

Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I was at Vitamin Shoppe, and saw this stuff. I heard on here that it is some of the best stuff out there, but a label said that it's reccomended for people between 18-50. But the thing is, I'm 15, but I really need to bulk up. I've changed up my diet to alot more protein, and calories. But I need that extra boost to get where I want. I'm very skinny, with an extremely fast metabolism.

What are the side-effects of No.Explode and is it really that bad if I take it even though I'm not 18. For those of you who have used it, or know about it, please help me out here.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score

I've bought the stuff and used it many times. It works, it gets you more pumped for workouts and more energy and whatnot. But if you want the honest truth, don't spend your money on it. Here's why:

1. You have to take it on an empty stomach. I don't get this at all, how are you supposed to take this stuff with no food in u then jump into a workout. This is not the best idea if you're trying to bulk because u need a pre workout meal.

2. It's expensive. $40-60 depending on where you get it. That money could be better spent on other sh!t.

3. If you take it too much u sort of get addicted to it. Like, you feel dependant on it in order to get a good workout in. Its just a mental addiction but it does happen. When you run out of it or stop taking it or whatever you'll have a hard time getting motivated to work out because your mind tricks you into thinking you NEED it just to have the energy.