no girlfriend ever!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
Definitely agree with this, I think the seduction community just scans over way too many issues without much thought. And the thing is, they say work on your mind, body and spirit but it doesn't detract from the fact that girls don't like intelligent guys doing hardcore academic subjects at top unis and the like, and it doesn't stop things like race and class being hugely important. Some of it is just luck though, like which social circle you happened to end up in and how good it is in terms of access to girls. However you can still keep cold approaching though and trying to improve. One tip is stop asking questions and start making statements, even if they are provocative ones that might get her angry. Spiking emotions and eliciting responses from her are very important, it can then lead to you negging her and whatnot. Only kino when it's appropriate, don't overdo it. Don't aim for kino, it is overated, just use it when it seems useful.

Yeah I agree, and yeah you were on point when you said to make statements. Statements are great too, but the thing is, when I talk to girls at my school, making a statement becomes the perfect out for them, or the perfect opportunity to show an IOD to get me off their back. They just give a one word response, not carrying on the conversation, and after a while I run out of things to say. But to you and young_gun, its impossible to talk to girls when theres no BASE level of interest. And don't get me wrong, I don't kino alot, but during the few times I do, it makes everything a HUGE failure, even moreso than before. And the problem is not and has never been my mindset. Among the first articles I read here fixed that.

But manic, that smart thing MAY be a huge turnoff, for example my mother was chatting with some mother of a girl in my grade, who I dont know and my mom comes up to me and says "yeah, she said that her daughter has talked about how smart you are." I have no idea how she knows I'm intelligent, but it could be a hint at why girls aren't interested in me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
when I was in HS..I dated some girls from school..even had a 3 year LTR come of it.

but I also got it on with girls from other HS around the area.

there is more then just your school


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
frivolousz21 said:
when I was in HS..I dated some girls from school..even had a 3 year LTR come of it.

but I also got it on with girls from other HS around the area.

there is more then just your school
I've pursued all those options already, last year. Don't think that thought never crossed my mind, in fact I'd rather date a girl from a different school.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Lost, I would like to help, but there are a lot of issues here.
And truthfully, I get the feeling you are eitehr not trying to understand things here, and perhaps prefer to wallow in negativity.
I don't bel;ieve you are really understanding the information on this site, and all the seduction material that isout there.

Have you read the Book of Pook?

Anything by David Deangelo?

Do you realize that being a Man means doing a lot of things at once? Multi Tasking?

Meaning you work , grow as a Man, learn, improve, take care of responsibilities and obligations, AND go out 'sarging" and/or enjoying the company of Women?

I know some people have implied that you must FIRST 'improve yourself" THEN 'get the chicks."
And that may work for some, but maybe not ALL.

Which is why we use our intellect to DISCERN what may work well FOR US.

Why NOT work on maximizing your potential in Life, and as a Man??

You are just really young, man.
You are talkng this way because you are so incredibly inexpereinced.
This is NOT a moral failing though. You are not a worhtless person becasue you are young and thus, have less life expereinces to draw from.

BUt you MUST realzie that if I, or anyone WELL MEANING, offers advice, sound ADVICE to you, that it is for your BENEFIT ,and for you to take into account.

It always sounds like you say "Yeah, I do that, but it never works!"

Have you tried to SElF Reflect? Or are you just beating yourself up again and again?
Have you looked at your appearance?
Your speech?
Your clothes?
Your breath?
Are you coming across as confident, or insecure?
Your body language?
Are tyou coming across as wishy washy and without opinions or preferences?
Your posture?
Do you have an Identity?
Are you interesting?
Are you coming across as sexual and masculine?
Are you coming across as needy, clingy, try hard, miscalibrated, socially awkward, etc
Do you REALZIE that just becasue you like a chick, it DOES NOT automatically mean that she is supposed to LIKE YOU back?
Do you realize that girls at that age hardly know themselves and their bodies, and their sexuality? They are immature and inexpereinced too?
And many cannot handle a mature relationship of ANY KIND?
Ae you EXPECTING too much form females, and people in general, and yourself?

