"Nice Guy" Needs help


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, i'm a nice guy that is always stuck being a girls friends, and nothing more. There is this girl that i like and i, made the mistake of telling her how i feel about her, i thought she might be the one, type things. she is a great friends and i don't want to lose her as a friend but i want more then just friendship.

I am such a nice guy that i when can got food for her a few times. i did try not really caring what she thought and it kinda worked from the tips that i have read. But before that i went out with her for a few days and she said she didn't want to go out anymore because there was not chemisty and that we were spending to much time togther. then today i was helping her drive and she asked "what would you say if i wanted to go back out with you?" i said "yes, no wait i don't want this to be another 2 day relatioship"

We are great friends and we get along so well. but she likes this guy that is not going to go out with her anytime soon. And when we are together, we have so much fun. but i have talked to her and she says that she does not like me, but she is giving me mixed signals. I don't want to move on, because i like her and it is hard for me to meet girls. even with reading these tips. should i just wait it out and go after other women, with the intention to be with her. or should i just give up trying to go out with her?



Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
She's lying to you man. she likes you or else you wouldn't be having such a great time together. she's probably just hiding her feelings. If she don't come around, go find other women, and if possible, let her see you having fun with em. ;)


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
I know i have never had such a great time with anyone else, and she has a blast too. we also became friends in like a few day.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Ok here's my two cents. You my friend, need a wake up call. If this sounds harsh, bear in mind that I'm trying to help you.

You've realized that being a nice guy gets you nowhere with women. That's step 1. Step 2 is doing something about it. This is the step you seem to be stuck on, because you are afraid.

At the moment, you think that this girl is your only available option, and you feel that if you get rid of her, you will only make yourself more miserable because there is nothing else out there. THIS IS WRONG.

This girl is USING you as an EMOTIONAL TAMPON. No let me rephrase that, you are letting this girl use you. I'll explain what you are. Whenever this girl feels low about herself, or is having a bad day, she will be around you, giving you so called "mixed signals" because she knows you will always respond to her. By being there for her, and always listening to the b!tch, you are feeding her ego, and making her more emotionally stable. She is using you like a drug, to make herself feel better, to raise her self-esteem, and once it's up, she's gone, using her newly acquired self-esteem to attract another guy.

And you know what? You're the one who is to blame for all this. You're letting yourself get used, like a sucker. Jesus man, you're almost 20 years old, and you're still acting like a little boy about all this, it's time to grow up.

First of all, forget friendship. You will never have a real friendship with this b!tch. As soon as you start seeing her as just a friend and totally forget about dating her, she will start giving you signals again, then once you start responding to them, she will shut you down again.

Second of all, despite your own words, you don't like this girl. She uses you, she doesn't want you, yet as soon as you start moving on with your life, she drags you back into this drama even tho she is not sexually interested in you at all. This girl is eating away at your self-esteem, and is ruining your life. Let me repeat, you don't like her. You think you do, but in reality, you like the idea of who this girl could be, not who she is. All I can say is, stop fantasizing, because this girl wont change, at least not in the next few years. Who knows, maybe once she's 30+ and is a single, used up slut trying to find a nice guy like you to settle down with she will see the error of her ways (too late b!tch!). As it stands now, you can't change this girl, and you can't make her see you as anything more then an emotional tampon.

Your only option is to walk away from her, and never speak to her again. It's not gonna be easy, i'll tell you that. As soon as this girl realizes that you are not interested in her anymore, her self-esteem will plumet. After all, you are her lapdog, the guy that is supposed to follow her around and be infatuated with her even after she kicks you in the testicles day after day. When she realizes that she no longer has your attention, she will do anything to get you interested in her again. She will be nice and sweet, she will give you signal after signal. Don't fall for any of it. Just ignore her, don't give her your time of the day. Because as soon as you show interest in her again, she will use you up, and move on. So:

1.) Don't give her any attention. Talk to other girls, be friendly to everybody except her. If she tries to talk to you, be indifferent and tell her that you don't have time for this. Always find an excuse not to talk to her. Ignore her, no matter how sweet she becomes. You are hurting her ego by not being interested, and she wants to heal her ego, she doesn't give a damn about you.

Kick her out of your life.

2.) Read the DJ Bible. Don't read it all at once but read it day by day, and re-read it. Educate yourself about women and relationships. You will learn why women always treat you as a lapdog, instead of being attracted to you. You will learn how you can change this.

You know that old saying, give a man a fish, and you feed him for the day, but teach him how to fish, and you feed him for life? Well it's like that. All the writtings in the DJ Bible will teach you how to think properly, how to handle women, and how to solve your own problems. In short, it will teach you how to fish.

3.) Start putting the knowledge to use. You can know every little thing that attracts women, but if you don't have the balls to take the step and start talking to them, and practicing everything you learn, then you will never get anywhere.

You have to stop being shy, and introverted around women. Forget all that sh!t about being friends first, then lovers. If you don't let a girl know you're interested in her during the first 5 minutes of meeting her, she will always see you as just a friend. You have to be bold, you have to have balls, and you have to make the first move. It is your job to approach, it is your job to talk to her and make her comfortable, it is your job to ask for the number, it is your job to call her and arrange a date, it is your job to take it to the next level. You don't realize it yet, but you hold all the power in any relationship.

Good luck, and don't talk to this girl anymore.


