Not ready for a girl?..


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I am very unhappy with my current situation. I am 23, live with parents, have no money, no job, no car. Also no phone, as i lost that one night while i was drunk. I am taking a break from studying and was planning on finding a job but so far it hasn't panned out like that. I feel like such a loser.

Despite this, i feel i am confident in myself. I consider myself intelligent, creative, funny and talented.

There is this girl i met a few weeks ago. I thought she was definately my type and was definately feeling her, though we only met that one time. Her friend later told me this girl liked me also and wanted to give me her number but i refused, mainly because of my current situation. I vaguely regret it because she was such a great girl, definately girlfriend material.. but on the other hand i feel i don't have much to offer her besides myself.

I feel like i have to do something with my life and reach a level of social standing that i'm happy with before i can intimately share my life with a girl.

What do u guys think?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
hey man,

its cool, if you wanted to you could have a normal job, nice clothes, hair, body... plan six months from now... where do you see yourself?????

borrow some cash, for a job hunt!
get the bus to your local town and get a job, ANY JOB, coffe shop, mall, libary, building site... 9 to 5, £150-£250 just enough to live happy!

save money,
private rent a flat, 2 bedroom, if you cant afford it, find a roomie who can help pay the bills, there are loads a people who want a roomie to help pay!

your rent would be 40-60 a week with a roomie dude,

if you want a car first, get a crash course, £500, on saving £30 a week for 3 months, you got a course, they are usually a weekend thing and you finish off with a full driving liscence!

then a second hand car, cheap and cheerfull, £500, thats another three months saving!!!!! and car hunting!

hey in six months time you could have a car, and a new flat, living on £150-250 a week and your happy as larry!

or you can sit on your mammas computer and tell everyone how much you wish YOU COULD HAVE IT... like me! HA HA

el torro

Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
hi, sounds like your game is ok just your situation. yeah bootcamp is a great move, i havent joined one yet but reading the results it sounds promising, anyway, not sure this is the correct answer to your question but its what i would try to personnaly do. i think you should not blow her off totally cos it might be somthing you can go back to, just keep the intrest levels high untill your ready to commit ie (sorted yourself out) just be carefull not to drift into the friends area GOOD LUCK!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
If you really need a mobile phone, but find a camera on the ground instead would you leave it, because a person without a phone doesn't deserve a camera?

I actually agree with your reasoning - resolving all the issues you mentioned IS more important than resolving your love life. Refusing to date girls as some sort of self-punishment is stupid, though.