahoo woman's type of guy? Or maybe i just need to contact more women. The hotties just don't need to browse men...