I think you better look deep into these quations, Lost.

And also, I want you to think about the message a LOT of guys on here are sending, making FEMALES the entire POINT of their LIFE.


Do you know just how needy and desperate and how it makes them seem like they're ready to commit suicide because they don't have a GF?

Knowing FULL WELL that girls will NOT choose the NEEDY and DESPERATE guy who NEEDS a GF right NOW??!!

Girls call those guys "creepy." And 'desperate" and 'needy".

And the creepy guys hate girls for thinking that. But it's true.

"I hate the world, because the World is NOT GIVING me what I want on a Silver Platter!!"'
Is that you?
I know it is a lot of people on here, but is this really YOU TOO?

And , their LIFE SUCKS, but they don't want to change it? And put down other people who do, and who advocate improving onself and one's LIFE???

What is happening here is a TOTAL lack of understanding, and a TOTAL LACK of mature masculinity.
Think about that.

And then TELL ME that these creepy, desperate, bitter and needy guys are the guys who have it right.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
I think the posts on what techniques to use (neg her, use kino, use C&F) are worthless. The best posts on here are about how to improve your mindset, because it doesn't matter what techniques you use if you don't have the proper mindset.
I don't think the techniques are worthless, but if you do it in the wrong mindset, you'll just get screwed over in the end. Flirting doesn't really get you the girl if you don't make the "big move," period. You can flirt with a girl all day, but if you don't get the balls to at least take her out, you're still not going anywhere. See what I mean?

I hope that helps LostAC
May 23, 2006
Reaction score

You don't seem to get it do you. If someone has never had a girlfriend or any positive encounter that's a state of deprivation. I'd like to know how you can 'not be desperate' and yet feel deprived by having no girlfriend before? It's like telling a hungry guy that's starving not to look too hungrily at the food on a buffet table. Well to a girl-starved guy with women around, how do you think that's going to vibe off? I don't think anyone can not desperate and feel deprived at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:

You don't seem to get it do you. If someone has never had a girlfriend or any positive encounter that's a state of deprivation. I'd like to know how you can 'not be desperate' and yet feel deprived by having no girlfriend before? It's like telling a hungry guy that's starving not to look too hungrily at the food on a buffet table. Well to a girl-starved guy with women around, how do you think that's going to vibe off? I don't think anyone can not desperate and feel deprived at the same time.
Exactly. I'm not desperate though.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Australia, Bris
How to get a girlfriend when you've never had a girlfriend

First off its not normal to not have a GF by your age. At the same time it is. Bit of a paradox but there are alot more people your age that have never had a GF than you think! (I got my first at 23!)

The follow advice is what I would give to MYSELF when I was 21. I was a virgin with no real life girl exp. zero dates. NOTHING. All my experince about girls was taken from Anime. So take my advice with a grain of salt. I come from the lower end of the bell curve.

>>It's like telling a hungry guy that's starving not to look too hungrily at the food on a buffet table. Well to a girl-starved guy with women around, how do you think that's going to vibe off? I don't think anyone can not desperate and feel deprived at the same time.

>>You don't seem to get it do you.
No, guys. YOU do not get it. It is obvious.

I agree and disagree. Not having a girlfriend by the age of 21 (or my case 23) is like seeing everything in black and white. You've never SEEN color before... you know about color.... but you cant phantom it because you've never experienced it. How can you be desperate for something you've never seen? But at the same time, you have such an URGE to see color and that EVERYTHING is MESSED UP.

This is gonna be counter to DJ advice out there but GET A GIRLFRIEND NOW. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In this case, a metaphor for girl experience. The more experience you have with girls... the easier it is to get girls!

I know I know. this is a bit radicle but... lower your standards.

Get a 5. GF. If youre serious, get a 4.5 GF!!!!
Why? YOU WILL LEARN SO MUCH. If you were anything like me... at the age of 21... i've talked to like say... a total of 14 girls? Half of them were my cousins!!! There are so many things that you will learn... it will fill several text books. JUST DO IT.

Your probably going to say BUT I HAVE STANDARDS!!!