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
advice from the colla poppa

Mind over matter I don't agree with all of your advice, he shouldn't just leave her. Pay less attention to her yes, but leave her no. Rico said that they hang out and have a good time but I don't think she's using him as an emotional tampon just yet.
Rico, don't jump ship yet. In fact use her, enjoy your good time with her and use that as confidence to get other women. And the key thing is to not always be available because thats when you are her lap dog as Mind over matter stated.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Don't listen to JoeCollaPoppa, he's known for getting beaten up by women. Rico, I like what MindOverMatter said. Don't hang out with her. Don't spend time with her. Don't think about her. If you do think about her, force yourself to think about something (or someone) else. Go meet some new girls, go live your life and have fun without this chick!


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Leave the past in the past

Don't listen to Metal Fortress, by the way, what the hell does this have to do with me getting beat up by women? so I have a weak point,(which i rose above) I still give good advice. You will show this girl that you can last in a relationship. She'll think you a chump if you jump ship cuz she said 1 thing u aint like. Think about it. How many times have your best friends dissed you and possibly talked about your moms? But you forgave them right? you probably didn't even get mad. Im against dropping her but, just distance yourself from her a little more everytime she acts up. This advice is solid. She'll see your change and start to wonder, if she comes to her senses then boom! yall can talk relationship. if she doesn't then bang! some other girl. :D good luck. By the way Rico still likes this girl don't forget that.

True Playa signin off....


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Mind over matter made great points, but the REAL playa would:

1) Drop ALL attachment/infatutation with this chick
2) Use HER for social proof
3) Use HER to meet her hot friends


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Rico,

Since you are new, I'll warn you that most of my advice contradicts what the "DJ Bible" has to say. So it's up to you whether or not you trust my advice enough to take it.

First off, there is nothing wrong with being Nice. But, on this board, "Nice Guy" is a nice way to say "Spineless pusssy". I guess they are used interchangably because it's hard to find a guy who wants to post his problem and start with, "Hi, I am what you would call a spineless pusssy..." Anyway, the point is, don't be confused into thinking that there is something wrong with being a nice person because there is not. A lot of guys fall into that trap and start saying nasty, degrading shyt to women because they fall into the OTHER trap of thinking "Girls like Jerks". So be nice if you want.

The problem comes when you begin *doing* shyt that is not normal and out of the spectrum of "Considerate" just because you think it's going to increase your chances of hooking up with her. BUT, even STILL, that's not going to hurt or increase your chances of hooking up. It's just going to disappoint and confuse you because you're under the impression that if you *do* things (like bring her food or whatever) that she is going to owe you something.

Whether she "likes" you in a sexual way or not, has nothing to do with the food you bring to her, or the compliments you give her, or the notes you write her; food good or worse. It's not going to hurt you as much as it's not going to help you, when it comes to her sexual compulsion towards you. To prove this, that guy that she likes that she has no shot with, if he were to bring hre flowers all of a sudden, is that going ot mean that doesn't want him? Of course not. And a guy that she has, and wants NOTHING to do with, if he becomes a Challenge, or Mystery is she going to give a shyt? Probably not.

Under a normal situation I would tell you to be friends with her. But I don't think that you can do that without getting tangled up again. So just give her the space she wants. She knows how to contact you if she wants to, and she knows where you stand with her. So let her make the next move and dont' suffocate her into making a decision right away. Let it play out as it will.

For the record, I agree with JoeColla. He is saying to stay friends with her because jumping ship completely and throwing a hissy fit by not talking to her all of a sudden is going to reveal JUST how much she flipped him upside down.

The other guys are saying, "drop her, use her for social proof yada yada", but I don't agree with that. Do your thing and let it play out naturally.



Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
actually you are right... In my mind, unless a ***** hits me, just deciding not talking to anyone anymore is the most immature thing you can do. I mean, think about it. "hey, you hurt my feelings. I don't want to be your friend any more."

Just move on. Get other girls. Watch how she becomes less and less important naturally. You will start to compare her with women that you are getting good vibes from and see that she isn't worth it, and she will start to notice that you finally realized that as well.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
MindOverMatter has given you the best advice- it may not be what you wanted to hear but it is what you needed to hear. Now its just a matter of weather you choose to listen!

You can be friends with her again sometime in the future but it has to be after you are completely over her and have moved on!

By saying that she coud have been "the one" shows oneitis and prooves that you need to WALK AWAY. No hissy fits, just a change of venue. Your life- your choice of what you do. But you asked for advice and MindOverMatter has given you gold- I think you should print out his reply and read it every morning until you are free from the grasp of "the one".


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
MindOverMatter is the shiznit...

listen to him....he took the time and effort to help you and give you correct advice....count yourself lucky...

also there is a wealth of information on Dj-tip, archives and the bible...
do a search and get reading/cracking


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
All these nice guy stories sound the same after a while

As for me, been there done that. & now i know better :cool:


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Hey Buddy!!

I Agree with the Damnbugs.
MindOverMatter is right on the Money.
And his advice is right that you should take the print of MindOverMater's advice and read it many times a day!!

YOu need to get out of **** or use it to your advantage!!

Keep it up MindOverMatter!!
I appreciate it, it did help me too!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by chicksrock
MindOverMatter is the shiznit...

listen to him....he took the time and effort to help you and give you correct advice....count yourself lucky...

also there is a wealth of information on Dj-tip, archives and the bible...
do a search and get reading/cracking
does she really have all that you are looking for? Rate her, with things that you look for in a WOMAN. I gurarantee you she isn't as high as you thought