Not Sure What To Do, Please Help!! (Long Read)


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I've got a confusing (to me) situation... its gonna be a long story so please read the whole thing if you're willing to help.

First some background info about me:
I'm 5'10", about 155 lbs, 17 years old, white, pretty good looking I'd say (Great hair :p). Not very fashionable, I like to be comfortable and don't care too much about how I look although I think I can pull off sweatpants/jeans and a white t shirt pretty well. I wear glasses, hopefully I'm getting my LEFT ear pierced sometime soon. I'm a senior in high school. I'm a national level swimmer, I have about 7 practices a week requiring me to wake up at 3:30 a.m. almost every morning and Saturday morning and some afternoons I also have practice. I'm pretty confident, I don't feel like I have any major issues, I have a bunch of friends at school, swimming, and other groups. I'm pretty much a funny, chill guy. I've smoked weed and I drink occasionally.

Now for my question:

So this all started when I moved into my neighborhood that I now currently live in about 5 or 6 years ago, when I was 12. I met this girl who had also just moved into the neighborhood recently. I hung out with her a lot, I liked her and she liked me on and off but for whatever reason nothing ever happened, probably because I was too scared to do anything. Anyways, this liking on and off continued for a few years. During the summer, all my friends on swim team joke that were gonna get married... It's gotten to the point of being really annoying because they've been joking around with me and messing with me about her for years. We both lifeguard at our neighborhood pool and my boss who's really cool usually is also really gay/encouraging the joke about me and this girl getting married and not wanting to schedule us to work together because she doesn't want me to try to do anything with her (which is completely ridiculous, she had a boyfriend who I'm friends with last summer and I wouldn't hook up with someone while working anyways).

Pretty much every summer we hang out a lot more than the school year, even though we go to the same school she's a year younger than me. this also means that pretty much every summer I fall for her. She's smart, great body and personality, I like her family and parents a lot. My mom's joke fantasy is for me to marry her. This is also kind of an inside joke with me and the girl. Anyways, last summer she had a boyfriend who I am friends with, so naturally I didn't try to get with her or anything, but instead became her best friend (ugh, what a mistake I now realize). But anyways, we both know pretty much everything about each other, were completely comfortable talking about any subject.

Now, this guy broke up with her about I dunno maybe a month or two ago because he said he didn't want a girlfriend anymore. They had gone out for I think a little over a year. Since then I know they've hooked up sober right after the break up, and about two weeks ago while they were both drunk. She says they're just friends now.

Recently I've been hanging out with her and talking with her a lot more. It's winter break for us, so about a week ago my neighborhood friends and me just went to her house to hang out. We ended up making and decorating cookies which was a lot of fun. I made the icing with her haha, I got some on my hand while making it and she said "lick your fingers" and I go "thanks mom"as a joke, because I know she hates that.

So I'm definitely getting feelings for her again, we've been talking more about if we got married in the future, she's been calling me hubby, doll, lovin.. I've called her future wife, wifey, love... I have definitely not held back the kind of attitude/****iness/funny as I did when she had a boyfriend. Whenever I was ****y/funny or risky with what I said when she had a boyfriend she would stop me but now she seems to enjoy it and laughs.
Example: when talking (yesterday) about how I'd feel if we got married here's how it went:

Her: "Does it weird u out to think of marrying me?"
Me: "We'll you'd probably drive me crazy"
Her: "I would ? Lol"
Me: "If u keep telling me to lick the icing off my hands ya"
Her: "U think I would ?"
Me: I don't remember what i said here
Her: "Would I tell you to lick ur fingers"
Me: "No you wouldn't not unless you were being seductive"
Her: "I knew u were gonna say that and I was thinking of it like that too"
Me: "Good, I want my wife to be exciting"
Her: "Hahaha"
Me: I think right about now I told her I was going to bed and called her future wife
Her: "Haha sounds good hubby"

I'm not sure if she's into me in an actual relationship kind of way... I really like her, my family likes her, I like her family a lot, we got to school together but I rarely see her at school because she's a year under me although I'm only about 3 months older than her. She lost her V card to her last boyfriend, I could have lost mine when I was 15 but didn't, mistake IMO, I have done everything else but sex except eat out a girl though and I was the first guy to get my last girlfriend to orgasm through fingering so I'm not lacking experience really. We rarely ever get into arguments or anything like that. Over the summer when she had a boyfriend I went to her house once and we watched a movie and just ended up taking a nap on each other, were both really comfortable with each other basically.

So I need help with where to go with this... I'm interested in turning it into a relationship but I don't know if it's a good idea or really how to.

Thanks if you read all of this and if you help me out!!
Merry Christmas!!


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Don't mean to be a ****, but most of that information was **** nobody needs, or wants, to know. Have you been on a date with her? Kissed her? Done anything sexual with her? The only way to progress your relationship in a sexual and non-we're-just-friends way is to make a ****ing move.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Alright thanks guys. And about all the info I was just giving that so you could get some background on this if it would be helpful.
Thanks for the answers though


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
BTW when I say kiss her I don't mean nervously do it out of the blue. You have to build up to it (i.e. flirting) or you will probably get rejected. You're treading a fine line right now, I think. Be prepared to accept the consequences of your action; she might not be attracted to you sexually at all and it could blow up in your face.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Yes I'm definitely treading a fine line right now but I guess I won't know I I never take a chance huh. Fortune favors the bold!