Sorry but you live in a fantasy world. How can you judge something you have never experienced? Thats like someone saying that PS3's suck even though they've never TRIED it before. You dont have a bench mark. How can you compare something to nothing? (or what your perception of what a girlfriend should be)


*People are saying... Dont worry... Improve yourself... earn $$$.. girls will COME***

NO. **** that. Power level. Take action NOW. You could be thinking HMMMM i'll build a business... get a nice car... etc etc... Yes... you WILL EVENTUALLY get a girl... But how long will this take? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years? 4?*remember you are 21 and never had a girlfriend!!!***

TIME IS TICKING. Can you beleive that your friends who arnt as smart as you, worse looking than you, poorer.. and everything else... yet STILL have girlfriend(SSS)? They dont have the above! For every 4 months you *improve* yourself... they get another girl, dump her... then another one. Remember the more girls you've dated, the easier it becomes. By the time you've improved yourself to get your "first"... they've had what.... 5 girlfriends? IN THE SAME SPAN YOU'VE HAD ONE.


Its a positive feedback loop. When you get a girl, you learn, you get another, you learn more. And the easier it gets!

Im sorry, but you may need to start at the proverbial bottom. Sure you could hold out for a 7.5 (assuming your a 7.6). But how long will this take??? *remember youre 21 and never had a girlfriend!!!**** OR you could date a 4.9.... and AMASS EXPERIENCE. You will be in a MUCH better position when you meet the next girl. you wont be clingy. YOUVE DONE IT BEFORE.

Yes its 5 months with a 5. But so what? What are you going to do in that 5 months?

What you have to do? Go to the gym. Buy NEW CLOTHES. Take a shower. and date that dorky plain jane girl.

How bad do you want it?
Im not trying to be mean. I really want to help you because I've been in your shoes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
Exactly, the worst thing was when someone in the thread said ''you are not a social retard, immature, etc.'' hang on he hasn't even ever met this guy?! The worst thing this site proclaims is how women aren't important, improve yourself, blaaah blaaah. Well the only reason we're on the planet is to procreate and everything we do is in light of this anyway so you can't just chuck these issues aside. If I were him I would just go on a massive cold approaching spree and get it out of his sytem. Now or never.

So are you saying he is a social retard and immature for not having a girlfriend yet? If you think we are only on the plantet to "procreacte" what are you doing with your life besides fvcking girls? If everything you do is to get a girl what's the point of living? I'd rather get my sh!t together and live a great life first before, I worry about some dumb b!tch...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
just dont make the mistake of being quick to make the first girl who gives you a lot of attention your girlfriend...


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
You are in the prime of your life and don't have a girlfriend? Well this is pretty general statement, and even though it is not normal to be without a girlfriend before 21, that's not the important question... can you let us know if you're at least getting ***** at all? if u are then i can't say there's anything wrong with you. **** that i think is pretty common is if you're just lookin for for ass, and you get it, unless it's totally a one night thing, the girl pursues YOU after that n u barely need to do anything.

I think it sounds pretty weird to be looking for girlfriend, just look for some ass unless you're really starved for a girl you can call your own/talk to/deal with a relationship with. I have a girlfriend at 20 and sometimes when i see a girl lookin good walkin down the street, daaaamn wish i didn't ;)

To try n sum up my feelings I'll just say that if u see a girl u wanna **** go for it, and don't worry about a girlfriend or some **** like that, u can worry about that **** later right? you're still young! And yes at this point in life working on yourself does come first


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
I've only ever really had one LTR, and that was an AFC relationship I had shortly after high school. The girl and I went to different colleges and all she did was cheat on me with some guy who was less of an AFC than I was. Needless to say, I don't even consider her a girlfriend anymore. She was more just someone who embarrassed me in front of my friends.

The only girlfriends I've ever had haven't lasted more than two or three months, with the lone exception being the LTR from my AFC days. And with those girls, I never once called them my girlfriends. I don't know what it is with me, but I just don't hold up in LTRs. Sometimes they end because of low IL on the girl's part and sometimes they end because I just lose interest in the girl and quit calling her. I've always wondered what my deal is. I think I'm just the kind of guy who is pretty selective when it comes to getting in an LTR.

I want to say that my first LTR just put a bad taste in my mouth, but I don't think that's really the case because I was a completely different person back then. I've met some quality women in my day, but I can only really think of one girl who I considered girlfriend material, and her and I kind of decided to go our separate ways. Since her, no girls have really meant my standards.

That said, I'm 25 and never had a girlfriend in my DJ days, and I'm anyone but Dwight Schrute from the Office. It's not a necessity that you guys have girlfriends. It is, however, necessary that you younger guys have female companionship. I've casually dated tons of girls since I left my AFC days behind me, and in college I had sexual encounters with at least 20 girls. Maybe closer to 30, I'm not really even sure.

The key thing is that you guys are out there learning how to connect with girls on a physical and emotional level. You do that with casual dating. Get out there, play the field and just have a good time. The LTR stuff will come when it comes. It's been my experience that when you actively look for a relationship it never happens. Just sit back and enjoy yourselves and don't force any sort of relationship-type standards on yourself or any of the girls you date.

Trust me, you're going to be OK.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2006
Reaction score
Randomer said:
You are in the prime of your life and don't have a girlfriend? Well this is pretty general statement, and even though it is not normal to be without a girlfriend before 21, that's not the important question... can you let us know if you're at least getting ***** at all? if u are then i can't say there's anything wrong with you. **** that i think is pretty common is if you're just lookin for for ass, and you get it, unless it's totally a one night thing, the girl pursues YOU after that n u barely need to do anything.
Im no ladies man if thats what you ask, I lost my V-status late at 19 and have only been with 9 girls in my home country since then.

I've never been previously interested in finding a GF until now, I feel like I have become emotionally stunted. I get intimidated or feel second class when speaking with other guys around my age who have gfs.

On the other hand I like my complication free life and don't know if I should tamper with that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Sometimes said:
This is gonna be counter to DJ advice out there but GET A GIRLFRIEND NOW. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In this case, a metaphor for girl experience. The more experience you have with girls... the easier it is to get girls!

I know I know. this is a bit radicle but... lower your standards.

Get a 5. GF. If youre serious, get a 4.5 GF!!!!
Why? YOU WILL LEARN SO MUCH. If you were anything like me... at the age of 21... i've talked to like say... a total of 14 girls? Half of them were my cousins!!! There are so many things that you will learn... it will fill several text books. JUST DO IT.

Your probably going to say BUT I HAVE STANDARDS!!!

Sorry but you live in a fantasy world. How can you judge something you have never experienced? Thats like someone saying that PS3's suck even though they've never TRIED it before. You dont have a bench mark. How can you compare something to nothing? (or what your perception of what a girlfriend should be)
I have to disagree with this premise entirely. If you go for mediocre women, you'll only gain experience at getting mediocre women. Real men go for what they really want and never settle just for the sake of experience. You want real experience? Then go for the hottest, coolest women arround. Don't worry about experience, that can be gained with or without a girlfriend.

Sometimes said:

*People are saying... Dont worry... Improve yourself... earn $$$.. girls will COME***

NO. **** that. Power level. Take action NOW. You could be thinking HMMMM i'll build a business... get a nice car... etc etc... Yes... you WILL EVENTUALLY get a girl... But how long will this take? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years? 4?*remember you are 21 and never had a girlfriend!!!***

TIME IS TICKING. Can you beleive that your friends who arnt as smart as you, worse looking than you, poorer.. and everything else... yet STILL have girlfriend(SSS)? They dont have the above! For every 4 months you *improve* yourself... they get another girl, dump her... then another one. Remember the more girls you've dated, the easier it becomes. By the time you've improved yourself to get your "first"... they've had what.... 5 girlfriends? IN THE SAME SPAN YOU'VE HAD ONE.
Time is ticking? Are you kidding me? He's only 21. He has his whole life to get girls, what he doesn't have is his whole life to make money, gain strength and do the 100's of other things that are way more important than getting girls.

Who cares about how many girls his loser friends are getting? Do you honestly believe those are quality girls? Let me tell you that about 80% of the women out there are not worth a second thought.

You seem to think that dating is some sort of RPG, the more dragons you slay, the more XP you get and thus your Character gets more powerful.
You are flat out wrong.

Dating is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience, not a skill that you absolutely need to master this instant. The goal with women should be to enjoy your time with them, not to use them to improve your dating skills.

Sometimes said:
Its a positive feedback loop. When you get a girl, you learn, you get another, you learn more. And the easier it gets!

Im sorry, but you may need to start at the proverbial bottom. Sure you could hold out for a 7.5 (assuming your a 7.6). But how long will this take??? *remember youre 21 and never had a girlfriend!!!**** OR you could date a 4.9.... and AMASS EXPERIENCE. You will be in a MUCH better position when you meet the next girl. you wont be clingy. YOUVE DONE IT BEFORE.

Yes its 5 months with a 5. But so what? What are you going to do in that 5 months?
Why does he have to "hold out" for a 7.5, an 8 or even a 9? There are litterally 1000's of them walking arround at any given moment. Personally every time I have settled for a girl, I felt like **** afterwards. It didn't help my self-esteem, nor will it ever.

If you have any self respect, you'd only go for quality girls. I've never met anyone who respected a guy that get's a lot of low quality girls.

You won't get quality girls if you don't go for them.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Amen to that brother. To the OP, the post above is all you need to read ^^^.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Why does he have to "hold out" for a 7.5, an 8 or even a 9? There are litterally 1000's of them walking arround at any given moment. Personally every time I have settled for a girl, I felt like **** afterwards. It didn't help my self-esteem, nor will it ever.
Same here. I always felt like sh*t whenever I settled for a chick that wasn't that attractive. I'd always feel like I can do better.

I stopped settling because I figured that I would get into the habit of chasing average women. I realized that if I kept chasing average women and kept succeeding, I would keep doing it. I would then end up married to an average chick. I don't want that sh*t to happen. You need to figure out what kind of woman you want for an LTR right now. Do you want a cute girl? Hot girl? Personally, I can have an LTR with a girl if she's an HB8, but nothing lower than that.

Go for HB8s-10s. THey're much different than the average chicks, though. You have to work your game better on these ones since they tend to have more options.

Also, some of Pook's advice is golden, but some of it is just stupid. The whole "work on your life and let the women come to you," specifically. You can be a dude with no money and drive a 94 Geo Prizm and still get girls that are at least HB8s if you know what you're doing. I'm still a teenager though, so maybe girls are forgiving when you're 19 years old with a 14 year old car...

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
LostAndConfused said:
Yeah I agree, and yeah you were on point when you said to make statements. Statements are great too, but the thing is, when I talk to girls at my school, making a statement becomes the perfect out for them, or the perfect opportunity to show an IOD to get me off their back. They just give a one word response, not carrying on the conversation, and after a while I run out of things to say. But to you and young_gun, its impossible to talk to girls when theres no BASE level of interest. And don't get me wrong, I don't kino alot, but during the few times I do, it makes everything a HUGE failure, even moreso than before. And the problem is not and has never been my mindset. Among the first articles I read here fixed that.

But manic, that smart thing MAY be a huge turnoff, for example my mother was chatting with some mother of a girl in my grade, who I dont know and my mom comes up to me and says "yeah, she said that her daughter has talked about how smart you are." I have no idea how she knows I'm intelligent, but it could be a hint at why girls aren't interested in me.
Yes sounds like no base level of interest and smart is never good even if you're good looking/built/funny/whatever it drags your score down. Maybe the base level is directly connected to the smart thing as in school everybody knows, it's not like cold approaching at a mall. If you're not white that will also be a disadvantage. Whatever people say, I know for a fact white girls primarily date white guys even in areas where there are loads of ethnic guys available to them. If you are white then it's probably some combo of intelligence/looks/charisma holding you back. Probably intelligence first, maybe looks 2nd and charisma least relevant perhaps.
